
1 Handed Charger Build Suggestions

After having lots and lots of fun with a 2 handed glass cannon charger a while back I was thinking about how to make him a little more resilient, obvious answer was to use a shield.

Got a few questions about damage calculation etc. though, if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated, please add in your own build too if you have one.


+2 skills visio helm




1x Angelic

1x Raven


Death Ettin/BA or Grief Ettin/BA




+45@ base Phoenix ST/+65ed base Phoenix ST/Zaka Um'ed








Full of AR/Life charms, anni + torch ofc.

From what I can tell, this build with death, Forti and 460ed Phoenix combined with the stupid bonus of charge and fanac would have over 3000%ed total with 65% DS. With the visio helm and angelic's plus AR charms it should hit 20k AR pretty easily too. Combine with max block and a ton of vita and you have yourself a very durable char.

The only drawback would of course be resists, but im sure they can be made up somewhere (fade pre-buff etc.).

Thoughts?|||Make your grief in a PB. Saves you all those repairs. Consider String of ears as a possible substitute for verdungo's. Why would you want to have 20k ar? 10k should be enough. Use Highlords + BK + Raven. Steelrends are kinda stupid due to the insane amount of str required to wear them. Did I miss anything? Ahh, yes, your shield. Zakarum is alot better than phoenix in my honest opinion. Also consider Laying of Hands as gloves.|||my $0.02: build a straight out pvp smiter and give him a strong minor in charge (say, max Smite, Fanat, Holy Shield, Charge and spares to a charge synergy?)

perhaps consider using a Highlords rather than a Maras or Angelics. 'toons you need angelics to hit you probably won't be killing with charge anyways (barbs come to mind).

anyways, here's my Charge Guide|||Yea, I would have a HL and Raven/BK in stash anyway, and would switch them around depending on who I was against.

Steelrends may indeed be kinda stupid, but ive been wanting to make a char that uses them for a while now, lol. The 60%ed and +20str makes them better than any other gloves I can think of for a charger? LoH would be pointless as I dont need the IAS anyway.

As for the str req, its the same as CoA so it would also give me option to use that if I wanted 50% DR...

Im a bit bored of Zaka too (I play pretty much just Paladins), I think Phoenix in a +45@ base ST would be sexy, and would of course be more dam overall as well.|||The point in LoH is the extra ED vs demons |||Im aware of that.^^

This would be mostly a fun PvP char tho, a charger will never be clearing out hell games on his own anyway.|||you're already cranking out >+1,000% ED with a fully synergised Charge, adding another 60% from Rends really won't do all that much. ditto the Phoenix Shield. the extra %ED will only add in another thousand or so damage at the top end.

teh downside with a Phoenix is the firestorm proc will ruin your day if you need to use Smite as a backup attack.

for gloves: i rekon Bloodfists are the way to go actually. a bit of life and a good splash of FHR are always nice.

by all means, build your charger however you choose to build it. but realise that what you're suggesting has been tried before and found to be wanting in many respects.

here's my suggested build:

helm: CoA with a Ber and a res/requirements jewel.

ammy: Highlords (the %DS/level is gfg for charge)

rings: raven + whatever takes your fancy

armour: enigma

belt: Dungos

boots: waterwalks

gloves: bloodfists

wep: Grief PB

shield: HoZ (Ber for 50% DR) or a Sanctuary shield (for mass resists when needed)

charms: ar/life, res/life or plain life scs.

skills: max smite, HS, charge and Vigor. you might choose to max Might as your main aura (and make sure you have the IAS for a 6frame smite) or to max out Fanat.

spares to Blessed Aim (passive AR boost)

1pt: Salvation, Holy Freeze.


str: enough for gear

dex: enough for the phaseblade, which should happily also give you max block.


life: as much as you can scrape together.

