By Lanceor
Guide version: 2.0 10th September 2007
Diablo II Patch: 1.11b
Update: 6th September 2010 for patch 1.13.
- Introduction
- A Primer for Newbies
- Definitions
- Weapons to use against Physical Immunes
- Rift Scepter, possibly with Conviction (A+)
- Voice of Reason (A)
- Azurewrath (A)
- Dream Shield (and Helmet) (B+)
- Gimmershred (B)
- Lawbringer (B)
- Famine (C)
- Demon’s Arch (C)
- Tiamat's Rebuke (C)
- Baranar's Star (C)
- Kingslayer Berserker Axe (C-)
- Passion Berserker Axe (C-)
- Hellrack (D)
- Hand of Justice Phase Blade + Dragon Shield (D)
- Various Rare/Magic Weapons (B to D)
- Rift Scepter, possibly with Conviction (A+)
- Weapons to use while Iron Maidened (Obsolete as of patch 1.13)
- Demon’s Arch (A to B-)
- Windforce (A)
- Lacerator (B+ to B-)
- Gimmershred (B)
- Warshrike (A- to B-)
- Upgraded Buriza-Do Kyanon (B)
- Passion Berserker Axe (C)
- Hellrack (D)
- Widowmaker (D)
- Rift Scepter (D)
- Various Rare/Magic Weapons (B to E)
- Demon’s Arch (A to B-)
- Conclusion (Skip to here if you are lazy.)
- Thanks
1. Introduction
There have been a lot of questions from aspiring Fanaticism Zealots about what weapons to use when confronting Physical Immunes and when afflicted by the Iron Maiden Curse. This guide aims to be a reference for whenever those questions are asked.
I personally tested all the weapons described here, many on For the weapons that I did not have access to on the realms, I used an editor to create the weapons on Single Player. Not every single weapon is represented here, though most of the popular or interesting ones should be.
While this guide was written with physical damage Zealots in mind, the information will be useful to other melee builds/classes as well. I have made the assumption that most Zealots will want Life Tap running whenever possible, and have avoided weapons that break immunities by using curses.
These recommendations reflect my experiences with each weapon. As play styles and builds vary, what works best for me may not be the same for everyone, so feel free to use whatever weapon you are most comfortable with, even if I rated it poorly.
2. A Primer for Newbies
Skip this section if you already know what Zealots are and the difficulties they face against Physical Immunes and Iron Maiden.
Physical Damage Zealots, also known as Fanazealots, 1pt Smiters or simply Zealots are a melee Paladin build that maximizes physical damage. They use the skill Zeal which delivers five rapid melee attacks and Fanaticism, an aura that increases speed and damage. Because of their focus on physical damage, they have great difficulty dealing with monsters that are immune to physical attacks (Physical Immunes, or PI's).
This section is now out of date as of patch 1.13.
Oblivion Knights are a type of monster that appear in Diablo’s lair in Act 4 and Baal’s lair in act 5. They cast a variety of curses, one of which is called Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden (IM for short) multiplies and reflects any physical melee damage back to the attacker. With their fast, high physical-damage attacks, attacking while under the influence of IM is usually instantly fatal for a Zealot.
3. Definitions
Physical Damage:
Average physical damage per hit. This is based on a Paladin with Level 25 Fanaticism (plus any skills the weapon grants), Level 25 Zeal fully synergized, 150 strength, 150 Dexterity and no other sources of enhanced damage.
Elemental/Magic Damage:
Average non-physical damage per hit.
Attack speed:
Number of frames for each attack. This will normally be the Zeal speed or the firing/throwing rate with no IAS from other items. Skills such as Zeal will be shown in the format 9/5 which represents regular/follow-up attack speed. Fanaticism is assumed to be at level 25 plus any bonuses from the weapon. Uniques/rares will be socketed with one or more Shael runes if it will reach the next breakpoint. The text will elaborate on this.
Damage per second:
This is the average damage per second assuming all hits connect. Physical and elemental damage are calculated separately.
A is superior, B is very good, C is acceptable. Weapons with a rating of D are of limited usefulness, and E is considered completely unusable.
