I am wondering if anyone has some tips on places i can run for items/runes. Like I mentioned before, long distances between waypoints and the areas is a minus. Have tried doing WK, but am tired of phys. immunes and souls

My current equipmet:
MF amulet (some +res)
ebotd BA
spirit (kurast i think in a +45all base)
Stone dusk shroud
waterwalks (MF)
Mf gloves (some +res)
Total MF > 150%
My next project is exile and grief so i can do some uber runs. But like you probably guessed i need some more valuables to aquire these.
Any tips are welcome!|||Quote:
I am currently doing some MFruns, mostly doing shenk/eldrich+pindle+travi because they are all close by and not much running is required. Have done some pit runs aswell but seem to have terrible luck there

I am wondering if anyone has some tips on places i can run for items/runes. Like I mentioned before, long distances between waypoints and the areas is a minus. Have tried doing WK, but am tired of phys. immunes and souls

Those are the probably the easiest to access "bosses" for a non-tele'r.
You can try adding the Lower Kurast, Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, and Travincal to your list. If you're doing MF runs in hell games, these places should be relatively good grounds to cover. However, you might encounter those "fly swarms" mobs which are physical immunes I think. If I'm correct, you can probably switch to vigor aura (or get them free from Tearhaunch boots) and go for the chests, logs, dead bodies, and trav council elders; as those are reputed to drop HRs, amongst other stuff IF you're very lucky. Otherwise skip Kurast and go straight for Travincal.|||chaos sanc is also great for walkers especially since they got rid of IM.