
First time online player, need advice on frost zealot

yeah my first online character ever (ladder).


20 holy frost

20 res cold

Switch for Cold immune

20 fanaticism

One point

1 zeal

1 holy shield

wanted to max holy shield too, but im wondering should i max that or sacrifice (gives more dmg to zeal than zeal itself) ?

and yes ive read kitriara guide|||if you can hussle your way thru to grief then you dont gotta worry about ar and can slam the damage bonuses and stuff all the way|||And if not? (requires Lo)

Playing for the first time, not sure if ill be able to get one of those thats all. I saw the Beast vs Grief frost zealot topic too|||relli, if you are just starting your first online character, I assume that means you have no items at all. Keep the use of ETH runes in mind when socketing your weapon, as it'll help make up some lost Attack Rating by not maxing Zeal. I generally play untwinked so the idea of getting a Grief or some such is laughable for me.

I also like your idea to max Sacrifice. You need a boost to physical damage to make it a viable damage type alongside your cold. Usually something like 5 points in Holy Shield is enough.

Man, I should really update my guide considering I'm playing D2 again...|||ya think 20 holy frost & 20 res cold is gonna cut it in hell?|||Yes, a Frost Zealot is hell mode viable. It's not fast or flashy, but with cheap gear they are one of the sturdiest builds out there. Don't dump points into Zeal, the damage increase is paltry and the AR bonus is weak. If you need more AR here are some quick fixes:

Blessed Aim merc

Angelic Ammy + 2 Angelic Rings (24 per level to AR)

Baranar's Star (200% to AR!)

Any one of those is a great boost. Combining 2 or more is ridiculous.

As for maxxing Sacrifice or Holy Shield it really is just a matter of opinion. Physical damage is always nice, but a Frost Zealot will never do great amounts of it until they get an endgame weapon. Even then there are so many physical immunes it's really of limited value. If you are running a Defiance merc and have a ridiculous defense, then go Sacrifice. However if you are lacking defense then work on your Holy Shield.

Talk to me about your cold immune switch though. Fanaticism will simply increase your physical damage and AR, which means you are still only applying physical and cold, which means there are monsters in the game you can't kill. A point or two in Vengeance is the typical low cost answer, as would be a Baranar's Star. IIRC Gimmershred and Demon Arch have a ton of multi-element damage as well.

A more skill point expensive option is to also ramp up Holy Shock and Resist Lightning to use on weapon switch with Crescent Moon. This method gives you the ability to apply 3 forms of damage which means very few monsters will be immune, but requires alot of points and spreads you pretty thin.

A Frost Zealot really comes into their own in late Normal and just absolute rips through Nightmare. However, once you hit Hell mode it will be tough sledding unless you have a legitimate and powerful form of back up damage.|||Quote:

As for maxxing Sacrifice or Holy Shield it really is just a matter of opinion.

Physical damage is always nice, but a Frost Zealot will never do great amounts of it until they get an endgame weapon.

I have my endgame weapon (heavens light)


However, once you hit Hell mode it will be tough sledding unless you have a legitimate and powerful form of back up damage.

i hope CB and 20 fanaticism will be enough?

