
Give me a PvM fun pally build...

[:1]I already finished a Hammerdin and a Fana-Zealot...

I want to try another build... Any suggestions?|||Riftadin, or if you're rich, a dreamer.

If you want to get away from zeal since you just did a fanatic, maybe avenger or archer?|||You can also combine Riftadin and dreamer. |||Nothing to suggest. You have already played through the whole variety of Pala builds, except the normal attack like ones.|||charge-adin go!|||an auradin's fun in pvm|||Quote:

Riftadin, or if you're rich, a dreamer.

If you want to get away from zeal since you just did a fanatic, maybe avenger or archer?


You can also combine Riftadin and dreamer.

I'm planning untwinked and single-player and setting it to players 8...|||untwinked shocker isn't too bad, hopefully you luck into an um on your hellforge so you can make crescent moon. You'll have some leech problems though unless you find yourself some dracul's.

freezer works too, voice of reason is even easier to make than crescent moon (lem) assuming you use the ladder runeword mod. Leech is even more of a problem with VoR though since it has no enhanced damage.|||Just completed my own Rift-Auradin. It's maby not the ultimate build, but what do i know, i think it works well


Rift in Caduceus

Dream Bone Visage

Dream Sacred Rondache






2xRaven (1 is enough but got 2 for fun)

Switch: CTA+ Spirit (What else?xD)


Max Resist Lightning

Max Salvation

Max Conviction

Max Holy Shield

1 in Zealer or the rest. Your choice.


Put str until its enough for gear then rest in vita.

I think its quite of a fun build.

The 20% lvl 16 Tornado on striking and 16% lvl 21 Frozen orb on attacking i just great to see. And with Conviction it becomes even better! -Res = More dmg with attack AND for the FO/Tornado.

And the AR boost (-enemy def) is awesome. Got 2350Ar but with Conv its x12.5. Soo.. basically i hit every time

But if you feel like relax and just run with the mouse, thats okey beacuse the holy shock does the job

Try it out!|||fanat avenger with edeathcs

