
The Griswold Solo Uber Smiter

I'm new to the forum and haven't seen much in the way of guides for a Griswold Pally other than the typical FoH'er. This is my exact build of my lvl 87 Griswold Pally "HolyRanger" US East Nonladder. So, I'm gonna take a shot at it, please comment and I appreciate the criticism.

For starters this build is so simple and effective for taking down the big 3 solo I'd suggest it over most any other build, and the best part is it doesn't require godly gear. The set itself isn't overwhelmingly impressive, however the 12 open sockets make it both versatile and immensely useful. I've ran solo with this build countless times and it's never taken over 3 minutes to wipe out Uber Trist. I personally love this build because there is no prebuffing, (other than BC and BO) no changing weapons to cast life tap, heck you don't even have to change auras, ever! It's simple, streamlined and very effective.

This is Not a one point smiter. He is able to do any area of PvM with ease. Though he could be built as a one point smiter I prefer the extra damage you receive from maxing smite.


Holyshield - Max. Increases smite, defense, and max block

Smite - Max. Increased damage and stun

Zeal - 1 point. I use it as crowd control in other PvM situations. Always a useful skill

Fanatacism - Max. you won't need any other active aura, brings you to max speed attack with no other IAS needed. Not to mention a huge boost to damage.

Total Points (7 in prereqs) 68 Total. That means your bare bones build is finished at clvl 56 with the 12 points from skill quests.

With the additional points feel free to add where you want. I chose to invest in fire and lite resist (every 2 points you add increases your max res 1, +skill items do not add in)

Fire Res- 10 pts

Lite Res - 20 pts


Strength - Enough to wear gear

Dexterity - Enough for max block with Holy Shield on

Vitality - Everything else

Energy - Don't even scroll over it; None

Now onto the gear. Gear is very simple, and of course uses all 4 pieces of Griswold's set;

Griswold's full set bonus - +3 Pally skills, 30% FHR, +200 to AR, +20 strength, +30 dex, +150 to life, +50 resist all.

Helm- Griswold's Valor. 2os, cold absorb, +2 off auras (set bonus)

Armor- Griswold's Heart. 3os, +20 strength

Shield- Griswold's Honor. 3os, 35 resist all, and 65% faster block rate

Weapon- Griswold's Redemption. 3-4os. shoot for the 4os as the extra socket will come in quite handy, 40% IAS, +2 combat skills (set bonus)

Gloves- Dracul's Grasp. Pretty self-explanatory, CtC lifetap is very useful and needed to keep your bulb full when mobbed and the +15 strength is nice too

Boots- Gore Riders. 15% crushing blow perfect for the build. You could also use waterwalks for the life bonus but the CB mod will be missed a lot.

Belt- T'god's belt offers 10% max light res along with 20 light sorb and strength and life mods. Makes dealing with Meph's aura much easier and the other mods are just extra gravy.

Rings- Ravenfrost and Bul-Kathos. RF is needed for the cannot be frozen mod. BK can be subbed out for a dual leech or sorb ring such as wisp or dwarf.

Ammy- mara's, the +Res is very handy especially when facing Mephisto's conviction Aura

Weapon Switch - any Call to Arms and +skill shield

Stash- Anni is of course nice to have, and i do not use a torch as it's not needed and makes it easier to just pick up and go the torch drop. Other than that I have a one large charm with 15 resists but no other charms are really needed.

Now, you have 12 open sockets, what ever should you do with them? With relatively low damage you could hack and slash all day and make little progress and the solution: socket Gris Caddy with 4 bers. This will give you 80% Crushing Blow! Paired with the 15% from Gores and you find yourself easily hitting the max Crushing Blow at 95%. With the remaining sockets Um the Helm and Armor and use Pdiamonds in the shield. This gives a whopping 182 to your resistances and could be further increased by socketing the shield with 3x Um instead of diamonds. After Meph's conviction aura you will still be left with over 70 on all resists and over 80 lite res.

As far as strategy goes, because of his build you can deal with the 3 in any order really. I have even taken on all 3 at the same time many a times and while it's not as easy it's still very doable. I would suggest however running straight west and then heading down and over until Mephisto appears and take him out quickly and next heading over and taking out Baal and then finally Big D will fall very easily.

Hope my guide was helpful and I hope to see a bunch of glowing Paladins, and if there was anything I omitted feel free to let me know and please comment and I always appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

