
The Semi-Holy Trinity Ranger

I have built this ranger over the past couple of months and he has been great fun, so I thought I would share the joys of a Semi-Holy Trinity Ranger with you guys. First of all, many thanks goes to Rane's

guide on rangers, who initially gave me a structured look into the world of bow wielding paladins.

This type of character is great for people seeking a change from the monotonous one click and hold type of attack. With popular builds like hammerdins and zealers, all you really do is spam the attacks until the enemy is dead (or wait until the merc finishes them off). With the Semi-HTR, you don't just stand there and spam arrows, you can also do a bunch of other things such as hit and run tactics, minion stack, etc etc. It's all up to your imagination.

Ok, now on to the actual guide! The Semi-Holy Trinity Ranger is named after all the elemental auras (or lack of!) that he has at his disposal. These auras can all be on at the same time or partially, depending on the situation...and the person's preference, of course.

The semi-Holy Trinity name suggests that we don't necessarily use all the elemental attacks at the same time, which leads to obvious item changes and such. The gear that a semi-HTR has depends greatly on a person's wealth and resources, and how much they are willing to invest.

With the introduction of the Token of Absolution (along with the respecs), we can basically switch up skills whenever we like, so it's no biggie to explore what works best for each person (in normal, nightmare, or hell).

A semi-HTR is a paladin that has a main attack pulse, along with some maxed resists. An example would be this:

Maxed holy fire

Maxed resist fire

Maxed resist cold

Maxed Salvation

rest into blessed aim

With a Ice Bow as main weapon and Holy Fire being the active skill, he will have two active auras, giving him both fire and ice damage.

You can switch it around too, where a HoJ bow becomes the main weapon and Holy Shock is the active skill. If that is the case, then these are the skills you will need:

Maxed fire resist

Maxed lightning resist

Max Salvation

Max Holy shock

rest into blessed aim

For a semi-HTR, you are basically mixing and matching the skills and gear that you plan to wear.


Most "pure" Trinity Rangers tend to go here:

-Max Fire resist

-Max Lightning resist

-Max Cold resist

-Max Salvation

-Rest into another aura of choice, mostly Conviction or Sanctuary for undead

So what items will they have to wear? You guessed it!

-Dragon Armor

-Dream helm

-Ice Bow

Here is what my semi-HTR has under his skills:

-Max fire resist

-Max cold resist

-Max Salvation

-Max fana

-Rest into holy shock

Main gear set up:

-Vamp gaze


-dual ravenfrosts


-Gore boots

-Laying of hands gloves

and most important of all, a bunch of bows! They include

HoJ, Ice, Brand, and Harmony


Str - Enough for gear

Dex - I like to keep it anywhere from 250-280ish. More dex = more damage

Vit - Everything else

Other nifty bows you might want to consider include:

Widow Maker - for guided arrows

Windforce - great damage

Kuko Shakaku - piercing attack and exploding arrows

Witchwild String - magic arrows, resists, and amp

Faith bow - Fana aura, fire damage, resists, and summons skeletons

It is NOT MANDATORY that you follow my guide exactly. Just do what works best for you! Some people may really like my skills set up, others may want to invest in something totally different, like blessed aim...but the main skills I DO want to emphasize are the ones related to elemental attacks! This is called the semi-HTR guide after all.

Things to think about:

Deadly strike,

Poison damage, prevent monster healing

crushing blow and importance,

fast attack speed versus bigger damage (bows vs. crossbows)

type of merc you'll get (Holy Freeze, Blessed Aim, Might, Fana bow, Pride polearm)

offensive vs. defensive play style


misc equipment for thought:

Gores/Treks/Waterwalk/War Trav boots

Magefist gloves

Angelic set

Seraph's Hymn/Mara's/Highlord's

P.S. Blessed aim gives a passive bonus to AR, if you didn't know.|||Ranger's are nice. I have never tried Brand or Ice bows, so my choice was good old Kuko (180% upped, 83% pierce with Razortail).

Last ladder I used this kind of setup:

upped Kuko (188 dex req)

Dream helm

Highlord's amu


Lava Gout Razortail Infernostride

2x Raven

(max holy freeze, max resist lightning, max resist cold, max salvation etc...)

Damage (with elemental charms, torch, anni) was

~1800 cold damage, 1-3000 lightning damage, ~500 fire damage (splash)

while merc was using Infy.|||Brand has a cool ctc bone spear--that's the main reason why I got it. Ice has a ctc nova too. I guess I'm into the ctc stuff, just because they make attacks more interesting!

One thing I like about elemental rangers is how they can use a cracked bow and still deal good damage in normal and nightmare.|||Firstly, ill be honest, ive never tried a bow on a Pala, so Im not embarassed to say I dont know what im talking about, but surely for ALL of those above builds youd want to use conviction as a main aura?

It seems the main source of damage is elemental, and with a HoJ bow (didnt know that was possible) + Dragon armour + Dream helm youll be dealing a lot of ele damage. With conviction as active aura you wont need to worry about attack rating and immunes either.

Sounds like a very fun build tho. |||i know you're mainly focused on elemental damage, but in the other bows section you dont even mention the king of aura-granting bows, faith?|||Someone needs to do a decent comparison of what the relative damage of each of these set-ups would be. |||Quote:

It seems the main source of damage is elemental, and with a HoJ bow (didnt know that was possible) + Dragon armour + Dream helm youll be dealing a lot of ele damage. With conviction as active aura you wont need to worry about attack rating and immunes either.

You should check that build out then!


i know you're mainly focused on elemental damage, but in the other bows section you dont even mention the king of aura-granting bows, faith?

Skipped my mind, it was pretty late at night. Added!

@ SimmoK - are you volunteering to contribute? I never really bothered with numbers that much but I'm guessing highest damage would be:

lightning > fire > water|||I dont have a hero editor or the time to try it out. Im only active on EuScL at the moment.

Im always open to new builds tho (especially Paladin) so id love to have a go at one of these. Would be nice if someone else had a go at a comparison first tho!

I had another thought, it would easily be possible to use a holy freeze merc with infinity (as I guess this is just a 'fun' PvM char anyway), and then using a HoJ bow + Dragon armour with Dream helm (lvl 30 Holy Fire + lvl 15 Holy Shock). Fanactism as main aura to add a decent amount of Physical dam too (as well as IAS)?

Soooo many possibilities with this build, haha. |||I suspect a non-elemental variant would do more damage though. using brand bow for amp, fanat as main aura, and a sluggin' botd warpike merc for the heavy damage. Similar to my mercmancer build where the merc does more damage than a frenzy barb :lol:|||Quote:

I dont have a hero editor or the time to try it out. Im only active on EuScL at the moment.

Soooo many possibilities with this build, haha.

With the respec in hell and token, you can remake paladins as much as you can afford

If I collect enough tokens, I might compare.


I suspect a non-elemental variant would do more damage though. using brand bow for amp, fanat as main aura, and a sluggin' botd warpike merc for the heavy damage. Similar to my mercmancer build where the merc does more damage than a frenzy barb :lol:

Then it would defeat the purpose of calling them Semi-HTRs I guess you can do the lightning route and pack on the physical damage on there for max damage...

