
Ambid's guide to pvm auradin, feedback needed.

Wanted some feedback on this pvm auradin guide I been working on for a while. Gear suggestions? Other opinions? Something missing?

Hello, I'm ambid and this is my quick guide to a pvm auradin.

Introduction to a pvm auradin:

I dislike the usual cookie-cutter pvm builds, light sorcs, hammerdins.

This is when I decided to try an auradin modified towards pvm playing. Pvm auradin is a very versatile char with very few weaknesess.

It can run any area of the game with no gear changes, including ubers, baal, chaos sanctruary etc.


- High attack speed (4 fpa zeal, 6 fpa smite.)

- High surviability without use of any potions.

- Actually kills really fast.

- Very few weaknesess.

- Stylish and most importantly FUN.


- Lightning + psychical immune monsters take a while to kill.

- Definedly not the cheapest build around, requires high end runewords.


The goals you should reach:

- Over 3k life.

- 4 fpa zeal.

- 6 fpa smite.

- 48 fcr in your main switch.(75 in switch)

- 48 fhr, not that important, but easily achieved with dual dreams.

- Above 40(higher if perf items) positive resistances in hell to all elements. (75 and stacked after fade procs)

- High crushing blow

Helmet: Dream helm - (diadem looks coolest) This is the only option, you need the holy shock aura from a dream helm.

Amulet: Highlords - Mainly used for the 20 ias, but the deadly strike, +1 skill and light resist are nice adds.

Weapon: Lastwish phase blade - Finally a build that really benefits from this ridiculously expensive runeword. It has all a pvm auradin needs: HIGH crushing blow, ctc lifetap, mf (you're an pvm char after all) and so on. Other weapons might work, but then you won't reach as high crushing blow and you need to sacrifise glove slot for ctc lifetap.

Weapon switch: Call to arms runeword and spirit shield

Armor: Enigma - In my mind the only option here, I don't like running to baal, diablo etc. +2 all skills, teleport, dr, str, mf, all usable mods.

Shield: Dream st - Dream is the only option here, try getting it in a 45 base res sacred targe.

Gloves: Trang ouls - 20 fcr, 30 cold res. You need the fcr to hit 48 fcr breakpoint and the cold res is nice too.

Belt: Arach - 20 fcr, +1 skill. You need the fcr to hit 48 fcr breakpoint.

Rings: Rare 10 fcr ring / raven - 10 fcr from ring is needed to hit the breakpoint, nice adds in the ring would be Attack rating, str/dex, life/mana, resist.

Boots: Gores/Goblin toes - One of the few slots where you actually have two good choices. Gores provide deadly strike and ow which helps your psychical damage. Goblin toes are purely for the crushing blow.

Inventory: The best statted anni & torch you can get. Some life and res charms if you find them needed.


It is actually a very important piece of this pvm auradin, it is required to reach 4 fpa zeal.

Act1 merc:

Helm: Andariels, gaze, tals helm - All good options, look for lifeleech and resists here.

Armor: Fortitude, Coh, treachery - Again, all good options.

Bow: Faith in a fast bow - Only option here, you need the fanaticism from faith to hit 4 fpa zeal. Good base bows: Diamond bow, blade bow etc.


Strenght - Enough to wear your gear, which means very little on this char, enigma provides you lots of str.

Dexterity - Enough for max block.

Life - Everything else.

Mana - None.


Defensive auras:

Prayer - 1 point: Preq for vigor and redemption.

Cleansing - 1 point: Preq for vigor and redemption.

Defiance - 1 point: Preq for vigor and redemption.

Vigor - 1 point: Handy skill, Good to have for running around in town.

Redemption - 1 point: ~10 level after all your plus skills, very handy way to fill up your life/mana after battle.

Resist lightning - 20 points: Synergy for holy shock.

Salvation - 20 points: Synergy for holy shock.

Offensive auras:

Might - 1 point: Preq for everything..

Blessed aim - 1 point: Preq for fanaticism.

Concentration - 1 point: Preq for fanaticism.

Fanaticism - 1 point: Needed to reach 6 fpa smite in ubers, when your merc is not around you.(ubertristram)

Holy fire - 1 point: Preq.

Thorns - 1 point: Preq.

Holy freeze - 1 point: Preq.

Conversion - 1 point: Preq.

Conviction - ~17-20 points: Your main aura, lowers opponents resistances and defense. Aim for exactly 27 level, next upgrade is at clvl 31 and you most likely won't reach it anyway.

Combat skills:

Smite - 1 point: One point here offers you enough damage to kill ubers and it's only used in ubers, not worth more points.

Charge - 1 point: Hardly ever used.

Holy bolt - 1 point: Preq.

Blessed hammer - 1 point: Preq.

Holy shield - 1+ points: Skill all shield wearing paladins should have, defense, block. 1 point is enough, put more here if you feel yourself fragile.

Sacrifise - 1+ points: Synergy for zeal, offers more damage than points in zeal, but less attack rating.

Zeal - 1+ points: Your main skill, balance it with sacrifise and holy shield, you won't have enough points to max them all. More points in zeal = more attack rating

|||Indeed nice guide m8|||Quote:


It is actually a very important piece of this pvm auradin, it is required to reach 4 fpa zeal.

Fanaticism - 1 point: Needed to reach 6 fpa smite in ubers, when your merc is around you.

Keeping a merc alive (and in range) can be annoying at times and is very difficult in Uber Tristram. If your merc dies you lose most of your IAS and quite a bit of your damage output.

Zeal + merc = 313 attacks per minute

Zeal no merc = 250 attacks per minute (25.2% damage output loss)

Smite + merc = 186 attacks per minute

Smite no merc = 246 attacks per minute (32.2% damage output loss)


Conviction - ~17-20 points: Your main aura, lowers opponents resistances and defense. Aim for exactly 27 level, next upgrade is at clvl 31 and you most likely won't reach it anyway.

IIRC level 25 Conviction is the highest you should ever get in PvM. Level 26+ adds no further benefits.


Armor: Enigma - In my mind the only option here, I don't like running to baal, diablo etc. +2 all skills, teleport, dr, str, mf, all usable mods.

Without an Insight merc and with Arachnid Mesh as your only mana adder your Teleport is going to be limited by low mana. A Teleport takes 24 mana and a level 90 paladin with your gear and perfect 20 stat torch and anni will have about 372 mana. Assuming a regeneration rate of 3 mana per second and 75% FCR that burns 57 mana per second. That's less than 7 seconds of teleporting before your bulb is empty and you have to kill some monsters so you can use Redemption.

Even if we assume your shield switch is a perfect 112 mana Spirit, then you have 431 mana, regen 3.5 per second, and have less than 8 seconds before your blue bowl goes dry. Getting to some of the prime magic finding locations (Meph, Baal, Countess) can easily take more time than what your build has.

Other than those possible issues this build should be a buzzsaw that is tons of fun to play.|||Quote:

Keeping a merc alive (and in range) can be annoying at times and is very difficult in Uber Tristram. If your merc dies you lose most of your IAS and quite a bit of your damage output.

Typo. It meant to say, 1 pt fana is neccesary to reach 6 fpa me when your merc is NOT around you. Your main skill in ubertrist is smite and main aura is fana. In general pvm the merc survives really well, I constantly teleport into packs in chaos sanctruary etc.


IIRC level 25 Conviction is the highest you should ever get in PvM. Level 26+ adds no further benefits.

Higher level conviction further lowers monsters defense, this build will not have high attack rating and relies alot on the -def from conviction to hit.


Without an Insight merc and with Arachnid Mesh as your only mana adder your Teleport is going to be limited by low mana.

That's what mana pots are for.


A Teleport takes 24 mana and a level 90 paladin with your gear and perfect 20 stat torch and anni will have about 372 mana. Assuming a regeneration rate of 3 mana per second and 75% FCR that burns 57 mana per second. That's less than 7 seconds of teleporting before your bulb is empty and you have to kill some monsters so you can use Redemption.

There must be something wrong with your calculations, my 91 level paladin has 519 mana even without my fcr ring which boosts the mana further to 626. Did you take bo in account?


Even if we assume your shield switch is a perfect 112 mana Spirit, then you have 431 mana, regen 3.5 per second, and have less than 8 seconds before your blue bowl goes dry. Getting to some of the prime magic finding locations (Meph, Baal, Countess) can easily take more time than what your build has.

Again, mana potions.

I think I need to make a quick video of gameplay with this char, the mana problem is really not as severe you make it sound.

Other than those possible issues this build should be a buzzsaw that is tons of fun to play.

It really is fun to play |||I dont understand this obession with enigma in everything. People even love to put them on sorcs...

Surely a high def armor or something with resists would be better? Treachery or forti comes into mind.|||Quote:

I dont understand this obession with enigma in everything. People even love to put them on sorcs...

Surely a high def armor or something with resists would be better? Treachery or forti comes into mind.

If you want to clear areas/bosses fastest way possible then enigma is answer to 99% of chars.. teleport being 2-3 times as fast as running even in a straight line has its implications|||Quote:

Without an Insight merc and with Arachnid Mesh as your only mana adder your Teleport is going to be limited by low mana. A Teleport takes 24 mana Assuming a regeneration rate of 3 mana per second and 75% FCR that burns 57 mana per second. That's less than 7 seconds of teleporting before your bulb is empty and you have to kill some monsters so you can use Redemption.

He has at least a level 9 teleport (1 +2 from eni +1 from highlords +1 from anni +2 to from spirit +1 from BC +1 from CtA), which costs 16 mana. So at 75% FCR (10 fpc) he is using 16*25/10 = 40 mana/s.

If one point is put in Meditation, it will be level 12 (+575% mana regen). Assuming a mana pool of 500 that is

25 * [[256 * 500 / 3000] * (100 + 575) / 100] / 256
25 * [ 42 * 675 / 100] / 256
25 * 283 / 256 = 27.6 mana regenerated per second

So the net mana consumption = 12.4 mana per second and it would take 500/12.4 = 40 seconds to completely drain the pool.|||Thank you all for input.

Here's a quick diablo and mephi run on the auradin:


As you see, the only time I had to use mana potion was when I didn't rebo after my bo ran out. I don't really find the mana an issue at all.

Also you might notice that in 1 player game, the char really cuts throught mobs like hot knife through butter, even the boss killing speed is right there with light sorcs and hammerdins.


I dont understand this obession with enigma in everything. People even love to put them on sorcs...

Surely a high def armor or something with resists would be better? Treachery or forti comes into mind.

As zrk stated Enigma is far superior in terms of speed. It really speeds up your runs alot.|||I really love this build. Thanks for the guide.|||Few days ago , I have decided to try auradin build for pvm, mainly to synergize other party members with high convicition (though I think in term of overall build and damage, Tesladin is better...by tesladin I mean pala who use holy shock and infi merc)

I also considered the lw for weapon, mainly for the ctc of life tap..though I also consider other weapons like :

crescent moon for the -35 lr which is good mainly vs light immunities and monsters with >50 light resist

doom - mainly for the safety that holy freeze provide, as I am hc player

6 sox phaseblade with 6 5/5 light facets - not only you get -30 light resists , which means almost every nonimmune monster have -100 light resist, but also get +30% to damage , which practicaly means +60% to damage for non immune monster because of the negative resistance.

The extra damage would be important if you want soloing 8 players games.

and ofc, -30 lr also will after breaking immunities

I also not sure about trying to get faster attack speed...I mean, torch firestorm still crashes my games, and faster attack speed , means more chance that this will happend..maybe playing without torch would be better ..

and also wanted to ask..what was your resists on that video ? your life dropped pretty fast when going after infestor of souls

