
What to make Exile In?


I've been fooling around with a Zealot/1 Pt Smiter build and was wondering which shield should I look for to make Exile in. Ideally I want to make it in a Elite Eth shield but there are many factors to consider...

My build at the moment will likely be:

Guillaume's Face

Mara's/High Lord's

Grief Phase Blade/(I'm also trying to get a hold of an Eth Death, I can make it in an Ettin Axe, but I ideally want a Beserker Axe)

Fortitude (Archon Plate, I just like how it looks. I Despise Dusk Shrouds on Paladins)

Herald of Zakrum (I want to Up it to Zakrum, but the Str requirements are scaring me... What do you think?)


Raven Frost

Likely a Bul Katho's or another Raven Frost (or Rare Ring? What should I ideally look for?)

Gore Riders

Dracul's/Laying of the Hands/any other idea's here?

I'm trying to get an Anni to ease of requirements. As for torches, I plan on using him mostly for Ubers (and PvP lightly), so I haven't factored in a torch at the moment.

Now with that in mind, I was initially going to make it in a Sacred Targe for its very low Str requirements. However, I always see Vortex Exiles, besides the high Smite damage and likely resale values is their any other benefit? The Targe seems well fit in my opinion. Its 22-70 smite is a nice range, and all Elite Paladin shields have an average 46 Smite damage rating.

What do you guys think? Is there anything I can do to improve my build from a Smiter perspective (for Ubers)? Also, What would you recommend I improve for my Zealot (PvP/PvM)?


PS: There was a speed chart a while ago for zeal and smite speeds? Anyone know where it is? Or know the IAS requirements for max Zeal/Smite?|||With a PB Grief and max fanat you do not need any extra IAS for max zeal/smite(http://diablo3.ingame.de/tips/calcs/...p?lang=english)

I would upgrade the HoZ and stick with it over Exile. Better blocking/better resists/stats/you get LT from Dracs anyways.|||all elite pala shields have the same avg dmg, except one which has 0.5 more

vortex has highest mx dmg, but lowest min dmg and highest str reqs...|||vortex also has the potential highest defense of all shields, and everyone likes to see big numbers in their LCS|||Assuming perfect e-bugged Exiles:

Vortex requires 148 strength and provides 51% blocking and 1822 defense.

Sacred Targe requires 86 strength and provides 60% blocking and 1279 defense.

Vortex requires 62 more strength and 9% more blocking but yields 543 more base defense.

IMO the best way to compare is equip both on a character and see what changes. Let's use a level 87 character with 2000 base defense (shield not included), level 20 Holy Shield, and zero attribute points used. Once I include a shield I will then add in enough strength to equip it, add in enough dexterity to hit 75% chance to block, and then dump the rest into vitality.

Equipping the Vortex you have:

1,560 life

26,268 defense

Hell Baal's chance to hit is 29%

After your 75% blocking he lands 7.25 of 100 attacks

Equipping the Sacred Targe you have:

1,811 life

22,556 defense

Hell Baal's chance to hit is 32.4%

After your 75% blocking he lands 8.1 of 100 attacks

So would you rather get hit 1 less time out of 100 or have 251 more Battle Order-able life? However, it's not just that easy. Most people's gear will take care of much of the extra strength and dexterity investments that the Vortex requires, seriously reducing the Sacred Targes vitality advantage.

It really boils down to personal preference in the end. If I could pick one I would go with the Sacred Targe. Simply because you can't have too much life and once you get high base defense and Holy Shield the returns diminish greatly on added defense. You really can't go wrong either way.|||Thanks guys! And thanks Frostadin for the in depth analysis of the shields

I think the best one for me would be in a Sacred Targe. But I'm gonna see what my stats come out to me and go from there.|||if you are looking to trade or legally make the exile, ebugged 4os elite pala shields are so hard to come by, most people take the first available shield.|||With Guillaume's as your helmet i would just go with a sacred targe. Now, if you were using a COA and had to meet a high strength requirement anyways, then i would suggest a vortex shield.|||Sacred targe is best shield to make an exile out of for its highest block%.|||I vote the Sacred Targe as well. Not having to add str and being able to dump it into vit can't be beat.

