For my last wish should I make it in a Phase Blade or a Zerker? Just general opinions wanted here.
Gloves dracs, boots gores, and probably All res rings preferably with lifesteal, or BK, havent decided yet, depends on how my res sit.
I didn't see any merc talk involved with the 1 pt smiter so I was wondering what people normally get. I was considering an A3 cold merc to freeze people and slow em down but that was just a thought.
Any thoughts and/or opinions would be appreciated, I realize lots of people go grief or death for their zerker but looking at the numbers if you can afford it, it appears as if LW is def the way to go. Thanks for your time!

Im guessing main factor in choosing pb over zerker axe would be speed. Namely whether or not you can get to a decent breakpoint while running salvation or conviction when fighting mephy. That also may be a consideration in looking at say Highlords over seraphs.
Speaking of which seraph is one of my fave ammys--for a my cold zealot but for UT smiter due to fact that 1) it has zero resists, 2) plus skills not as important for smiter as it is for other builds, and 3 the ar boost doesnt help smiting. I would check to see if you have something more useful
As for mercs I think most people just accept fact that merc plus UT usually =dead merc so just get by without em. If you are going to try one I would go might first for damage boost or even prayer/insight to try and help with mana and life regen a bit but wouldnt count on em. It would be like ahy if they live then it helps if not then not really counting on it anyways.
One warning about holy freeze mercs--their aura CAN wake up the UBers as soon as you enter the portal. So if youre type who likes going slow and careful and getting em 1 by 1 HF prolly not best choice. On other hand if youre one of those who likes charging right in with all 3 on top of you then I guess that not a problem.
Kaytie|||Thanks for the input! One more question about the zerker vs Phase last wish....I may run this smiter for a while and xfer the weapon to build a barb to uber with...would that effect what weapon I want to put it in? I know barbs have different weapon speeds that pallys so I was wondering if this is something I should take into consideration.|||Hi
Yeah dif classes have diff frame rates, speeds with diff weopons. However base weopon speed usually makes one weapon faster than the other even if the exact frame rate varies from char to char. And phase blades with base speed of like -30 are pretty much gonna be the fastest 1 hand weopon of note for any char. In addition there are other things to consider such as level and str and dex requirements as well.
However for memost important factor wouldnt be the speed so much as base damage. Zerk Axes have a much much higher base damage and as such would be doing LOTS more damage from the ed of a last wish runeword.
Now base damage doesnt matter much to a smiter cuz smite doesnt use on weapon damage (other than the +x damage from things like Greif or asterons) so things like speed would be more important. But for something that may get passed to other builds/classes base damage may be something to consider.
Kaytie|||Ty for info again! One last question...How much dex do I need to max my block %?
Also....does the smite dmg of the shield actually matter or is crushing blow all thats important? I ask because i have an eth 4Os pally shield with 40 res but it's only an elite lower smite dmg even though it has higher defense than a regular elite version.|||DEX needed for max block = {(150 * clvl) / blocking} + 15, rounded up.
"blocking" depends on both your shield and your holy shield skill, and potentially other items that add block chance.
The character screen shows block % correctly, so it's easier to just spend until you're at 75%. Make sure holy shield is active when you do it.|||Thanks! I keep coming up with questions for my smiter....
I'm trying to figure out what helm to run for him. My res aren't the greatest right now so I was considering kiras...But i also have the Jah to make a dream helm if I want to, or I could roll with an andys or some other helm. Maybe a Gskull with 2 ums in it? Appreciate all the help you guys have given me!|||Hi
Dream hat would be kind of a waste of the jah unless your were building a straight up dreamer char with dual dreams to stack. Not to mention the fact that the holy shock aura could wake up the ubers in UT before youre rdy for em.
If your satisfied with getting all or most of your cb from last wish then kiras prolly best bet. You could Um it or sol it or even shael it depending on ur needs plus the CBF on it means you wont need a ravenfrost so it will open up an xtra ring slot.
Kaytie|||So I have LL from my rings along with lifetap from both exile and last wish....I picked up a Laying of Hands today from the disciple set and I have to admit that 350% ED to demons bonus from those gloves, not to mention the attack speed, is extremely appealing. Anyone ever use these gloves for ubers or is this a terrible idea?|||Hi
LoH are my fave gloves in the game. Like you said all the mods are gr8 AND they make a cool beep beep sound
