- BO is a little above 1 minute (it's level is relatively low)
- With BO, my smealot has a little more than 1700 life.
- Without BO, he has about 1200 life.
- With Sanctuary on, my smealot has relatively >= 0 resistance to each element (with Exile, but with Griswold it's above 60).
His items at this point:
Helmet: Guil's Face w/ Um
Armor: Fort w/ 25 res
Weapon: Low Grief PB
Shield: Exile w/ 45 res
Amulet: 35res Metalgrid
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Ring 2: A rare ring with 4%ll and 8all res (with some other "irrelevant" stats)
Gloves: Dracs
Boots: Gore Riders
Belt: Verdungos
- I also have a Seraphs Hymn (2/2), an Enigma, and a 3 Um'd Griswold shield (that I am not using yet).
So I can definitely obliterate Uber Duriel, Izual, and Andariel. Before I was also able to obliterate Uber Trist, laughing at how simple things were.
Today was strange though, I kept on dying to Uber Meph. I never had this problem before - it was almost like he could 1 shot me. Maybe it was because I came from the west instead of the north, but regardless this is a problem. He's the only one I have a problem with. Even WHEN I have Sanctuary on.
What can I do to prevent myself from dying from him as easily? I was told to use Thundergods belt, but it has a few caveats: the proc of the hammer, and 20 lightning absorb isn't 20%. I am not even sure if it's Meph's lightning that's killing me - it might be his autoattacks. What items should I aim to get to survive better? To add to it, I need lifetap - the chance of the drac's proc of life tap is really unreliable and I don't want to get a wand for lifetap.|||I'm going to assume you mean salvation, rather than sanctuary.
You want maxed resists, either from salvation, from overstacking (difficult) or from over-writing his conviction with your own. If you don't have maxed resists, that's almost certainly why he's murdering you. Tgods is great, absorb works synergistically with resist (that is, the more resist you have, the better absorb is).
His auto-attack isn't that serious, I highly doubt that's your issue. Maybe if you forgot to put up holy shield and got a bunch of trash mobs on you.
As for lifetap, either get a wand, or just deal with the fact that you'll have to be chaining full rejuvs until your gloves proc.
edit: with my fanatic zmiter last season, I stopped caring about pulling them separately, and would just run into the center of town and tank all 3 with salvation up, then switch to fanaticism once meph was dead. With maxed resists, lifetap, and BO, you should not be dying.|||I am wondering, is using CoH instead of Fort going to benefit me more overall (for basic pvm? key ubers? uber trist? all of them?) or no?|||Hi
It could have been an off day. Like you said you were trying a diff appraoch. I'd go back to old appraoch u said didnt have ne problems. If it ends up youre still dying then I would do whatever it takes to 1) make sure your res are maxed under mephy's aura and 2) get LOTS more life. I'd try and shoot for 2000 life with BO at least.
Kaytie|||Well, I'd like to survive even while having these off days

Sooo yeah, would it be a good choice to swap my Fort with CoH?|||There's really no reason to have both Dracs and Exile, so you can use HoZ, Sanctuary or Gris for more res. Verdungo's really isn't all that so swap it for T-gods which'll solve your Meph problem completely.|||Ok i also recently got a Last Wish. If I'm using that instead of Grief, what can I swap out?|||If you swap out Grief for Last Wish, you can swap it right back ;D|||last wish is nice, but grief will kill faster with smite, assuming you have a decent amount of crushing on other gear. Grief will smite for more than three times the damage that last wish will.
That said, last wish covers basically everything a smiter needs, so it frees up your boot, hat, and glove slots (don't need lifetap or crushing from those slots if you're using last wish). All the same, if you can get survivability covered while using grief, that's going to be better.
IMHO if you can hit max resists against meph while using grief+g's face+gore rider you're better off doing that rather than using last wish. Likewise fortitude increases your damage so only swap it for CoH if you need the resists and can't get them elsewhere.
HoZ + Tgods seems like the most likely place for you to make up your meph survivability without sacrificing anything important.|||Well with grief + gris I don't have max resist, but i don't think its needed.
When I tried out LW I felt like i killed the ubers faster, but that might just be me.
One caveat I'm having with LW right now is just that the lifetap curse keeps on getting removed by LW's Prevent Monster Heal.