4. Weapons to use against Physical Immunes
Any weapon that produces elemental damage can be used to dispose of physical immune monsters. As there are so many, I've only described the most popular, effective or interesting ones.
4a. Rift Scepter (possibly with Conviction)
Hel + Ko + Lem + Gul
20% Chance To Cast Level 16 Tornado On Striking
16% Chance To Cast Level 21 Frozen Orb On Attack
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
Adds 160-250 Magic Damage
Adds 60-180 Fire Damage
+5-10 To All Stats (varies)
+10 To Dexterity
38% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 15 Iron Maiden (40 Charges)
Requirements -20%
Base item may have +1-3 to Conviction
Elemental/Magic Damage:
325 + Level 21 Frozen Orb (+ Conviction if available)
Attack Speed:
13/7 fpa (Zeal using Conviction)
10/5 fpa (Zeal using Fanaticism)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
991 + 1 Frozen Orb every 2 seconds + Conviction
1354.5 + 1 Frozen Orb every 1.5 seconds (using Fanaticism)
A+ if it has Conviction
A if it does not
What makes Rift really shine is the chance to cast Frozen Orb on attack (whether the attack hits or not). Frozen Orb is a superb crowd chilling and killing skill and is great for dealing with large groups of physical immunes. One Orb will often wipe out an entire pack of weaker monsters such as Black Locusts.
Unlike a Zealot’s normal attack, Frozen Orb’s damage is spread over an area. This takes a bit of getting used to if you're used to monsters queuing up and dying at your feet. "Regular" weapons may fare better against single immune monsters for this reason.
It is theoretically possible to find (though not shop for) a white scepter with +1 to +3 to Conviction, a very useful aura that reduces your enemies' elemental resistances, exponentially increasing the elemental damage they take. A level 21 Frozen Orb with Conviction is as strong as an untwinked Meteorb's Frozen Orb - quite amazing for a melee character. However, without any Increased Attack Speed and running Conviction instead of Fanaticism, the weapon is slow, though not unplayably so unless under the effects of Holy Freeze or Decrepify. Given the difficulty in obtaining a white scepter with Conviction, and rolling exactly four sockets using the Horadric Cube formula, a Conviction Rift is a rare and prized weapon indeed.
4b. Voice of Reason (Phase Blade)
Lem + Ko + El + Eld
15% Chance To Cast Level 13 Frozen Orb On Striking
18% Chance To Cast Level 20 Ice Blast On Striking
+50 To Attack Rating
+220-350% Damage To Demons
+355-375% Damage To Undead (varies)
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 100-220 Cold Damage
-24% To Enemy Cold Resistance
+10 To Dexterity
Cannot Be Frozen
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
+1 To Light Radius
Elemental/magic Damage:
160 + -24% Cold Resistance + Level 13 Frozen Orb + Level 20 Ice Blast
Attack Speed:
9/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/magic Damage per second:
689.5 + Frozen Orb every 1.45 seconds + Ice Blast Every 1.08 seconds
Voice of Reason is very similar to Rift in that its primary attack is Frozen Orb. While it cannot be made in a Scepter with Conviction, it can be made in a Phase Blade allowing for a much faster attack speed; a further 10% IAS will allow it to reach the 4 fpa Zeal breakpoint. Despite a lower level Frozen Orb than Rift, killing speed is fairly equivalent thanks to the -24% to enemy cold resistance.
While Voice of Reason triggers it effects on Striking rather than Attack, is generally not an issue. Between maxed Zeal and Fanaticism, Zealots seldom have difficulty hitting things.
4c. Azurewrath
Unique Phase Blade
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 250-500 Magic Damage
Adds 250-500 Cold Damage, 10 sec. Duration (Normal)
+1 To All Skills
+5-10 To All Attributes (varies)
Level 10-13 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped (varies)
+3 To Light Radius
Elemental/magic Damage:
750 + Sanctuary Aura
Attack Speed:
8/4 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
The fabled sword of Tyreal himself, supposedly lost in the pit at Tal Rasha's tomb. (Why didn’t he just pick it up with one of his tentacles?) This weapon has a massive elemental/magical damage output and is fast enough to hit the last Zeal breakpoint even with a low level Fanaticism. It is actually better than Rift or Voice of Reason against single targets (though the Orb weapons are superior against crowds).
