
Paladin breakpoint&&Weapon Choice Help!!!

I have a 40ias griefZ but i have 20% ias gloves and 2x40/15 coa.

which will be a total of 90% not including fanatism...

But i hear grief pb is better for pvp because the breakpoint.

But i also hear griefz has more damage and longer reach.

i wanna know will it hit the breakpoint if i use griefz

and would that be best for pvp right now?

BEcause i dont wanna use stats into dex.

please give me some answers cause im kinda confused how the breakpoint works and stuff.

Thank you (:|||Some nice dupes there, br0

Slot in those values here to see where you stand.|||whats duped?|||Duping is a method of replicating an existing item using cheats and/or hacks. Botting (having a computer program that plays the game for you to collect items nonstop) and duping are issues that plague Battlenet. Besides amazing good luck, they are another reason that someone who apparently knows nothing about the most basic of game mechanics can be in possession of several of the most sought after items in the game.

Back to the main question, the link above is excellent. Are you planning on using Zeal or Smite? Here are the numbers for Zeal. The bold number is weapons speed and I've listed the IAS breakpoints and how many attacks per second it yields:


0% 3.6

8% 3.7

13% 4.2

24% 4.3

54% 4.5

72% 5.2


0% 3.5

6% 3.6

20% 3.7

26% 4.2

40% 4.3

78% 4.5

102% 5.2


0% 3.0

7% 3.1

8% 3.5

18% 3.6

35% 3.7

42% 4.2

60% 4.3

109% 4.5

142% 5.2


0% 3.0

9% 3.0

19% 3.1

20% 3.5

32% 3.6

54% 3.7

63% 4.2

86% 4.3

152% 4.5

200% 5.2

A phase blade has a weapon speed of -30 and rangeadder of 1. With 90 IAS it will Zeal attack 5.2 times per second. (You are actually "wasting" IAS here)

A berserker axe has a weapon speed of 0 and a rangeadder of 2. With 90 IAS it will Zeal attack 4.3 times per second.|||dupe meaning duplicate


du�pli�cate (dpl-kt, dy-)


1. Identically copied from an original.

2. Existing or growing in two corresponding parts; double.

3. Denoting a manner of play in cards in which partnerships or teams play the same deals and compare scores at the end: duplicate bridge.


1. An identical copy; a facsimile.

2. One that corresponds exactly to another, especially an original.

3. Games A card game in which partnerships or teams play the same deals and compare scores at the end.

v. (-kt) du�pli�cat�ed, du�pli�cat�ing, du�pli�cates


1. To make an exact copy of.

2. To make twofold; double.

3. To make or perform again; repeat: a hard feat to duplicate.


To become duplicate.

not to be confused with:


dupe (dp, dyp)


1. An easily deceived person.

2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

edit: lol @ a dupe being called a tool.|||im saying what item i have is duped?

Because i bought them online

I know what dupe is lmao.

Anyways im using smie

and i changed it up a little.

Berd/15/15 Coa


so its like 65% ias

with lvl 40 fanatism

at this point would it matter which one I use?

cause i already met the 6 frames thing.|||40% ed/15 ias jewels are almost certainly dupes, 15 res all/15 ias jewels are almost certainly dupes. Your grief zerker's base is likely to be a dupe, almost certainly a dupe if it is 15% ed/3 ar.

The probability of these being dupes approaches unity when bought from an online shop.|||well my question still stands.

It says i shouldnt got further with ias or whatever.

something about 6 frames.

does that mean it is the same speed as if i used a grief Pb|||Yes, further IAS is useless means you've reached the last breakpoint and further IAS is useless |||Quote:

Yes, further IAS is useless means you've reached the last breakpoint and further IAS is useless

Thank you (:

