Uber Smiter:
Exile sacred rondache 34 res will be the source of lt.
Cb from guli and gores (maybe lw... but i doubt ^^)
Armor eni of coh
Raven and rare str dex ring (or dual ravens)
Maras Or highlords (depends on ias theory^^)
If i remember correctly considering smite ias and fana it's like this:
Ias on weapon does not count. Only base weapon ias counts ?
So even a white PB will be more faster than botd ba, or 2 x shael heaven's light ? Because pb has -30 base ias ? This makes white pb faster then lets say a Ba with 6 shaels inside ?
Ias from any other part of gear except weapon counts. So if i use pb as my weapon (doesen't matter if it's grief, lw, or even white one), and i have 20 lvl fana, i will only need ~10 ias from rest of gear to get max ias (6 fpa) ? Bloodfists can take care of that ^^|||All IAS works with smite so a level 20 fanaticism and phase blade will only need 8 ias on weapon or off weapon for max speed.
Grief provides 30-40 ias so its generally not a problem.