
-Firedin Build for v1.13-

The Firedin Guide

For Diablo II LoD v1.13

Guide Version 1.02

by easyluckyfree


This build is a combination of other builds such as the auradin and zealot/smiter. The focus here will be on dealing a significant amount of fire damage with holy fire as well as being able to still deal damage with zeal/smite. I know a lot of people think of auradins as being useless and not able to kill in hell, but that's far from the truth, especially with this build. This is also geared toward PvM.


Strength: Enough for equipment.

Dexterity: Enough for max block.

Vitality: Everything else.

Energy: Nothing.


Defensive Auras:

1 in Defiance (If you would like)

Max Resist Fire (Boost Holy Fire damage and increases max fire resists)

Max Salvation (Boost Holy Fire damage/do this one last)

Offensive Auras:

1 in Might

1 in Holy Fire

1 in Thorns

1 in Holy Freeze

1 in Sanctuary

25 Conviction (This is what it should be with +skills/will be main aura)

Combat Skills:

Max Sacrifice

1 in Smite

1 in Holy Bolt

Max Zeal

1 in Charge

1 in Blessed Hammer

1 in Holy Shield (once Salvation is finished, put your points here)


I'll start with the equipment that can't be changed.


Hand of Justice Runeword

This needs to be in a Phase Blade, we need the attack speed since we aren't using Fant! Has Holy Fire aura, life stolen, -20% to enemy fire res, deadly strike, and more. The hit freezes target is also quite useful.


Dragon Runeword

The armor you put this in is really up to you, this runeword doesn't do a percent for enhanced defense, instead it has a static added defense, Archon Plates are always a nice choice though. This also has Holy Fire to stack with the other pieces of equipment. The strength based on character level and chance to cast venom is great as well.


Dragon Runeword or Phoenix

Make sure to put this in a pally shield with high resists! This build can be a little lacking in resists, so we need to get them somewhere! For Dragon, this also has a static defense amount so the type of shield is up to you, just make sure it's decent enough. Phoenix is great too, it has negative fire resists, great enhanced damage, firestorm, and redemption is always great!

Before we go on let me say that it is up to you if you want to reach 5fpa or 4fpa. If we go for 5, we have the option of basically using whatever we want because the HoJ phase blade allows us to reach that breakpoint without any other equipment. However, if we go for 4fpa we need 72 IAS total, which means we need 39 IAS more to achieve that. 4fpa can also be reached by using an Act 1 merc with a Faith bow (level 12 fant will do) and we won't have to use any extra equipment with IAS, but then we lose out on the damage bonus from a Might merc. So keep in mind what you're going for when looking at my equipment recommendations.


Dracul's Grasp

If we're not worrying about 4pa, or we're using a merc with Faith, this is my number one choice. The life tap is great and of course the OW, LL, and Str make it awesome too, and yes, we do hit enough to be able to take advantage of life tap!

If we're trying to reach the 4pa breakpoint without a Faith merc, I would go for Laying of Hands gloves for the enhanced damage. You could also use Lava Gout for IAS, enchant, and resists. The third option is finding some nice crafted gloves with IAS, Leech, Resists, Str, Dex, etc...


Gore Riders

The crushing blow, deadly strike, and OW make this possibly the best choice, but if you really want something else you're welcome to change them out. As another option I would recommend rare boots (ones with FRW, FHR, Res) or you could also get Treks for the resists, FHR, and bonuses to strength and vitality.


Thundergod's Vigor/Verdungo's

Both are nice options. I personally like Tgods, but ultimately it's up to you, the DR and FHR that dungos provides is definitely nice too. String of ears also has LL and DR if for some reasons you can't get one of the other two.



Cannot be Frozen, Dex, AR, all around a great ring. If you choose to use two rare rings for some reason, make sure you cannot be frozen (Cham the helm)!

Rare/Leech Ring

Something with Leech, Res, AR, Str, Dex, and all that good stuff is great to have here. If you need to you're welcome to go with another Raven too.


For those going for 4fpa without Faith, you basically only have one choice here, Highlord's Wrath. We get our IAS, 1 to skills, deadly strike, and some resists. Cat's eye would also work, but Highlord's definitely has more benefits.

If you're not going for 4pa or you're using a Faith merc, Mara's is a good choice. We get +2 skills, 5 to attributes, and the best part, resists! Since we're already lacking a bit in resists, this works well for boosting them. Metalgrid can also give us some AR and nice resists. For a cheaper amulet, Rising Sun is also a good alternate with a + fire skills and fire absorb.