Azurewrath's physical damage is fairly respectable, so overall its killing speed is very fast, perhaps half that of Grief depending on the enemy. The Sanctuary aura reduces the physical resistance of undead to zero, so this blade mows them down like grass. Azurewrath is actually a very good primary weapon if you don’t have access to Grief/Death/eBotDz or any of the other Zealot favorites.
4d. Dream Shield (and Helmet)
Io + Jah + Pul
10% Chance To Cast Level 15 Confuse When Struck
Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped
+20-30% Faster Hit Recovery (varies)
+30% Enhanced Defense
+150-220 Defense (varies)
+10 To Vitality
Increase Maximum Life 5% (Helms Only)
+50 To Life (Shields Only)
+0.625-61.875 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
All Resistances +5-20 (varies)
12-25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)
Elemental/magic Damage:
324.5 + 54.5 pulse damage/second (834.5 + 139.5 pulse if helm included)
Attack Speed:
As per weapon, potentially 8/4 fpa
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
4486 with helm included
Dream is a rune word that can be made in either a shield or a helm. Using just the shield "on switch" will give you a level 15 Holy Shock aura for respectable lightning damage. This damage is added to whatever weapon you are using so it becomes quite phenomenal when paired with a weapon like Rift or Azurewrath. Dream has a couple of disadvantages though: its chance to cast Confuse when struck will override Life Tap and it does not provide +skills for a Holy Shield prebuff.
If you equip both a Dream helm and Shield, the levels of the auras add together for a level 30 Holy Shock for Tesladin levels of lightning damage. However, by using Dream as your primary helmet, you may lose melee bonuses such as crushing blow or damage reduction. It would be possible to keep a Dream helm in your inventory and swap it in when you encounter physical immunes, but between lag and the chaos of melee, it may prove impractical.
As a final note, if you don't have a high elemental damage weapon, Dream works very well when paired with a Crescent Moon phase blade (Shael + Um + Tir) thanks to its -35% to lightning resistance.
4e. Gimmershred
Unique Flying Axe
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 218-483 Fire Damage
Adds 29-501 Lightning Damage
Adds 176-397 Cold Damage, 4 sec. Duration (Normal)
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Increased Stack Size [60]
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
While best known as a throwing weapon, it is also very effective when using Zeal. It sports the highest non CtC elemental damage per attack of all the weapons in the guide. Its only letdown is that it will require a lot of Increased Attack Speed from your equipment to be able to reach the last Zeal breakpoint.
4f. Lawbringer Phase Blade
Amn + Lem + Ko
20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Decrepify On Striking
Level 16-18 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped (varies)
-50% Target Defense
Adds 150-210 Fire Damage
Adds 130-180 Cold Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slain Monsters Rest In Peace
+200-250 Defense Vs. Missile (varies)
+10 To Dexterity
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Elemental/magic Damage:
335 + Sanctuary
Attack Speed:
9/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
1444 + Sanctuary
This inexpensive rune word is like Azurewrath’s little brother. It sports some elemental damage as well as the Sanctuary aura that makes the undead easy work. It is stronger than Gimmershred against undead, but weaker against other monster types.
It has the Slain Monsters Rest In Peace attribute, which makes it useful against Nihlathak or those pesky charging skeletons that refuse to stay dead. Lawbringer also has a chance to cast Decrepify – while this can be considered good as it may break the physical immunity of many monsters, it overrides/is overwritten by Life tap which can be annoying.
4g. Famine Axe/Hammer
Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+320-370% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 180-200 Magic Damage
Adds 50-200 Fire Damage
Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-200 Cold Damage
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
A solid weapon that deals both elemental and physical damage and makes a good primary weapon. However, for the cost of two high runes, there are more cost effective choices for dealing with physical immunes. It is best made in a Berserker Axe, though if made in a War Spike, a further 9% IAS from other gear will get you to the 4 fpa breakpoint.
4h. Demon's Arch
Unique Balrog Spear
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 232-323 Fire Damage
Adds 23-333 Lightning Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
6-12% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
Like Gimmershred, Demon’s Arch is best known as a throwing weapon, but can also be used to Zeal. Slower speed and lower elemental/magical damage than the other weapons reviewed means that it will work in a pinch, but it will take a long time to kill physical immune bosses and large crowds.
