
Would this different dream pally build work?

Hi all, I am aware of the multiple dream Pally builds out there, however, I wish to try out something different, but I need you guy's opinion if it would work.

Helm: Bone Visage Dream

Weapon: 6 Lighting Facet Phase Blade / Berserker Axe for PvP, Crescent Moon Phase Blade / Berserker Axe for PvM

Body: Jeweler's Light Elite Armor of the Whale with 4 x Lightning Facet

Shield: Dream Sacred Targe

Gloves: Dracul

Belt: Verdungo

Boots: Eth Sandstorm

Amulet: Mara

Ring 1: SoJ

Ring 2: Ravenfrost

Str: Enough for gear

Dex: Enough for 75 block

Vit: All

Energy: lol

Max 20 Resist Lightning

Max 20 Salvation

Max 20 Holy Shield

Conviction enough for lvl 25

1 into Zeal

1 into all pre-req

Rest into Charge

The idea here is that I would booster my lvl 30 Holy Shock with the 10 Lightning Facets.

However, I haven't seen this build up before, and I have reason to assume better players than me have tried and failed. So I need to ask, would this build actually work out?

Also, do the lightning facets work fully with the holy shock from dream runewords, and lastly, if facets do work, is the damage boost calculated before or synergies?

Thanks for input!|||You have the right idea as Conviction, dual Dreams, Crescent Moon, and facets should do some ridiculous amounts of damage. I believe the facets work great with Dreams and the damage should be based after synergies.

The problem is that -resists is capped at 150%. That means once you have level 25 Conviction your Crescent Moon and facets -resists are just worthless overkill. The +damage% of the jewels would still work, but you need to decide if it it worth the tradeoff to use them.|||Quote:

You have the right idea as Conviction, dual Dreams, Crescent Moon, and facets should do some ridiculous amounts of damage. I believe the facets work great with Dreams and the damage should be based after synergies.

The problem is that -resists is capped at 150%. That means once you have level 25 Conviction your Crescent Moon and facets -resists are just worthless overkill. The +damage% of the jewels would still work, but you need to decide if it it worth the tradeoff to use them.

When you said -resists is capped at -150%, u meant as in, I could only reduce someone's resist to as low as -150%?

Is it the first scenario, assuming I have 25 convic, and 10 lightning facet to create -50% resistance. Some guy has 95% lightning resist, and my convic brings him down to -55%. Then my facets go on and reduce him down to a further -105%.

Or the 2nd scenario where a guy has 95% light resist. I convic him to -55% resist, and that's it - the additional 10 facets no longer serve any purpose in reducing anymore?|||In your above scenarios #1 is wrong and #2 is correct.

Level 25 Conviction (-150% resists) and 10x 5/5 facets (-50% resists) would give you -200% to resists except it's capped at -150% resists. Therefore, if something has 100 resists your Conviction+facets will knock it down to -50 resists.

Also, if I recall correctly the lowest you can drop something using -resist% is -100%. So if a creature has 0 resists and you apply your -150% it would actually stop at -100%, not -150%.

Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken.|||Well I did some tests.

With a 6 facet zerker axe, my pulses kill a full res pally frm 18 hits to 11 hits.

That's without the 4-facet armor, and I have reason to believe it 'd be much better with armor.

However, the issue of facet resists raises one more point.

Say I have 10 x facet, that's -50% lightning resist. Is the -50 resist applied whenever some1 is hit by my pulses? If so, then using full 5/5 facets isn't such a bad idea afterall, since convic only has a range of 13 yards, whereas lvl 30 holy shock has an aura of 2x yards.

