But my merc feels like crap. He uses duriel's shell, vamp gaze, and an insight cryptic axe. I feel like he is having severe survival difficulties. He has good resists, some decent damage with my conc on, and the gaze gives him some DR. It's the same stuff my fishy's merc was using but I think the skellies made it way easier for him to survive.
What would help him stay alive (particularly vs. baal wave 2....they make my hdin's life really annoying)? More life? A more powerful weapon?|||What level he and you are? You might also want to switch duriel for treachery. If your merc is frozen (he has no cbf), he will stay closer to you.|||What about Fort and Andy's? The ED and some IAS will make him leech a lot more. Whatever the reason, my mercs generally seems invincible since I started putting these on 'em

I haven't spoken to anyone about 1.13 dins but I've played around a bit in anticipation of my Enigma. How do you handle the 2nd wave? I found that Holy Bolt works pretty well for healing my merc and doing some damage so I chucked my spare points in there...
*If even after this you're still struggling it might be worth it to swap out Insight/Prayer for Reaper's Toll/Holy Freeze. Once you learn to use it effectively 1 pt Redemption takes care of mana well enough.|||Level 82, so my hammers are fully synergized, and my spare points are going into holy bolt/defiance. I'll probably save up for a fortitude once I get my pally torch, along with andy's.
Wave two is sooo annoying and makes me wish I could use a fishymancer for the waves and then kill baal with my hdin. I generally spam holy bolt with cleansing and pump pots. I'm considering trying a prayer merc instead of holy freeze for the synergizing? It's really annoying. Sometimes I have to run out and run back in. Sometimes I have to rekill the mages too. Pretty annoying, I probably need to get an eth insight instead of the superior cryptic ax I have right now.
I suppose gear will solve all the issues

Reapers Toll (Ber)
Guils Face (Cham)
Gives 55% Crushing blow, 25% deadly strike, cannot be frozen, great resists and defense. Even better when fade procs. Plus hits ias breakpoint so hes attacking often, which in turn procs reapers with decrepfiy. Decrep is always nice.|||Plus you have a Holy Freeze merc which is crazy when coupled with decrepfiy.|||Insight > Reaper on a hammerdin.
Andy's + Treachery is the way to go