4i. Tiamat's Rebuke
Unique Dragon Shield
+140-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Adds 27-53 Cold Damage - 6 Second Duration
Adds 35-95 Fire Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
3% Chance To Cast Level 6 Hydra When Struck
5% Chance To Cast Level 7 Nova When Struck
5% Chance To Cast Level 9 Frost Nova When Struck
All Resistances +25-35% (varies)
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
As per weapon, potentially 8/4 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
This is actually a shield and not a weapon. It adds elemental damage to your attacks so it is worth a mention here. The added elemental damage is actually not all that great; however it is in addition to whatever weapon you are using, making it a good choice together with your elemental damage weapon switch. Its only drawback is that it will take the place of your shield on switch, potentially at a loss of +skills or other benefits.
4j. Baranar’s Star
Unique Devil Star
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
An old favorite, and was once considered an endgame weapon, but now unfortunately overshadowed by the powerful crop of 1.10 weapons. Thanks to its 50% IAS, it reaches the 5 frame breakpoint for Zeal when used with a high level Fanaticism. If a Shael rune is added, a further 10% - 16% IAS (depending on Fanaticism level) from other equipment will let you reach a 4 frame Zeal.
4k. Kingslayer Berserker Axe
Mal + Um + Gul + Fal
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Vengeance
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9 fpa
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
If you've ever thought about putting a point in Vengeance, this rune word illustrates why it is not considered a great idea. Kingslayer gives the oskill Vengeance, a skill that adds Fire, Cold and Lightning damage to your attacks. Unfortunately, the damage bonuses from Fanaticism and Zeal do not factor in to Vengeance, resulting in less than stellar elemental damage.
* Assumes character has +5 to all skills for a Vengeance level of 6.
4l. Passion (Berserker Axe)
Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem
+25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To Berserk
+1 To Zeal
Hit Blinds Target +10
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges)
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9 fpa (Berserk) for berserker axe
Elemental/magic damage per second:
The key to this weapon is the oskill Berserk, which is an attack that converts all your physical damage to magical damage, while dropping your defense to zero.
Berserk does not work as well for Paladins as it does for Barbarians. Why? Barbarians can use their primary, high damage weapon, and thanks to Battle Orders and higher innate toughness, can survive with zero defense for that much longer.
I found Berserk excellent against single monsters, but even small groups could damage me sufficiently that I had to back off and heal after every two or three hits. Wraiths and other mana-drainers will drive you crazy, as zero defense almost guarantees getting hit and mana drained, rendering Berserk unusable. Other players have given very positive reports for Passion so your mileage may vary.
* Assumes character has +5 to all skills for a Berserk level of 6.|||4m. Hellrack
Unique Colossus Crossbow
+180-230% Enhanced Damage (varies)
100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 63-324 Fire Damage
Adds 63-324 Lightning Damage
Adds 63-324 Cold Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Level 18 Immolation Arrow (150 charges)
Socketed (2)
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
12 fpa (Shaeled)
Elemental/Magic Damage per second:
The bolts from this powerful crossbow pack a heavy elemental punch. However, with its slow speed, its damage per second output falls well below some of the other weapons in this list. One Shael will get it to the 12 fpa breakpoint. A resistance jewel would be logical for the second socket. If you have wealth to burn, you could consider two IAS/resist jewels.
For a Zealot, its greatest drawback is that it is two handed, which means you cannot use a shield. This means loss of resistances, defense, blocking and bonuses from Holy Shield.
I could imagine it being an awesome weapon for a Multishot Bowazon with 100% pierce and an Infinity wielding mercenary, but for a non specialized bowyer like a Zealot, this weapon fails to live up to its full potential.
