
some paladin help

alright, still not really sure im level 40 and i got 22 un used points, now im not sure if im gunna make a freezadin or shockadin i have alright gear not god but good enuff only thing i worry bout is ar also skill set right now i have 10 in zeal and sacrafice should i put more to max or max holy shield. help would be nice also some pros and cons.

thanx|||It's nice to have a couple into Holy Shield for the added duration and chance to block, but it's not necessary to max it. You should be able to trade for the Angelic amulet plus ring combo easily, and that will solve all your AR problems.

Freeze is safer, Shock has more damage. If you get a HF merc you get the slowing benefits of Freeze, but then you lose the physical damage you'd get from a Might merc. If you're not having too much trouble surviving I would recommend Shock and a Might merc. Hotkey your 1-point Freeze so you can switch to that against light immunes. If the light immunes are undead Sanctuary can also make a big difference.

*Also, don't make multiple topics on similar questions |||do aura from merc blend in with yours for more damgage on top of shock or does it go back and forth?|||Yep, you can get the benefits from multiple auras, just not when they're the same one. If you both use Might, for example, then only the higher level one will count.

*Oh, and in case you didn't know, if you merc has Holy Freeze only he will get the damage from it. Might applies to both of you.|||kk thanks you srry bout posting multiple

