So, it boils down to making a Hammerdin or a Tesla Zealot and I am seriously torn. I played a HDin last ladder and found it rather boring to be honest. While it handled relatively well with moderate gear, I found the constant standing and casting a bit tedious. I could make one again but I was considering a standard Tesladin instead.
My goals would primarily center around loading up on as much MF gear as I find and walking the NM acts/bosses for trade-able stuff or gear for other toons.
Skill setup would be standard: 20 RL, 20 HS, 20 Zeal, rest of points split in between Holy Sheild and Sacrifice in case of the occasional LI.
Does this sound like a good idea or should I look into keeping the Hdin or look into another toon to do my MFing?|||hammerdin definitely wins for efficiency, but it's HELL BORING!! I got one years ago and I'm definitely fed up with it... wind druid is a less boring hdin, but not as good to kill in hell...
sticking with paladin, I am building a testladin for the new ladder! I got similar skill assignment with more emphasis on sacrifice. LI wont be a problem and it give you good life leech return.
He's pretty good in NM. I got a Horizon's Journal in a pub game, but I was using a Fool's long sword and it's doing damn good! Tons's of AR from the sword, very fast zeal speed. with max 4k light dmg per swing!
I've tried hell pit but he dies easily cuz of low lvl (78). NM Chaos won't be a problem given that you have mana pots.
Dont worry! Go for one! It's cheaper to start than a zealot on fana!|||Could always use a conviction zealer with Rift/Voice of reason, quite fun.|||Never tried those RW. With the low phy damage on both weapons, can it leech enough life to keep the pal alive?
And can the damage output outpower that from holy shock?|||I found a VoR conviction zealer quite fun, the physical damage is quite low but with holy shield you will have high defense and you really shouldn't be taking tons of damage. The average damage should be better(considering the low min damage with holy shock), later on you could always toss on dual dreams and stick with conviction.|||Quote:
I found a VoR conviction zealer quite fun, the physical damage is quite low but with holy shield you will have high defense and you really shouldn't be taking tons of damage. The average damage should be better(considering the low min damage with holy shock), later on you could always toss on dual dreams and stick with conviction.
hmm... considering VoR, why not go for Rift?
is there any calculation on
VoR(conviction) vs Rift(conviction) vs HolyShock+phy dmg?|||Quote:
hmm... considering VoR, why not go for Rift?
is there any calculation on
VoR(conviction) vs Rift(conviction) vs HolyShock+phy dmg?
VoR can be made in swords(Phase Blade for the speed) which is the reason I used it. Rift can be made in scepters with some nice staff mods but then the repair cost is sky high. As far as I know no one has ever done those calcs, you can read the Rift zeal guide to get an idea of the build.
Would you go with a high damage weapon with the Holyshock build or would you go with like a Creasent Moon PB for the speed/-light res?|||Grief it's nice, but it's not affordable in early ladder.
How about Cresent Moon with cb gear? (duress, gore rider), hit the high break point and chance to hit (thanks to ITD), and the phy damage comes from cb, which still can leech life?
What do you think?|||yeah crescent moon owns and is great if you decide to go for the stacker build later on too