4n. Hand of Justice Phase Blade + Dragon Shield
Hand of Justice: Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo
100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
Dragon: Sur + Lo + Sol
20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck
12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking
Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+360 Defense
+230 Defense Vs. Missile
+3-5 To All Attributes (varies)
+0.375-37.125 To Strength (Based on Character Level)
Increase Maximum Mana 5% (Armor Only)
+50 To Mana (Shields Only)
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Damage Reduced by 7
Elemental/magic Damage:
267 + 44.5 pulse damage
Attack Speed:
9/5 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/magic Damage per second:
Holy Fire is used to great effect in Sir SDG's Torchadin. However, even he admits that to be effective, it needs to be at level 44, fully synergized and supported by a high level Conviction aura. Given the paltry damage and exorbitant cost, stay well away from these two rune words unless you're making a Torchadin or Auradin. Useless fact: either Hand of Justice or Dragon used individually will do around 400 elemental damage per second.
4o. Various Rare/Magic Weapons
Potential Prefixes:
170-240 Fire Damage
45-140 Cold Damage
1-480 Lightning damage
275 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
Potential Suffixes:
20-75 Fire Damage
9-50 Cold Damage
6-120 Lightning
100 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
Elemental/magic Damage:
Potentially 678 (not including poison)
Attack Speed:
Potentially 8/4 fpa (Zeal)
Elemental/magic Damage per second:
4237 (not including poison)
B to D
Magic weapons can spawn with one prefix and suffix, while rares can spawn with three of each. In general, rares will not perform as well as the various uniques and rune words available. A hypothetical perfect rare Phase Blade socketed with a Shael could achieve elemental damage approaching that of a Gimmershred, but would be rarer than a Zod rune. Should you find a suitable looking rare, compare its elemental damage output with other weapons in this guide to estimate its effectiveness.
4. Weapons to Use While Iron Maidened
With the removal of Iron Maiden from the Oblivion Knights' arsenal in patch 1.13, this entire section is now obsolete.
Any ranged weapon can be used without fear of the damage return while under the Iron Maiden curse. Again, there are numerous weapons that can be used, but this guide highlights the most popular, effective or interesting choices.
5a. Demon's Arch
Unique Balrog Spear
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 232-323 Fire Damage
Adds 23-333 Lightning Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
6-12% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
Physical damage:
1704.5 ethereal
1133.5 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10 fpa (Throw)
Physical damage per second:
4261 ethereal
2834 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic damage per second:
A if ethereal
B- of non-ethereal
As far as I'm aware, an ethereal Demon’s Arch produces the highest physical damage per second of any Unique thrown weapon (there may be some godly rares that exceed it though). Zealots use a variety of auras and equipment to increase physical damage, so it's no surprise the Demon's Arch comes up tops as a ranged weapon for a Zealot. It will normally kill an Oblivion Knight in 3 to 4 hits in a one player game.
Although the ethereal version replenishes quantity, it cannot be repaired. With a stack size of 80, it is possible to run out of Javelins after a period of very heavy combat. In Baal runs where the other team members don’t have much killing ability and I have to throw a lot of javelins, I would run out after two consecutive runs. Non-ethereal versions are less damaging of course, but can be repaired with a quick trip back to town.
5b. Windforce
Unique Hydra Bow
+250% Enhanced Damage
+ (3.125 Per Character Level) 3-309 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
20% Increased Attack Speed
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Heal Stamina Plus 30%
+10 To Strength
+5 To Dexterity
Physical damage:
1904 at level 85
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10 fpa
Physical damage per second:
4760 at level 85
Elemental/magic damage per second:
The numbers say it all - average of 4760 points of physical damage per second. A Shael rune plus an extra 10-12% IAS from other equipment will increase speed to 9 frames per attack, increasing damage per second to 5289 and making it the fastest way for a Zealot to take out an Oblivion Knight while Iron Maidened short of being loaded with die Facets. Knockback turns out to be surprisingly useful, far more so than the Freezes Target mod on the Buriza-do Kyanon. Because it uses arrows, running out of ammunition is never a problem unlike the throwing weapons.
The main negative to Windforce is that it is two-handed. Not using a shield means you miss out on resistances, defense and +skills. Windforce is also an exceedingly expensive and difficult to obtain weapon; compare that with an ethereal Demon's Limb which I have seen players throw away. Given its cost, many will say that a Windforce is wasted on anything other than a Bowazon. But for our purposes, it is simply one of the very best ranged weapons for a Zealot.
