
125% FCR breakpoint...

Ok im in a dilemma... i need to break the 125% FCR breakpoint while still keeping my Hoto and 1 soj.

gear atm:

20% FCR from diadem

20% FCR from arach

20% FCR from magefist

40% FCR from hoto

10% FCR from ammy

10% FCR from ring

that leaves 1 ring, shield, and boots. well i dont think there are FCR boots so that takes that out. I know theres a 35% FCR spirit but i need my HoZ for the res purposes.

so that leaves a few options... try to get a 15%+ FCR ammy (these are crapload expensive tho...)

just wear my 2nd FCR ring and take the skill loss from SOJ i mean the FCR makes up for it right?

or is there a jewel or charm that increases FCR? i know there are IAS jewels but what about FCR? i could take out the Ber in my diadem and put in a jewel...

I just need 5% FCR ahhh


on a side note...

is there a large difference from lvl 16 and lvl 17 med aura?

my Eth cv insight atm is lvl 16 med... but the problem is with my 125% FCR breakpoint, i need mana pots when i tele around... kind of frustrating... will the 17 med aura help? or what level med do i need to reach for my mana to stay infinite at 125% FCR?

atm merc gear:

eth andy's (ral'd)

eth fortitude

eth insight cv

should i swap out the helm for a diff LL and +2 skills helm or will the extra med levels not even help my mana...?|||hoz is over rated, go for spirit. i guess hoz is fine if you dont mind 75%, but for 125, spirit gets you much more of what you actually need. besides, except for fire res, you'll have more res with spirit (80 with a 45 res base) than with a pdiamond hoz (69). you also get huge amounts of fhr, mana, and some vitality to make up for the admitedly 'meh' blocking that spirit has. in the end you will also wind up with more +all skills (maras, shako) and make your switch CtA give you a bigger BO.

cookie cutter pvm hammerdin:



hoto (40)


spirit (35)

trang (20)


arach (20)

10 fcr ring

whatever boots you want. i love aldurs for life and fire res to cover spirit's lack

CtA/spirit switch

hammerdins dont need an insight merc, i used to run ice bow merc back when IM was nasty, so 16, 17, 0 whatever. just put a point into redemption and you're golden. spirit helps out with mana like you wont believe.

ps. no there's no charm/ jewels that add fcr.|||yea good call on the spirit swap... altho it took me 37 rolls for a 35 FCR on my 45 res sup vortex

but my stats im pretty happy with. i do 1k less dmg than my HoZ but the FCR def makes up for it. with the shako/spirit the huge mana boost makes the med aura on my insight keep my mana topped too! so that was a nice change... i was also able to keep both Soj's...

Here's my setup:

Shako (ral'd)

enigma AP

skull clasp ammy: +2 pally skills 10% FCR and some other res stuff...

2x soj



35 FCR spirit vortex (15% ED)

eth treks


deff happy with this hammerdin thanks

