
A melee character to beat smiters?

I've been trying to figure out what (if any) kind of melee character could have a decent chance against a smiter. I've heard of rabies/fury wolves doing it, but the only way I could ever beat smiters with my rabies/fury was to hit with max damage rabies and run like hell, which doesn't count in my book. I think what you would need would be:

An uninterruptible attack (narrowing it to zeal or concentrate unless I'm forgetting something)

Max damage reduction

Very high faster hit recovery

Very high attack rating

Any opinions?

PS: I don't count whirlwind of either the barb or the sin variety as melee.|||3 builds make my Savior Smiter flinch (if the user is skilled):




Casters with unblockable/ non elemental damage...

Attack rating based approaches have a slim chance of landing a hit, while I retaliate with smite that always hits, knocks back, and is unblockable... Charged Strike is probably one of the only close range attacks that could get the best of a pvp smiter before he switches up to sorb gear...|||i think the rabies-then-run option is about it in terms of melee attacks that can take out smiters.

you have to remember that a defence oriented smiter will be cracking over 40k defence. any AR based attack will be sketchy at best against that kind of defence. meanwhile, yon smiter ignores defence and block, never misses and always stuns.....

charge strike is a maybe, once you're in CS range, the smiter is in smite range. it will come down to if you can kill the smiter before he dodgelocks and kills you. and even if you did beat them, a t-gods will wreck your day.

smite is a very rude attack skill. it wouldn't take much of a nerf to bring it into line with other melee attacks (make it range 1/2 regardless of weapon &/or remove it's ability to set of CtC effects &/or make it blockable with a shield &/or remove the way Grief interacts with Smite. any one of those would bring smite down in power by a fair bit).|||this is a bit off-topic, but anyways:

i�ve read that in the program code for smite, there is a to-hit calculation with ur own ar and the opponents def, but the result does not do anything|||Pure fury 2 handed bait them into charging shift fury it doesn't work everytime but it can work a fair bit , if you don't mind bming a bit use cleglaws and deamon limb for chant . My main char is fury rabies if I use rabies and there stacked res I use etoomb forti set up I'll die more than I'll win but it is doable there is no other mellee char that stands a chance smite is so strong it's scary no ar needed unblockable and with life tap ~|||What about instead of etomb using doom in a giant thresher to slow them? It's not quite gm but hey, by my standards neither is smite.|||I've never tried it but I've heard botd gp is better than etoomb vs smiters just make sure you hit 86fhr breakpoint Doom gt with clegs and nos might work never tried it so I cant comment if you try it let me know |||No melee character has a chance vs smiters. That is why gm fury/rabies hybirds use rabies setup to beat smiters in the first place. If you are talking melee skills like zeal, conc, frenzy, jab, etc. no chance they can beat a good gm smiter such as v/t, t/v, etc.|||why do you think smite is bm? cos you can't beat smiters on your wolf druid?

btw smite isn't even considered melee. just like whirlwind.

no one is pointing a gun at your head and demanding that you duel the smiter with a melee attack.

further point to note: just because you can't win someone doing something, it doesn't mean that the thing he is doing is automatically bm.

that's loser talk.|||get a hdin.


