With all the changes in 1.13 I was wondering if people could help me build the perfect Hammerdin to run 8 player 1.13 CS
What should I worry about, what should I prioritize ?
My paladin is currently level 96 and I would not like to DIE

If wealth/currency was not a problem
What would be the best gear selection for 8 player Chaos Sanctuary ?
What would be the best merc + merc gear and why ?
Thanks in advance.
Auri|||You're going to want to wear the same gear you'd wear in 1.12/1.11/1.10. Check the guide threads for detailed equipment outlines. A lot of people use an Act 3 merc with a Lawbringer//Azurewrath for the Sanctuary aura. Without IM, though, you can use an Act 2 merc safely as well.|||Uhm nothing's changed for hdins in chaos except it got easier without IM... So you don't have to worry about the merc as much.
Other than that not to sound harsh but "Best hdin gear regardless of price" type questions have already been posted a million times; please just search and read the guides, really.
Edit: @Sass; We're talking CS here, not Baal...|||Quote:
Uhm nothing's changed for hdins in chaos except it got easier without IM... So you don't have to worry about the merc as much.
Other than that not to sound harsh but "Best hdin gear regardless of price" type questions have already been posted a million times; please just search and read the guides, really.
Their attack also stopped ignoring magic immunes, which are present in baal's second wave. They need to change tactics to over come this. Usually, the merc can do it.|||One thing that's also a pretty huge change, yet nobody has really mentioned it much; there's no longer any Lower Resist curses in CS/Throne.
Amazingly built hammerdins in 1.12 needed 135% res stack to be free from conviction/lower resist debuffing.
Now, you only need to stack 80% res, which should outstack the highest level conviction you'll ever find outside of UT.
If wealth/currency was not a problem
If this was true, you could just pay me for advice and never have to look elsewhere.|||Well I did search the forums obviously before posting this question, but I was reading old tactics, talks about IM and res stacking for conviction bosses and LR curses, looking at gear setups that included DR such as Stormshield and stuff ... then I thought "ok this must be so outdated" ... hence my question here.
Let me rephrase my question then ...
SHould I care for sorb gear like rising sun, dwarf, wisp, tgods ... etc ? or just go +skill gear like arachnid, HoZ, soj/bk .... etc ?
Could someone point me out to a guide that might be the best suited to run CS now in 1.13 ... be it an old one ?
Thanks already for all the replies.
Auri|||Pallies don't need sorb imho. Guardian angel gives you +max resists, as do points in resist fire/lightning/cold (if you want to use enigma). Stacking some resistance is nice, actually using those extra resists you have is even better

With that in mind (~90 res all), I'd go with +skills (combined with +res) instead of sorb. hoto weapon and spirit in a nice pally resistance shield will give you a good start as far as resistances go, as well as providing the 75% FCR BP and some +skills for extra damage. The rest of the gear should offer extra +skills and fills in further resistance holes.
And if you're really in a tight spot as far as resistances go, you can allways use salvation as your aura.|||Thanks for the insight Kardinaal.
Still wondering though, if I can manage 90 res all ... is that the "KEY" to succes in CS ?
I would rather not INSTA die from a multishot whatever miniboss when tele into them.
Currently the gear I have :
Shako + PTopaz
Mara 26
Hoto 37
AP Enigma
181 ed HoZ um'ed (I have spirit available also)
Trangoul gloves
119ed arachnid (can have 200 ed tgods if needed)
2 sojs (can have ravenfrost, wisp, dwarf if needed)
36 wartravs
I have done some runs with the above gear, and I still find myself spamming rejuvs and teleporting out as fast as I can and barely make it out alive, yet I don't understand why ?
I got 75-80 res all, max block and with CTA buff I have about 4K life
Why are there still situations where I go OOOHH CRAP !!! When I'm CS farming I usually go into zombie mode, aka I sleep half because it's so tedious ... but I refuse it's the reason of my "OOH crap" moments

Thanks for the insight Kardinaal.
Still wondering though, if I can manage 90 res all ... is that the "KEY" to succes in CS ?
I would rather not INSTA die from a multishot whatever miniboss when tele into them.
Currently the gear I have :
Shako + PTopaz
Mara 26
Hoto 37
AP Enigma
181 ed HoZ um'ed (I have spirit available also)
Trangoul gloves
119ed arachnid (can have 200 ed tgods if needed)
2 sojs (can have ravenfrost, wisp, dwarf if needed)
36 wartravs
I have done some runs with the above gear, and I still find myself spamming rejuvs and teleporting out as fast as I can and barely make it out alive, yet I don't understand why ?
I got 75-80 res all, max block and with CTA buff I have about 4K life
Why are there still situations where I go OOOHH CRAP !!! When I'm CS farming I usually go into zombie mode, aka I sleep half because it's so tedious ... but I refuse it's the reason of my "OOH crap" moments

Are you MFing 8 player CS or just using it to level friends or gain experience?
If it's the first, then there's not much you can do about wearing a lot of MF and feeling the effects of it.
If it's the second situation, then I'd ditch the MF boots in favor of Hotspurs and put something a little better in your Shako (Ruby/Ral/Sol/Ber).
I totally prefer Spirit over HoZ, any day. The monster FHR really helps teleporting out of dangerous monster packs.
Did you try the ACt 5 Lawbringer holding mercenary yet? That's a neat trick.|||Quote:
Are you MFing 8 player CS or just using it to level friends or gain experience?
If it's the first, then there's not much you can do about wearing a lot of MF and feeling the effects of it.
If it's the second situation, then I'd ditch the MF boots in favor of Hotspurs and put something a little better in your Shako (Ruby/Ral/Sol/Ber).
I totally prefer Spirit over HoZ, any day. The monster FHR really helps teleporting out of dangerous monster packs.
Did you try the ACt 5 Lawbringer holding mercenary yet? That's a neat trick.
Well I'm not MF'ing in CS, so I guess I could go for hotspurs and no I didn't try act5 lawbringer merc yet, I read about it though (again in a very outdated thread)
In what kind of a weapon should I put lawbringer then, what would be the best weapon dmg wise for my merc to put it in ?
And thanks alot for the useful info and replies so far
