
Shield for Fana Zealot?

[:1]Hello, I'm making a fana zealot, and I'm confused on what to gear him up with, especially the shield and charms, so you pally experts, please help me =D Oh yeah, he will mostly do only PvM, probably at /p8.

This is his skill distribution:

1 Prayer

1 Defiance

1 Cleansing (utility skill)

1 Vigor (for transport)

1 Redemption (to clean up bodies)

1 Might

1 Blessed Aim

1 Concentration

20 Fanaticism

20 Sacrifice, Zeal, and Holy Shield, and 1 in HS prerequsities

Total 93 points, finished at lv 82. Rest will probably be dumped to defiance for HS synergy, or concentrate if I'm lacking in AR. I'm trying to build a rather standard hack and slash character and get him as much damage and defense as possible.

Current planned gear :

Grief PB (azurewrath on switch)

Guillaume's Face

Guardian Angel



Dungos/string of ears


crafted blood gloves/LoH, or draculs if I don't get exile

Now, what confuses me is, should I give him a HoZ or an exile? HoZ gives more + skills and resists (it can be Um'd for more resists), while exile gives more defense. However, the defiance from exile "only" adds 220% defense, and I already get 350% from unsynergized HS, and 15% more as I level defiance. On the other hand, the +skills from HoZ also doesn't do much as it only increases damage by 58% and defense by 30%, and I already have +700% damage from zeal+fana, and another 200%ish from might merc. Ebugged eth shield from exile would give more base defense than HoZ though.. Or should I up HoZ? And should I make any change to my other gears?

Also, what charms should I go with? Sharp GCs only add 10 damage, and with about 1000% Ed they only add 50 avg damage while I would already be doing 5kish avg damage, that's only 1% of my total damage output per GC. Combat GC and offense aura also gives the same output. Should I just forget about extra damage sources and get res/life charms instead?

Sorry for the long questions. Thank in advance! =)|||A few points

1) It's blessed aim that gives the passive ar bonus

2) Up hoz and use dracs. You will have better resistances and more consistent smite damage if you use the one point you have with your grief pb

3) Defense isn't hugely important in Pvm

4) Just use your charms to fill in your weaknesses like reaching you fhr break points or making all your resistances maxed or even stacked

5) Since your Pvm you wont really need the mass damage of a Pvp smiter|||Thx for the response =)

Ah yes, I meant blessed aim, mixed that up with concentrate. Sorry if I didn't write more details before, I am playing SP, so I won't be using smite much (I think most 1 point smiter use their smite for ubers?). Actually, I am looking for high damage, as I am looking for a build that can take me through hell in p8 solo. If I won't be using the smite, is HoZ still better than grief( EDIT: exile, duh xD )?|||I'm not sure what you are saying in your last statement, but you use HoZ WITH Grief. Do you mean if you wanted an opinion of using Grief with Exile or Grief with HoZ? My personal perference is with HoZ as this gives me more resists, 20% AR, life, +skill/dmg. Looking at your gear, you really don't need any more defense, HoZ with grief and draculs if the way to go.|||1pt in smite is still good verses any boss, especially if he is surrounded and you want to take him out first|||If this is just pvm, and you can afford an Exile... why not Fortitude armor and Phoenix shield?|||Well, Phoenix, if I'm not mistaken, is Vex+Vex+Lo+Jah. I'm playing SP, so the Jah will take quite a while to get(and I'd rather make enigma if I get Jah). I'm not feeling like rushing 20 packs of 7 characters to HF xD. Same goes with fort, although it's much more affordable, I think the extra 200% ED over my current 1k% is not worth the work right now (though I might try it when I get to rushing another Lo). Besides, CtA on switch to up my life, I'm feeling like getting 90% resists that GA offers (not to mention it looks really cool).

Just another question though, the LCS is LYING when it shows that the damage from my grief is just 1k, isn't it? =(|||The Lying Character Screen is indeed living up to its name with Grief damage. It does not show the wonderful, wonderful impact of the +whatever damage bonus.

In my experience, getting small amounts of absorb works much better than getting high resists in PVM. It's very satisfying to stand in a pack of Gloams or Venom Lords and heal from their elemental attacks. If you're going to meet Gloams often I'd recommend dumping the dungos for a tgods, even.|||The ubers guide recommends a Sanctuary.


The ubers guide recommends a Sanctuary.


Only if you need the resistances to counteract Mephisto's Conviction aura. There are many other ways to get around this however.

- Treachery runeword's Fade spell proc. Big resistance buff, 5 minute duration.

- 1 point in Salvation aura and have it active for the fight. If it keeps you alive then it's worth the loss in DPS from turning off Fanaticism.

- Lighning/Cold resist charms.

All these things can mean that you can keep your fancy HoZ/Exile shield in its slot.

