At the very moment i am a Hammerdin with: 2,9k hp, 13k hammers, 75% block (holy shield)
The gear i am wearing is: Shako, Mara's, HoTo, Enigma, Herald Zaka, Magefist,
SoJ x2, Arachnid, War Traveller boots.
2nd Equipment: Call to Arms, Spirit Shield...
Pretty good gear i assume.. BUT.
I'm bored of the Hammerdin play way, so i want to try a Smiter ;-)
Let's not talk about that..
I'm just wondering..
Could i go UT/Dclone with that gear, and then ofc 1 pt. Smite spec?
If so, would any of you Incgamers be so kind, to tell me which talents and how many points i should put in each??
Thanks alot! (;
Zarraz|||Your Hammerdin gear lacks CB/OW/Life Tap, all of which you need for Ubers. Also, I'm not sure what your resists will be with that set-up after Meph's Conviction. Check this guide for how to set up a character for Ubers.|||My Smiter setup is as follows,
Wep: Last Wish in a PB
Sheild: Exile Vortex Shield w/ 45% res
Helm: CoA w/ Ber, Ith
Armor: Guardian Angel w/ Ber
Gloves: Venom Grip (Can be Drac's if you want more life tap casting)
Rings: Wisp/RavenFrost
Belt: Verdungo's
Boots: Goreriders
Switch: CtA/Spirit
Anni, Hellfire, 4 5@ scs, and 2 20life scs.
I have 95%@ in Hell (switch out bers/ith in gear and put in ums) Also, you have lots of beneficial Auras
As for skills:
20 Smite
20 Holy Sheild
20 Defiance
20 Fanaticism
10 Resist Lightning
rest Charge (for catching up to teleporters/runners in PVM)
My setup has LOW ow (10%) but my CB is 88% and I have 2 sources of life tap.|||I really like your setup, it's like the pricey "best of the best" choice gearwise... but I have one question about your gloves.
I myself would choose Drac's any day over Venomgrips, but if you were gonna not use Drac's wouldn't you wanna be using LoH for the massive %ED against Demons?
If this char is mostly for killing Ubers and Bosses, they are all gonna be Demons anyways, so that is a lot of potential added dmg for helping your Crushing Blow finish off the last sliver of a boss.|||@Knarl: Thanks, I like it too. But, mine is not much of an Uber farmer. I run them once a week? Just for backup Hellfires. Now LoH is a great alternative to venomgrip but I wanted 95 res @ in Hell without using a gul rune (not positive, for 5% max poison res). And I am a perfectionist and I'm currently lurking around for a Assassin build to master... mabye Kicker or I could make a variant... If you come across a unique build please pm me the name so I can check it out.|||Wouldn't grief give ALOT more raw damage? It's also alot cheaper than LW |||@Nurman: From what I noticed no. The level 17 Might Aura happens to help with that. That, and I don't really like Greif all that much. I wanted beneficiality and superior tanking ability as a Smiter wether I'm by myself or with others.|||Quote:
Wouldn't grief give ALOT more raw damage? It's also alot cheaper than LW
yes, a grief will inflict substantially more raw damage than a LW.
@Nurman: From what I noticed no.
you are so very, very wrong. what you have been noticing is the effects of Crushing Blow.
Crushing Blow will knock the top off a monsters life bar very quickly, but once their life drops below the threshhold of CB, you are relying on raw damage to finish off that final sliver of life.
this is where a Grief weapon is absolutely unmatched for a Smiter in terms of Damage.
The +340 damage on the worst grief on bnet is still the equivalent of using a +90 to Holy Shield item in terms of raw smite damage.
there is no other item in the game that will give such a massive boost to any skill as a Grief will give a Smiter.
Crushing Blow can be found on many sources: hats (Guilly Face) boots (gores, goblin toes), gloves (rends, crafted blood gloves).
Grief style smite damage can come from one place and one place only: a Grief Weapon.
Last Wish is, imho, complete and utter junk and is only used by people who get dazzled by the sheer number of HRs it takes to create and assume that anything with that many hrs "must be good".
it isn't. it's junk.
The level 17 Might Aura happens to help with that
the level 17 Might Aura just adds in another 200% off weapon %ED. that off weapon %ed get's added on with your Smite skill based %ed, Strength %ed and your Fanat aura off-wep %ed.
the grief +damage gets added directly to your shield base damage, from whence it gets multiplied by, well, by pretty much everything that enhances damage.|||@meph: I know what CB does. I know how Might/Grief damage is applied. Although, I honestly thought that +dmg on weps didn't effect smite. I also use LW for the Life Tap, Fade, and the Charged Bolt. All of which help me. Life Tap: obvious Fade:50% DR Charged: for PI's with Merc.
Also, I'm using a thorns (I'm bored of Hfreeze) merc w/ Treachery, Pride, and CoA w/ 2 bers. His damage is upped by Might as well. As is my damage from lv 20 Concentration.
I happen to like LW alot for its mods and such. I don't want to use Guillame's (No res/DR%) I'm using Gores, I don't have rends and my Crafted Blood Gloves happen to have less than 5% CB each. (Although some of the other stats are really good).
I'm normally not a big fan of Grief, I don't like the Venom (since it doesn't apply? Not sure on that) and the -EPR% doesn't do much either.
I have used a Grief Smiter before (Actually its my lv 80 Smiter...) And both do near the same damage, difference is the lv 80 has more +skills. My lv 80 can take the ubers (with -res after Conv) But dies if Ltap doesn't cast (which is 5% or so of the time), while my lv 92 Smiter has 15% + 10% so it either applies as 25%, 20% or 17.5% (unsure how they do their calculations for different slvl ctcs. With ingame tests I think it leans towards the 25% seeing how my life tap casts alot of the time... even when clearing throne room it casts about 4-6 times per wave (xpt MoD's which take longer with more casts) and charged bolt casts less than life tap.
If anyone can explain how different lv ctcs work that would be great And no offense to you Meph but Imo Grief is not the best thing ever...
I'm actually going to take out bers and ith for more res with Ums and more 5%@ scs so I can have 95@ after Meph's Conv.|||GriefPb + Treachery + draculs + gface + upped pdiamond zaka + gores + ravenfrost + rarering + highlords. All you might want. Arguably the most damaging and generally most versatile combo. For �ber Mephi switch armor to smoke / Coh (gl getting it with these ber prices) after prebuffing.
Problems with PI's? Lawbringer / Azurewrath on switch. Maybe atma's scarab as amulet. Maybe get a 1p zeal. to use in harmony with lawbringer + azurewrath or maybe even baranar's / Lightsabre.