
1.13 Critique My Chaos/Baal Hammerdin

So here is my paladin, I have two things: critique it and let me know how I can improve my gear/better combinations, and how to improve my merc. Specifically, I like to run: count, andy, meph, diablo, baal, Tsocket, and Shenk (add pits and nil/pindle?).

Lvl 93

Attributes:With items (if I reset i could probably have a 540ish vitality rating)





Skills- The usuall, I won't bother listing what everyone does, (I have one point into red. and my holy shield is basically maxed).

Hammerdin Gear:

Shako- 140 def. (nothing socketed in it, wait for 141? or put something in, if so what?)

Ammulet- 27 Maras

Weap- 33hoto

Armor-1216 defense dusk shroud nigma

Sheild- Eth hoz (zod'd), only 166% defense tho, for 710 defense

Gloves- 2xupped Magefists

Belt- 119% arach

Ring1- soj

Ring2- 30% nagel

Boots- 35% wartravs

Charms- 39% gheeds, ptorch 12/14, low anni, a few 20 lifers and 7mf sc's

As for my merc

Act 2 Nightmare (holy freeze)

Weap- Eth insight col. voluge (15 med)

Armor- 2554 Def stone, out of eth balrog skin ( I can afford fort, but I am looking for more armor)

Helm- 199% eth andy's (nothing in it, what do i socket with) 10% ll, 504 def.

So should I stick with the act 2 merc? Or go act 1 ice? I notice I am a little slow to clear 2nd(mage wave) of baal, would act 1 ice merc be better for this? or keep insight act 2 becuase it is better in long run?

Please feel free to be specific. Your opinions would help a lot!|||"wait for 141" defense Shako? Lord Almighty, I lold.

Trying to increase your defense is incredibly silly when you'd get so much more from max block. Get max block. Put a Ral in Andy's to counter the -res, or buy 15ias/30 fire res jewel if you want to help out the items shops some more. Defense is a largely useless stat (in this case anyway) so give him Fort so he can help you take out the 2nd wave more quickly.

Do you have CTA on switch or a Zeal/Smite setup for immunes? If it's the former, then spare points can go into Holy Bolt to help out your merc.

*Just curious... What would a merc with Ice do?|||I love ppl who thinks that only a 141 def Shako can be socketed. A 110 def Shako is the same as a 141. 30-40 defense means nothing in efficiency.

On the other hand, you have only 80 fcr. Go up to 125 fcr.

What I would change: Herald of Zakarum to a nice Paladin Spirit, Nagel or Soj to some kind of fcr ring. Also give a Fortitude to your Mercenary, he will start raping. (Consider Might merc for tanking Achmel and his immune friends.)

For Shako socket: Cham/Perf Topaz/some nice jewel, anything you like and what you lack.|||Stick with act 2 merc but I prefer going 125% fcr by getting a 45 all resist base pally shield and keep rolling spirit till 35% fcr. Then all you need is 1 fcr ring then you have 125% fcr.|||I would advise going with this kind of setup:

Hammerdin Gear:

Helm- Try to find a 20fcr 2 palaskills circlet. They do cost a bit, even more with some sweet mods, but they are worth it.

Amulet- 27 mara's - Checks out.

Weap- 33hoto - Good enough.

Armor-1216 defense dusk shroud nigma - Clears out.

Shield - 35 fcr 4X all res Sacred targe

Gloves- 2xupped Magefists - Pfff, go for non upped if you can squeeze more vitality that way.

Belt- 119% arach - Any arach will do.

Ring1- soj

Ring2- 10fcr + mf ring (Rare or magic, if rare, go for life str res ect. mods along with fcr mf combo.)

Boots- 35% wartravs - You could try finding a better pair or settle with some other boots (aldurs (personal favourite), Sandstorms ect..)

This combo gives you relatively easy max block, crazy resists, slightly less hp than the previous setup you listed, AND 125fcr (the fastest teleportation for paladin.)

Act 2 Nightmare (holy freeze)

Weap- Eth insight THRESHER <---- way better than CV, less raw damage but more dps and CB procs.

Armor- Duress in a ebugged elite armor. <--- CB!

Helm- 199% eth andy's - socket with ias + something jewel

As said, defence is crap. My listed build might be slightly "squishier", but he kills and moves around alot faster, with better overall resists and merc setup.

This should crystallize everything said previously.|||20 fcr helm

20 fcr gloves

20 fcr belt

40 fcr weapon

35 fcr shield

10 fcr ring


145 fcr, keep Shako.

Sacred Targe will be 16x dex at level 93, still well worth gaining max block. You should put more points into Holy Bolt to help clear out wave 2 of Baal's minions quicker, instead of dumping extra points into Holy Shield just for the little extra defense.|||Quote:

20 fcr helm

20 fcr gloves

20 fcr belt

40 fcr weapon

35 fcr shield

10 fcr ring


145 fcr, keep Shako.

Sacred Targe will be 16x dex at level 93, still well worth gaining max block. You should put more points into Holy Bolt to help clear out wave 2 of Baal's minions quicker, instead of dumping extra points into Holy Shield just for the little extra defense.

What this guy said.|||oh rofl, I forgot the belt.

Yes, keep the harleq.

About what to socket in it, Ptopaz should do the trick.|||Quote:

20 fcr helm

20 fcr gloves

20 fcr belt

40 fcr weapon

35 fcr shield

10 fcr ring


145 fcr, keep Shako.

Sacred Targe will be 16x dex at level 93, still well worth gaining max block. You should put more points into Holy Bolt to help clear out wave 2 of Baal's minions quicker, instead of dumping extra points into Holy Shield just for the little extra defense.

Yeah its not worth going for pally circ unless it is a pvp hdin.|||Thanks everyone!

