
Low Damage?

I was wondering if someone could tell me if this is low damage for my level and stats


I have been using Gigas 1.11 Hdin Guide

But the damage seems a bit low i understand i am a low level but im wondering if im doing something wrong or if i should try a different build, Basicly im trying to get the possible build a MF Hdin, Doing baal and chaos runs.

Also here are the items i currently have equipped

Perfect Shako

Perfect Hoto

Perfect HoZ(UnSocketed)

Trang Ouls Claws

Perfect Sandstorm Treks

No Charms

I was also wondering if im suppose to max out my dexterity to get to 75% block rate with holy shield or am i suppose to max it without holy shield cast.

Also if im using the wrong build please refer me to the correct one.

Thanks|||Assuming my math is correct, the maximum damage at your level with that gear would be around 6000, give or take a thousand, depending on your exact jewelry/armor, with the disparity probably a result of your dumping a few too many points into Concentration instead of the synergies. I wouldn't really worry about it, since, as long as you continue leveling up, it really won't have any effect. I'm not sure how leveling goes on battle.net, but you'd get good experience at this level from NM Baal runs or Hell CS/Baal, assuming you're capable of doing those. Aside from that, you want 75% block with Holy Shield, and, if you want really high end damage, you'll want skill charms eventually.|||Quote:

Assuming my math is correct, the maximum damage at your level with that gear would be around 6000, give or take a thousand, depending on your exact jewelry/armor, with the disparity probably a result of your dumping a few too many points into Concentration instead of the synergies. I wouldn't really worry about it, since, as long as you continue leveling up, it really won't have any effect. I'm not sure how leveling goes on battle.net, but you'd get good experience at this level from NM Baal runs or Hell CS/Baal, assuming you're capable of doing those. Aside from that, you want 75% block with Holy Shield, and, if you want really high end damage, you'll want skill charms eventually.

Okay, should i max holyshield then add the dexterity? Because i just reset all my skill points and stats. and at what level is ancients available for quest :S|||I actually like to put only 1 point into Holy Shield until the the skills relevant to damage are finished off, since blocking doesn't increase that much if you max the skill, and defense is relatively meaningless. Either way, you can afford to get 75% block right away, since it takes more dexterity to get 75% block if you are a higher level.

NM Ancients is available for quest at 40, and Hell is available at 60. Also, it has to be a game where the host hasn't already finished the quest.

Last, you might want to think about whether you want to use Herald of Zakarum or 'Spirit' in a paladin shield, since they have very different requirements for dexterity for max block. |||Quote:

I actually like to put only 1 point into Holy Shield until the the skills relevant to damage are finished off, since blocking doesn't increase that much if you max the skill, and defense is relatively meaningless. Either way, you can afford to get 75% block right away, since it takes more dexterity to get 75% block if you are a higher level.

NM Ancients is available for quest at 40, and Hell is available at 60. Also, it has to be a game where the host hasn't already finished the quest.

Last, you might want to think about whether you want to use Herald of Zakarum or 'Spirit' in a paladin shield, since they have very different requirements for dexterity for max block.

thanks for the help |||i find that now, in 1.13, you're better off dumping your spare points into holy bolt to take care of the hammer immune undeads instead of holy shield.

