Although I am not new to D2 I have never really played as a Paladin. I have recently joined a single player tournament to search for set and unique items in act 1 and 2 normal only.
I was hoping for your input on what sort of skills I should concentrate on or rough skill point allocations for a lvl 35 paladin to run MF in act 1 and 2 normal.
thanks all|||For a Lvl 35 paladin running magic find in Act 1 and 2 of normal mode? First off you'll be overpowered to begin with so it shouldn't be to difficult, but in early stages of the game the holy shock/holy fire auras are severly overpowered, I would put as much as you can into Holy shock and some in Lightning Resistance (synergy), with enough points in zeal to hit 5 attacks/enough attack rating to land hits. The holy shock should clear most weaker enemies and then the zeal will easily wipe out the champions/bosses remaining.|||Quote:
I was hoping for your input on what sort of skills I should concentrate on or rough skill point allocations for a lvl 35 paladin to run MF in act 1 and 2 normal.
Off the top of my head, I would suggest a lowbie auradin; primarily using your inherent skills (as opposed to using the usual auradin runewords). Since you are farming Normal Act 1 & 2, I would think kill efficiency is crucial for multiple runs on what would be mobs with low-life (easily taken out by a mid-high level holy aura pulse and occasional zeal delivered elemental attack).
The aura choices for my recommendation would have to be either Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, or Holy Shock. Assuming you are not a G-rushed character at level 35 with act 1 Den of Evil, act 2 Radament, and act 4 Izual skill quest done, you should have a total of 39 skills available (35+1+1+2).
Holy Shock Auradin
Offensive Tree
1 Might
1 Holy Fire
1 Holy Freeze
12 Holy Shock
Defensive Tree
20 Resist Lightning
Combat Tree
1 Sacrifice
3 Zeal
Total of 39 skill points used.
With a Holy Shock dealing damage every 2 Seconds
Range: 11.3 Yards
Lightning Pulse Damage: 1-285
Lightning damage to attack: 1-1713
With a pulse damage of 1-285, I would say you will be an efficient act 2 tomb runner with little or no mobs able to stand in your way.
Alternatively, you can choose to go as a pure auradin and not invest any into the combat tree. Reallocating the 4points and investing them into salvation for additional synergy bonus will yield you the following.
With a Holy Shock dealing damage every 2 Seconds
Range: 11.3 Yards
Lightning Pulse Damage: 1-299
Lightning damage to attack: 1-1794
It is a very mild increase in lite dmg, and I think the 1Sacrifice & 3Zeal will probably be a wiser choice.
Edits: The damage reflected does not take into account the gear you have available. And should you have gear that offers additional +skills (such as a low level pally spirit shield for +2skills, lore helm for +1skill, +1skill amulet, or if you're really lucky SoJs!), reaching a 5hit zeal and possibly higher Holy Shock level with an (slight) increase in overall dmg output. All you will probably need is a pair of fast running boots and "zap" your way through the tombs.|||make this:
Holy Thunder
4 Socket Scepters
Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal
+60% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
+10 To Maximum Damage
Lightning Resistance +60%
+5 To Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 To Holy Shock (Paladin Only)
Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 Charges)
if you use a +3HS scepter, that and lore helmet=+7holy shock, giving a lvl 19 holy shock.(+20res lite)
pulses: 3-496
damage: 1-2978
That should kill anything pretty fast (normal duriel has 3995 hitpoints..). Every other slot should go to frw and mf, since you really don't need anything else in A1&2|||Quote:
make this:
Holy Thunder
4 Socket Scepters
Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal
if you use a +3HS scepter, that and lore helmet=+7holy shock, giving a lvl 19 holy shock.(+20res lite)
pulses: 3-496
damage: 1-2978
Good choice. This easily made runeword will give nearly DOUBLE the pluse dmg figures I have given above based off skill point alone, making it a sure kill outta your average tomb mobs.|||Thanks for the advice all, I have chosen to go Holy Shock. Can 4os weapons be found in normal Act 1 / Act 2? In the tournament I am not allowed to go past this act or 'twink' my character|||hm, probably not, in that case you're probably better off with a strength (amn+tir) runeword. Still everything will die in 1 hit, and most lower units will die from the pulses.
Normal countess can't drop sol either, so no lore

Thanks for the advice all, I have chosen to go Holy Shock. Can 4os weapons be found in normal Act 1 / Act 2? In the tournament I am not allowed to go past this act or 'twink' my character
If you're not allowed to twink that limits gear a lot obviously, but there are still some good choices:
stealth runeword armor (25% FRW)
[strike]Holy thunder in a +3 zeal scepter instead of +3 holy shock, +3 zeal scepters can be shopped in act 2, but +3HS can't because it's level 24.[/strike] scratch that, drognan doesn't seem to sell war scepters

set/unique gear is going to depend on what you luck into finding since you're untwinked, but I agree with others that a holy shock pally is your best bet for high kill speed in this situation.|||Quote:
Can 4os weapons be found in normal Act 1 / Act 2? In the tournament I am not allowed to go past this act or 'twink' my character
If the rules forbid tweaked gear and whatever you wear needs to be self-found on this character, I would recommend the following easy enough self-made gear.
Helm1 : Lore helm (Ort + Sol) outta a 2socket cap which can be found even in act 1. The only trouble I foresee is getting a Sol rune from acts 1 & 2.
Helm2: 2/3 Topaz Helm for maximized MF.
Armor1: Stealth armor (Tal + Eth) outta any 2socket armor for FRW and other beneficial mods.
Armor2: 3/4 Topaz Armor for maximized MF. Gothic armor may be beyond act 1 & 2, so a 3 Topaz breast plate might have to do.
Belt/Glove/Amulet/Rings: Any magical or rare preferably with MF.
Boots: Any magical or rare with FRW/MF.
Shield1: Spirit pally shield (Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) is preferred to enhance your HolyShock dmg, but getting one naturally dropped 4sockets from acts 1 & 2 might not be possible, even if the runes are available. If you are able to utilize Lazurk quest to socket one found from act 1 & 2 without breaking the rules, this is definitely your first choice.
Shield2: Pally shield with ED/AR mod to enhance your melee dmg.
Weapon1: Holy Thunder War Scepter (Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal) as advised by wickedswami would be best to enhance your Holy Shock dmg, but getting one dropped with natural 4 socket can be tedious or impossible from acts 1 & 2, even if the runes are available.
Weapon2: Any fast magical/rare bows or socketed bow with gems/runes to delivery your "1-1713 lite dmg" attacks at range.
Inventory: Low level MF Grand/Large/Small charms is preferred, but it depends on your luck. Otherwise, Resist, Stat, AR, Dmg charms works depending on what you can get your hands on. Stamina potions will help with running around alot if you need.
Stats, enough str for gear, enough dex for gear and decent ar, vita everything else, energy = none.
Technically, based off the dmg I have initially given you from your skill allocations alone; you should be able to "zap" most mobs to death with 1-3 pulses even without zeal, even if the most optimal gear such as Spirit/Lore/Holy Thunder are unavailable.
Edits: Heck, even bare handed attack works if you have enough AR, since your Holy Shock already gives high elemental dmg. Haha.|||Quote:
Holy thunder in a +3 zeal scepter instead of +3 holy shock, +3 zeal scepters can be shopped in act 2, but +3HS can't because it's level 24. scratch that, drognan doesn't seem to sell war scepters
I agree. Ideally, any scepter with 1-3 Holy Shock would yield the most dmg to compliment his aura pulse by zapping mobs to death even without zeal. Unique monsters and bosses however will require some melee attack to deliver the high elemental dmg from Holy Shock.