5c. Warshrike
Unique Winged Knife
+200-250% Enhanced Damage (varies)
50% Deadly Strike
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Piercing Attack [50]
25% Chance To Cast Level 9 Nova On Striking
Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
Physical damage:
1747.5 ethereal
1172 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9 fpa (Throw)
Physical damage per second:
4854 ethereal
3255 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic damage per second:
A- if ethereal
B- if non-ethereal
Thanks to its 50% Deadly Strike, a Warshrike will take down an Oblivion Knight almost as fast as a Demon's Arch. Its Piercing attack is actually quite useful, as you can attempt to throw the knife through a Doom Knight though it is unlikely to pierce through a crowd of course. The chance to cast Nova is only eye-candy really. With its downwards stabbing motion, the Warshrike will score you major style points when used in melee. Interesting fact: throwing knives and axes have about half the range of javelins.
5d. Lacerator
Unique Winged Axe
+150-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+30% Increased Attack Speed
33% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 50%
33% Chance To Cast Level 3 Amplify Damage On Striking
Replenishes Quantity [1 in 4 sec.]
Physical damage:
1094 ethereal
730.5 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9 fpa (Throw)
Physical damage per second:
3039 ethereal
2029 non-ethereal
Elemental/magic damage per second:
B+ ethereal
B- non-ethereal
The Lacerator is a solid throwing weapon. Its most useful feature is surprisingly the chance to cause monsters to flee, which helps keep monsters away from you while you're unable to Zeal. Amplify Damage sounds good, but I found that it rarely activated. It also cancels out/is cancelled out by Life Tap and Hit Causes Monster to Flee.
5e. Gimmershred
Unique Flying Axe
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 218-483 Fire Damage
Adds 29-501 Lightning Damage
Adds 176-397 Cold Damage, 4 sec. Duration (Normal)
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Increased Stack Size [240]
Physical damage:
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10 fpa (Throw)
Physical damage per second:
Elemental/magic damage per second:
Gimmershred produces a very high elemental damage output and will take out an Oblivion Knight in 3 to 5 hits in a one player game. Its stack size of 240 means that it is near impossible to run out of axes. One small minus to this weapon is that Oblivion Knights are cold immune, rendering a chunk of the damage it produces ineffectual. Because Gimmershred does not replenish quantity, ethereal versions are not practical.
5f. Upgraded Buriza-do Kyanon
Unique Ballista upgraded to Colossus Crossbow
+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+ (2.5 Per Character Level) 2-247 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
Adds 32-196 Cold Damage - 8 Second Duration
Piercing Attack (100)
Freezes Target +3
+75-150 Defense (varies)
+35 to Dexterity
80% Increased Attack Speed
Physical damage:
2042.5 at level 85
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
11 fpa
Physical damage per second:
4642 at level 85
Elemental/magic damage per second:
Many of you will have fond memories (or nightmares) of the Buriza-do Kyanon "Blizzard Cannon" from patch 1.09. For those that have just joined us, read this hilarious "guide" to see how it earned its infamy. Looking at the above numbers, you can see that it has a tremendous physical damage output (although an ethereal Demon's Arch will do about the same damage if you have +skills on your shield). Its 100% pierce allows you to target Oblivion Knights through a crowd, and its ability to freeze targets in between is a bonus.
Unfortunately, it did not perform as well in testing as the numbers indicate. The Freeze Target attribute proved to be very unreliable; Doom Knights were seldom standing at the right angle for the bolt to pass through them. Meanwhile, I was getting clobbered from loss of defense and blocking. Still, it is an interesting and effective weapon worth dusting off if you have one muled away somewhere.
5g. Passion Berserker Axe
Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem
+25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To Berserk
+1 To Zeal
Hit Blinds Target +10
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges)
Physical damage:
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
9 fpa (Berserk) for berserker axe
Physical damage per second:
Elemental/magic damage per second:
As described before, the key to this weapon is the oskill Berserk, an attack that converts all your physical damage to magical damage. It takes 4-5 hits to take out an Oblivion Knight so it is actually no faster than Gimmershred or an Ethereal Demon’s Arch. While attacking, your defense will be zero and you will take very heavy damage.
In practice, if you can isolate the Oblivion Knight, you will have no worries taking him out while Iron Maidened. However, if there are two or three Doom Knights around, you will probably not be able to finish off the Oblivion Knight before having to retreat and drink a potion.
