I was pretty much wondering what I could do to upgrade my gear on my hammerdin. Im in a slight sticky situation where right now I got max resist in hell (75) and doing pretty good, but my Hoto (38% ra) is on a diff char because I switched to wizspike for 75 resist.
My gear is
stealskull 59%mf
Mosers blessed circle (63%ra)
Wizspike (75%ra)
Aracnid mesh
chance guard 38% mf
war traveler 36%mf
Ravenfrost/magic ring 25%mf (I have a bul kathos, but ive been tryin to get xtra in the mf)
and mara ammy, 24% ra
2 +1 cb skill GCs and Gheeds
I'd like to switch to my hoto, but need to come up with xtra 40% Resist all, I was thinkin about a different helm, I suppose a rare with +2/ + RA would be ideal, but unlikely, im on the rich end of poor, or pooor end of semi rich lol
I'd like to keep it mf focused if possible, but have been coming to conclusion if I sacrafice some for some key items, I could probably increase damage and more runs = better drops hopefully? :-D I do 5.7-5.9k damage per hammer atm, not too bad.
And sorry if this is wrong area for this, im not sure
I'd like a herald of zakarum but unsure of the price|||There are several guides for Hammerdins.
You have too little FCR. Spirit is the best shield for a Hammerdin. Get an Anni and Torch and your resists will be fine. And Harlequin, of course. HOTO + Spirit = 75 FCR.
That's an extra 8 skills right there. Well, 11 with HOTO. Arach can be replaced with Verdungo, or TGod's, or Credendum, or Goldwrap, whatever you want. So +10 skills.|||I've read through a few of the builds, I acctually built mine off one of them and used close to there recomended gear, but then modified it >.> But I completely forgot about the FCR (Haven't played much since 08). I should have just reread abunch of the guides, but I was interested in anyones opinion outside of a guide and yours was right up my alley. So thank you
I'm gonna try your advice there. I got an eth harlequin I haven't been using cuz its etheral and I don't want it to be destroyed lol, but It might as well get used, and I might have a credendum too. Thanks again, hopefully should work out grand :P|||When I MF on my HDin, heres what I use:
Ptopaz Shako (or Ist if you want)
Um'd HoZ
War Travs
Dual SoJ
I don't worry about the FCR when I MF becuase I run the bosses. Between my Merc and Me, I just stomp what I want to kill and 1 Hammer does the trick. In the case of Bosses I never have any issues and it just takes a bit longer (I rarely use my Hdin to MF anymore)
His normal gear goes as follows:
Shako Ptopazed
Um'd HoZ
Eth Treks (regulars are fine)
Dual SoJ
180/20 torch (where I get my resists)
19/20 anni (where I get my resists)
Eventually I'll get a 2/20/2 Circlet and a 2 pally 20 fcr ammy. Then I'll take the 'Spirit' off switch and use it as main for max fcr.
In response to your resists with a Hoto, Just get a Shako and Um it. Both are fairly easy to obtain.|||Quote:
I was pretty much wondering what I could do to upgrade my gear on my hammerdin. Im in a slight sticky situation where right now I got max resist in hell (75) and doing pretty good, but my Hoto (38% ra) is on a diff char because I switched to wizspike for 75 resist.
My gear is
stealskull 59%mf
Mosers blessed circle (63%ra)
Wizspike (75%ra)
Aracnid mesh
chance guard 38% mf
war traveler 36%mf
Ravenfrost/magic ring 25%mf (I have a bul kathos, but ive been tryin to get xtra in the mf)
and mara ammy, 24% ra
2 +1 cb skill GCs and Gheeds
I'd like to switch to my hoto, but need to come up with xtra 40% Resist all, I was thinkin about a different helm, I suppose a rare with +2/ + RA would be ideal, but unlikely, im on the rich end of poor, or pooor end of semi rich lol
I'd like to keep it mf focused if possible, but have been coming to conclusion if I sacrafice some for some key items, I could probably increase damage and more runs = better drops hopefully? :-D I do 5.7-5.9k damage per hammer atm, not too bad.
And sorry if this is wrong area for this, im not sure
I'd like a herald of zakarum but unsure of the price
[coolface] Check beefyleader's guide [/coolface]
On a serious note.
The only real good mod on stealskull is mf, I'd swap it for a shako (2 skills, nice life/mana boost, 50mf, 10dr) and socket it with ptopaz or um/resist jewel.
Swap wiz/mosers for hoto/hoz, it will give you a huge damage boost and you won't lose that much resist..socket the hoz with um or pdiamond (hoz isn't that expensive for a low one).
With you current setup you don't hit the 75fcr breakpoint, swap your chance guards for trang's gloves or magefists. Then you will have 40 from hoto, 20 from arach, and 20 from gloves, and you'll be able to tele at a reasonable speed. You could also always swap the hoz for a spirit shield, and work out a different setup to hit the 75fcr breakpoint.
If you still want mf get yourself some mf charms, and try to swap your 25mf ring for a 30 nagel.|||What he said ^^|||I'll just tell you the gear of my old mf hdin:
shako p topaz
31 hoto
enigma mp
hoz p diamond
45 war travs
nagel 29
nagel 25
Inventory had a p torch, anni, 36 gheeds, and i think 7 or 8 mf scs since I have not had luck getting more.|||Hey just a question regarding hoto not really worth another thread:
What is it best made on? I have a 4os devine scepter with +2 to blessed hammer, would it make a worthy Hoto?|||Staves and Maces only, I don't think scepters fall into that.
Its usually made in flails (normal) for the low requirments.
If you wanted to be cool, you can make it in an ethereal flail.|||Quote:
Staves and Maces only, I don't think scepters fall into that.
Its usually made in flails (normal) for the low requirments.
If you wanted to be cool, you can make it in an ethereal flail.
Hmm, I just checked this "divine scepter" and it says its a mace class. I'm thinking though that there is no actual "scepter class" and according to Arreats:
Maces = Mace, Morning Star, Flail, and Exceptional/Elite versions. This does not include any other types of Maces. Make sure you read about Hammers above. They are not "maces" in the case of Runewords.
Tis a damn shame.