
Vengeance Help

So iam buidling myself a Veng/Conviction/Auradin

Iam certain to use the following items

Dragon Armor, Dream Helm and Shield, War travelers, Verdungos, Ravenfrost, Bk/Soj/Dualleech, mara if i lack resis

Most likely Bloodfist for my needed 10 ias - 10fps attack ( 55ias )

I also planned to use Doom Ba as my weapon, which has something like 330 max dmg when perfect ed right? Has some cool mods and the aura.

Ok, so i respected my old zealer and tried it out with my botd 485max dmg, zaka, eni, shako etc ( no auras yet ) and he do about 7.5k dmg and hitting the 55ias

With my doom and all aura i should reach about 8k as well, which should be more then enough, max block, decent fhr, mass life and all.

So now to the question. Is it worth to sacriffy botd for holy freeze aura, which is helpful obvious ( planned def merc to get some defence, since holy shield isnt giving that much ), but has quite some less dmg and no leech at all???

And with doom i get lvl 28 skills, expect one resist aura, lightning ofc 20 and the other one? if i use doom its properbly better to max cold rather then fire right?|||Going Doom over BOTD is going to bring down your damage a lot, but it's really up to you as you'll be killing so fast it won't matter much. The damage from holy fire is pitiful, I'd drop dragon for Fort or CoH.

Max resist light first for the holy shock synergy. Regardless of what you use it's better to max cold rather than fire since fire immunes are so plentiful.|||10 frame attack sounds woeful, i get annoyed whenever im not doing 4 frame with my zealer. Why not use a beast BA to give you fanac. More attacks = more dam per sec!|||I believe loh would be a big help with damage because of its 350% ed to demons. Im wondering if that would help vengeance by far when using on uber bosses.|||why use Bloodfist when you can use:

Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts

Defense: 79-87
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Level Requirement: 63

+25 Defense
20% Increased Attack Speed
+350% Damage to Demons
Fire Resist +50%
10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on Striking
|||I've made a few avengers. From my understanding, Vengeance ignores off-weapon ED. ED vs demons/undead is always counted as off-weapon ED. So LoH won't pump vengeance's elemental damage.

That said, 20% IAS is nice. Also, while it won't boost your vengeance damage, it will significantly boost your physical damage, so you'll leech a lot more mana. I'm not sure if that really helps, though. ML against demons isn't usually the problem. It's usually undead where leeching falls apart.|||unless you're using griz set and/or trying to be funny, not using an ethereal weapon is just a waste of time. Griz set can make it up with its four open sockets (hello, ohm runes!) but if you're going to make an expensive runeword, make it an eth breath of the dying. if you're poor and don't have many runes, make an eth oath.

and bloodfist is amazing as it boosts vengeance's damage, so keep it (loh is good if you need the extra IAS or fire resists, but that's it).

also, max lite resists first (holy shock synergy) and then FIRE. see, your vengeance elemental damage will be resisted ofc, and hell is full of fire immunes, but those can be broken by conviction. when you run into a cold immune, however, they are usually unbreakable, which means a good portion of your damage goes down the drain. Just think of the guys in CS; the casters are unbreakable cold immunes, and the melees are breakable fire immunes. would you rather deal less fire damage, or NO cold damage? I think this is an easy choice. even if you never run CS at all, it is not unheard of to have those guys spawn in baal's room (along with the also unbreakable cold-immune succubi)

so leave resist cold to be maxed last.