* Assumes character has +5 to all skills for a Berserk level of 6.
5h. Hellrack
Unique Colossus Crossbow
+180-230% Enhanced Damage (varies)
100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 63-324 Fire Damage
Adds 63-324 Lightning Damage
Adds 63-324 Cold Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Level 18 Immolation Arrow (150 charges)
Socketed (2)
Physical damage:
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
12 fpa (Shaeled)
Physical damage per second:
Elemental/magic damage per second:
Hellrack produces a little more damage per second than a non-ethereal Demon's Arch. Like mentioned before, what lets it down that using a two handed weapon precludes using a shield, and the loss of resistances are particularly bad when fighting Oblivion Knights. It is still better than being one-hit-killed by Iron Maiden obviously.
5i. Widowmaker
Unique Ward Bow
+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
33% Deadly Strike
+3-5 To Guided Arrow* (varies)
Fires Magic Arrows (Level 11)
Physical damage:
Elemental/magic Damage:
Attack Speed:
10 fpa
Physical damage per second:
Elemental/magic Damage per second:
Almost any ranged weapon can be used safely while Iron Maidened and Widowmaker is just one of them. As you can see, without Amazon skills, damage from bows is generally not great when used by a Zealot.
5j. Rift War Scepter
Hel + Ko + Lem + Gul
20% Chance To Cast Level 16 Tornado On Striking
16% Chance To Cast Level 21 Frozen Orb On Attack
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
Adds 160-250 Magic Damage
Adds 60-180 Fire Damage
+5-10 To All Stats (varies)
+10 To Dexterity
38% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 15 Iron Maiden (40 Charges)
Requirements -20%
Physical damage:
144.5 (Zeal)
Elemental/magic Damage:
325 + Level 21 Frozen Orb
Attack Speed:
10/5 fpa (Zeal)
Physical damage per second:
623 (Zeal)
Elemental/magic damage per second:
1354.5 + 1 Frozen Orb every 1.5 seconds (using Fanaticism)
While I don’t recommend Rift as a backup weapon when Iron Maidened, I have included it in this guide as it has been mentioned in this context before. IntelligentX in his Riftadin guide advocates the use of a War Scepter as a base weapon for Rift. The theory is that because it is a low damage weapon, you will not kill yourself when damage is reflected back.
Unlike a Riftadin however, a Zealot will typically max Zeal and its synergies, have a Fanaticism Aura and have an equipment setup that increases damage, often by over 1000%. Iron Maiden will return that 623 physical damage per second like a boomerang - ouch! With 1600 health, my Zealot was able to survive only one Zeal while Iron Maidened, unlike a Riftadin who can survive several.
The final disadvantage is that Oblivion Knights are cold immune, so Frozen Orb is little or no use against them.
In summary, while Zealing with a Rift War Scepter is not instantly lethal when Iron Maidened, it not a viable solution against Oblivion Knights.
5k. Various Rare/Magic Melee Weapons
Potential Prefixes:
170-240 Fire Damage
45-140 Cold Damage
1-480 Lightning damage
275 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
Potential Suffixes:
20-75 Fire Damage
9-50 Cold Damage
6-120 Lightning
100 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
Physical damage:
28 (Dagger)
Elemental/magic Damage:
Potentially 678 (not including poison)
Attack Speed:
Potentially 8/4 fpa (Zeal)
Physical damage per second:
Elemental/magic Damage per second:
3531.5 (not including poison)
B to E
Magic weapons can spawn with one prefix and suffix, while Rares can spawn with three of each. A hypothetical perfect rare Dagger or Wand would do very little physical damage, yet produce massive elemental damage. Keep in mind, even with the lowest damage dagger, you will still be doing hundreds of points of damage to yourself.
6. Conclusion - Lanceor's Picks
Best Weapon against physical immunes:
Rift Scepter, especially with Conviction, or Azurewrath
Best weapon when Iron Maidened:
Ethereal Demon's Arch or Windforce
Best compromise for both physical immunes and Iron Maiden:
Gimmershred or Demon's Arch (distant second)
7. Thanks
Although I put finger to keyboard for this guide, I gained most of the information from other forum members. In particular, Kingdryland with his wonderful 1pt Smiter guide started the current Zealot craze, and all the posters who contributed to that 100+ page thread added their snippets to the knowledge pool. Also, IntelligentX wrote a very useful guide for Paladins using the Rift rune word.