Alright. Here's where we have a bunch of options. I'm personally using a Perfect Vamp Gaze, it has leech and great DR. Andy's Visage is also a good option, it has IAS included which would be great for those looking to hit 4fpa without Faith. The downside to Andy's is the -30% fire res, we're already lacking, we don't need something to bring us down more. Also, Andy's is ugly as all hell. Another option is Guillaume's Face. It has FHR, deadly strike, CB, and strength which makes it quite nice. The helm you choose also depends upon what your intention for the build is, such as just a zealer, or using smite as well. Guillaume's is quite nice for a smiter. Using a CoA or Griswold's helm would work too, and you would possibly have 2 open sockets to do with what you choose. If you're going to go for 4fpa without the act 1 merc, you're going to have to socket your helm with an IAS jewel (hopefully with extra mods if you can afford it, such as res or ed). If you're using the act 1 merc or just going for 5fpa, I would socket it with an Um or Ber, based on what your needs are and how good your resists happen to be.


The charms depend on what you chose for your equipment. Obviously we will want a torch and anni, but things like FHR charms depend upon what is necessary with your equipment to reach a decent breakpoint. You will most likely need a few life/res charms to make up for some resists plus with Tgods, Dragon runeword, and max Resist Fire, your resistances will have a higher max than just 75.


If you're going for Fant, an Act 1 merc with a Faith bow, fort armor, and a helm with LL (Crown of thieves, Vamp gaze, etc).

For those going for 5fpa or using IAS from items, an Act 2 Might merc can really boost your damage. Items for your merc are really up to you, it's not hard to come up with what you should use (ethereal items, high damage polearms, life leech to keep him alive, etc...) Have fun with this one. Since there's not a specific polearm necessary to the build there are tons of viable options here!

The reasons I don't include an Act 3 merc is because the damage they cause already is quite minimal, the benefits of might and fant definitely outweigh those of an act 3 merc, plus our HoJ Phase Blade freezes the target as well, so an act 3 freeze merc isn't that helpful.|||just wanted to give a few comments:

- as far as i know Dragon and Hand of Justice auras will not stack. it wont be 14+16 = 30, if dual dragon then it will be lvl28 aura. someone else can correct me if i am wrong. but probably you are after -20enemy res

- gloves: unique Lava Gout (can cast enchant, has ias and resist too) can be a good choice too, we give up leach from lifetap though, without fanat/conc we wont leech much. it has ias so it give us an alternate source of ias.

- amulet: a poor man's choice can be rising sun, its fire damage will be multiplied by conviction and -enemy res, also can save us from fire (remember we have low res)

- helm: griswold's helm, give 2facet, it can save us from cold (same principle with amulet)

- mercenary: if you are running with conviction, why not take a a3 merc? also i would use a2 HF merc (instead of might) with rift polearm for extra fun

about skills, i would first max HS instead of sacrifice. maybe not give more than 5 skills to zeal (we dont need ar, we have conviction and physical damage will be low without auras like fanat/conc.

sorry but my comments are a bit towards auradin|||im guessing this is for pvm given you are using a merc...

i would swap out an a2 merc for an a1 merc and slap a faith on it. this will give you the fanacticism aura and can swap out your IAS gear for better gear

i have a similar character cept i use shockadin/firedin zealot.

i use a faith on my merc, she stays alive + i still do 3k-10k dmg per zeal swipe (not including my pulse auradin dmg)|||Thanks for the comments, any idea why the dragon and HoJ won't stack?

I also find that when I use Dracs I cast Life Tap quite a bit, the attack isn't really that slow, I think it's still at 8fpa.

Might adds quite a bit of damage on to the attack as well, but I see what you're saying with act 3, I'm just not sure the damage would add up enough, plus HoJ freezes target so using an act 3 merc with the ability to freeze isn't that helpful, same goes for why I would choose might merc over Holy Freeze merc.

I'll definitely add the amulet and helm into the guide.

As for maxing HS first, the physical damage is still decent with this build, and I think it's pretty beneficial, but I'll definitely check into that and see what difference it makes.

I'll also add on the act 1 merc, don't know how that slipped my mind. Do you have any clue how to calculate the amount of IAS that would be needed if the pally had fant from Faith?|||Dragon and hoj DO stack. Not sure faith merc is a good choice, I think a might merc may give you more damage, the only reason for faith is speed, but using a phase blade hoj it shouldnt be a concern.

EDIT: the ias needed for max zeal speed using a phase blade (4fpa) is 72% as far as I remember|||Using the Weapon Speed Calc with zeal, a level 12 fant, and the 33 IAS from HoJ we would have 4fpa, correct? And to get that without fant it would take at least 75 IAS, from what I can tell by the calculator (I'm assuming its 72 IAS like you said). So I guess to reach that breakpoint without fant we would have to use gloves with IAS or a helm with 2 15 IAS jewels. I think I accidentally did my calculations based on a regular attack, not zeal. I'll correct it.

Edit: Corrected guide.|||Yeah when you open the calculator, choose the weapon/class, add any relevant fanaticism level, select the skill "zeal" and then click "Show IAS/FPA table" and it will show you all you need to know. Assuming lvl 12 fanaticism and a phase blade weapon you would need 16% IAS for 4fpa zeal, so no extra IAS if that phase blade is a HoJ.|||Thanks for help, I'm almost positive everything is correct now.

