
Is this uber smiter good?

Hey, fellow D2-gamers!

I have in the past few days, been trying to set up a build for my new smiter, who will hopefully be able to solo uber.

My only problem is, that i am really doubting on some of my choices.. if i pick one thing, im gonna have to pick another item to match it, and so on...

Heres what i've got so far, and please tell me if i have to pick something else, and please give me reason for why i should do so:

Helmet: CoA, socket ber x2

Armor: CoH

Gloves: Draculs grasp, or rare gloves with dex + IAS, for if i go with last wish.

Belt: Verdungo

Boots: Upped Gore riders

weapon: Heres my biggest doubt... Last wish, for the CB, Life tap, and might,

Or Grief. Heres where i really need pro/cons from you guys

Shield: Another serious doubt: Upped+socket Zaka, or Eth vortex Exile.

Rings: Raven frost, and/or BK5

Amulet: Mara's

Switch: Cta+spirit (for BO)

This is what I've come up with so far..

If you disaggree with some items, please let me know

- Malzaku|||Without Last Wish it looks like your only source of Crushing Blow comes from Gore Riders, which is quite low. LW will probably give you faster run times.

Here is a guide thread which discusses Ubering and item choices: click.|||Ty for link.

Yes, the only other source for CB is goreriders, which is why i chose LW as a viable option. I had Guillaume's face in mind, though i chose CoA for the def, all res, and damage reduction...

I thought it was a good choice. Do you agree with that?|||Honestly, your gear is of such high quality that it doesn't matter. As long as you have some Crushing Blow, some source of Lifetap, and high resistances, you'll be fine. The items you're debating are just going to determine how rapidly you can ruin Meph's day.

It just so happens that, out of these three requirements, Last Wish provides for all of them. If you can afford it, hurray; it's great. You could kill faster with a Grief, but you'd have to provide alternative sources of CB, tap, and resist. For example:

Weapon: Grief PB (damage)

Shield: Exile (45 resists, Lifetap)

Armor: CoH (65 resists, 8% DR)

Helm: Res Jeweled Guillaume (15 resists, 35% CB)

Glove: Crafted Blood (10% CB)

Belt: Verdungo/SoE (15% DR)

Boot: Goblin Toe (25% CB)

Ammy: Metalgrid (35 resists, AR)

Rings: 2x Ravenfrost (CBF, AR)

Switch gear: CtA, Spirit, Treachery for Fade

This nets you 70% Crushing Blow on top of Grief's crazy damage, 38% Damage Reduction, a hefty AR bonus, and +220 to all resistances before factoring in charms.

If you don't have all of that gear available, just throw on whatever you've got and do it. Waiting another week to assemble the perfect loadout is really just another week of not killing Ubers.|||Ill post my gear and i never even flinch during ubers-

You_Smite- clvl 83

Kiras(UM)- 85 res

Last wish Pb- 64 cb


Fort- 30 res

Maras-30 res

Laying of hands- demon killing power!!!(aka... all the ubers)

eth Hoz(ZOD)- obvious reasons- high smite, res, +skills for holy shield

Tgods- light absorb is key

2x 20 dex raven frosts

Switch- 6bo cta and sigon shield

Inventory- terrible anni and NOTHING ElSE!

I have no problems doing ubers- meph is always first and dies within 20 seconds- baal next because i hate his damn blood lords who are PI and he dies with in 15 secs and diablo is a joke... ive never done a uber run thats lasted more then 2 mins.- i have max res in hell and 90 lite res before mephs convic|||You do know you don't need all of that end-game gear, right?|||ubers has been done with far less fancy gear than your proposed setup.|||coa--->please swap that with guillis face

verdungo--->any crafted blood belt works better and cheaper

Rest of it looks well though.