After reading version 1.0 of this guide, the forum members have proved that twenty heads are better than one and came up with a number of great suggestions and ideas. Most of the new content for version 2.0 of the guide was suggested by other forum members. In addition, Delreich, zarirazz and ImmaMechE helped me with some critical information about Zeal speeds.
I obtained much of the data from the famous German Weapon Speed Calculator and Damage Calculator at These folks there run an excellent website and are nice enough to translate some of their most useful pages into English.
Last but not least, I thank you the reader for reading my guide. I hope you enjoyed it and hope it saves you from tearing your hair out because of Wraiths and Oblivion Knights.

When using gimmers to throw in IM areas, there is no lifetap so the one point into redemtion works wonders to recover life from all the bodies that you will be dropping with lvl 30 holy shock from dual dreams, that are not lightning immune like the OK's. Anything else that that is left standing dies rather quickly from a couple gimmers thrown at em at max conviction.
There are only 3 places where this is absolutly necessary. Chaos Sanctuary, Worldstone keep lvl 3 and the Worldstone Chamber. You should go into the last 2 mentioned areas with your anti-IM strategy in place as you enter till you see 3 different types of monsters and can determine that that none of them are OK's. one that is done you can switch and zeal at will because only 3 different monster types spawn in WK's at random each game.
CTC Confuse is definately a benefit here not a hinderance to keep em away from you fighting each other till they die from you and your sexy babe merc.
Other than that, GJ man! Love your stuffs.|||Thanks for the comments.

The intent of the guide is a simple weapon switch for a physical damage Zealot, rather than suggest a different build. For those with the wealth to build one, a Whateverdin will dispatch physical immunes and work under IM far, far better than a regular FanaZealot (as will just about anything else).
That being said though, I did mention Dream as it is a very good option - my only reservations about it are that it will take the place of other Shields (such as Exile, Sanctuary, Herald of Zakarum) or Helms (Guillaume's Face, Crown of Ages).
P.S. This is version 2 of the guide. Version 1 can be found here.|||Lanceor,
Thanks for your time and work for the Pally Forum members!
As always, it's an honor to add great work to the Guide Thread!

Added to the Guide Thread!
The first one Lancear did, is still in the Guide thread and will stay there. This one is the updated one.:smiley: |||OK, pretty intense bump here.
I've been finding the Gimmershred significantly less useful than this guide suggests, and I wonder if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong. I use the Gimmershred primarily in the Furnace of Pain.
The guide suggests that it will take out an oblivion knight in 3-5 hits, but this has not been my experience. The number is closer to 10 or more. Furthermore, my attack rating is pretty abysmal with the gimmer, and I have only 38% chance to hit OKs. This is with a level 24 Fanaticism. So I often find myself needing to throw 30 or more axes to take out a single OK, and battles involving more than 2 can become quite painful and tedious.
What should I look at to fix the problem? More +skills? Something else?|||Quote:
What should I look at to fix the problem? More +skills? Something else?
Easy fix: Try pre-charging Enchant off of a Demon Limb.
Hard fix: Switch out for Angelic ring+ammy.|||Quote:
Easy fix: Try pre-charging Enchant off of a Demon Limb.
Hard fix: Switch out for Angelic ring+ammy.
I just discovered the passive AR bonus from blessed aim, so that's another possible fix. Still, I'm surprised by the low damage given the advertisement.
An unrelated observation that should probably be included in this guide: the Windforce requires more dexterity than a Paladin using Holy Shield may have allocated for max block.|||Hmm, how many players are in the game? I think I remember gimmers to be quite effective on single player game, but theyir effectiveness drops really bad with additional players.|||Quote:
Hmm, how many players are in the game? I think I remember gimmers to be quite effective on single player game, but theyir effectiveness drops really bad with additional players.
Just one.
There's yet another solution to the AR problem that I've been overlooking for some reason: gain a few levels. (I'm 85 right now)