
Hammerdin Throne viable?!

Hi all:

Perhaps I just live under a rock, or perhaps there is some other plausible explanation...

Since 1.13 came out, I switched to SP and have spent most all of my time working on my Meteorb and Fishyzon. Before 1.13, I played on bnet and focused solely on zealot variations with HF and Conviction as my favorites.

After doing hundreds and hundreds of Meph and Countess runs, I've collected a fair amount of weath. So I thought to myself, "Self, why not finally make a Hammerdin to do Baal runs and get some elite gear that Meph cant drop?". So I did, and bam: I hit the second wave and encountered Magic immunes.

Good grief!! (Trying to calm down...) Is there an effective work around, and if not where can I best use my new Hammerdin?

Lanello|||Read info here.|||Thanks for the response.

I tried it, but Holy Bolt is too slow for my taste. My Fishyzon pretty much owns the throne, so I've got a good fast Baal runner.|||Your best bet is a very strong merc...although if it's SP and you're only doing /players 1 I suppose he doesn't need to be that strong. I personally use an act 2 might merc wearing an eth doom cryptic axe and fortitude..haven't had any problems doing baal runs.

If you can't make or afford high end runewords, any high damage polearm will do. Reapers toll or bonehew work well too..especially if eth. A good eth insight will do the trick also.|||Thanks Shaigon,

I think you're right. My Merc is a HF wielding non-etheric Insight in a Colosus Vogue (for Mana purposes). Switching over to Might will increase his damage, I don't have the etheric base yet. I'm sure I can get it in time...no hurry really.

On my first baal run, my merc killed the Horadin magic immunes and the magic hammers kept killing the skeletons that were being resurrected.

This should work.|||Ever since 1.13 came out, the best and most reliable baal runner i've seen is incredibly enough, a summon necro. Iron Maiden is no longer used by the oblivion knights, so the skeletons have free reign on the throne, no matter what spawns there. With amp damage and corpse explosion you can deal with everything. If you are uber rich take an infinity merc and an insight iron golem and you're all set. the necro will even clear even players 8 moderately fast.


I realized my post has nothing to do with your question, so to answer it I'll let you know that a good merc can take care of the 2nd wave just fine, it takes a bit though. As far as I know, there is no way to remove a magic immunity. If you would rather use your hammerdin elsewhere, well he is a very effective key farmer (he can farm keys on /players 8 faster than any other character I think) and also very good for /players 8 clears of alvl 85 places (the pit, ancient tunnels, etc.). Finally, he can run Chaos Sanctuary with no problems (I believe baal and diablo can both drop anything in the game, but don't quote me on that)

EDIT #2: Duh! just realized keys are sort of useless in single player. Nihlathak can still drop excellent grand charms for rerolling, so it might be worth it.|||Very interesting Norrit. I've never played a necro, I'll have to try it. On SP, I've got lvl90 Sorc, lvl 91 Fishyzon, lvl 83 Hammerdin, and lvl 21 Barbarian (just starting it). I'm in the process of trading for a Aracnid to help me it with the Hammer's FCR. Once I've got the merc tweaked, and finished the build, I think I'll try a necro.

Thanks, Lanello

