
Guide: Storm Ranger (Ver. 1.5)

Storm Ranger

A. Introduction

B. Stat Point Allocation

C. Skills

D. Equipment

E. Strategy

F. Mercenary

A. Introduction

Hello all, as some of you may know, a Ranger is a Paladin that uses a bow. If you have any doubts, don�t worry, because I had some when I first began as well. Let me explain a few things about this particular build. Basically, I find that the �Storm Ranger,� a ranger that uses Holy Shock and Holy Freeze, is one of the most versatile and effective builds for a Ranger.

Why build a Ranger when you can build a Tesladin or a Frost Zealot? Simple, it�s a crap load of fun =] You�ll be doing almost as much damage as a Tesladin/Frost Zealot (depending on equipment) and you�ll also be able to slay lightning immune monsters and cold immune monsters, it doesn�t get any better than that.

This won�t be a guide that tells you EXACTLY what to do and EXACTLY what items to use, because guess what, I�m not the richest bastard out there. I�m basing this guide on my personal experiences and the items I have used. I recently started playing Diablo 2 again about a month before the announcement for a Ladder Reset was made, so as you can tell I don�t have enigmas and all that other godly crap that people always want. This build is just as viable with or without godly items, so have fun with it.

B. Stat Point Allocation

Stats are usually tricky to explain because it�s based on what you�ll be using. Well, I�ll base this section on an approximate amount of points put into each section to allow you to use a wide array of items.

Strength:You�re going to be a ranged character, so you don�t need whopping amounts of strength to wear heavy armor or use heavy weaponry. It�s a bow; my little sister could probably wield one of these bad boys. That being said, about 95 into strength is a nice number to shoot for. Not only does it allow you to wear almost every item that is useful for this build, but you can also reserve points for vitality.

Dexterity: This is a touchy subject. You will probably think that you should pour as many points as possible into this for the most possible damage. Well guess what, you�ll be doing mostly elemental damage anyway. So, the maximum amount of dexterity you will ever need is going to be around 140-150. If you are using a WidowMaker you will have guided arrow, so all you need is 146 dexterity with the help of your equipment. If you do not plan on using the WidowMaker, then having 140-150 dexterity will help boost your AR.

Vitality: Everything you can possible put into this wonderful place. Nothing better than having tons of points to put into vitality.

Energy: Why would you even consider putting a point into this if Sorceresses don�t even put points into it? None.

Let�s just take a quick overview of stats:

Strength: ~95

Dexterity: If using WidowMaker put it at 146 Max. If not, ~150.

Vitality: Everything else

Energy: None

C. Skills

Oh good, my favorite part of this guide. This build is somewhat point intensive, meaning you won�t have too much room for differences in skill points� but you can change around my ideas a bit. For example, maybe you don�t want to max out Holy Freeze, so you put points into Blessed Aim for more AR. This is simply how my ranger looks, so please; don�t think you are forced to copy this build exactly. I�ve also mentioned a large amount of one point wonders to help you make your Ranger better rounded and diverse.

End of build character outline:

Holy Shock: 20

Holy Freeze: 20

Resist Lightning: 20

Resist Cold: 20

Salvation: 20

Blessed Aim: 8 (If you have WidowMaker this isn�t necessary)

Prerequisites: 2

***When using WidowMaker***

You will have guided arrow, which doesn�t require any AR, so you can save the 8 points from Blessed Aim and put them into a few one point wonders. This is explained later on.

If you do not put any points into Blessed Aim, you will be left with 8 extra to place into other skills. Remember, you don�t have to do exactly what I did, the point here is to have fun!

Stat points Explained:

Holy Shock: This will be the main skill you will be using throughout the game. I only switch from Holy Shock if facing a lightning immune monster, so you will want to max this skill before maxing Holy Freeze. With max synergies, and no +skill equipment, your aura will be doing 1 � 655 damage to all monsters around you every two seconds and you will get an additional 1 � 3931 lightning damage to your attack. You may think that doing one damage will be awful, but you�ll find that your attacks will average out and you will be putting out some heavy damage very quickly. This skill takes large jumps in damage with each +skill item you have, so don�t think you�ll be limited to only 4000 damage. Max this skill.

Holy Freeze: This is your backup skill, so you won�t need to max this until later in the game. You�ll find that you easily get through both normal and nightmare difficulties with Holy Shock. Once in hell however, the lightning immune monsters will come into play and you will need another source of damage. Well, this is it! Not only does this skill slow all monsters surrounding you by 54%, but you put out some nice cold damage as well. Max this skill.

Resist Lightning: This is the prime synergy for your main damage skill, Holy Shock. This will give you and additional 12% damage to Holy Shock per level, which is nothing to sneeze at. You also get a hidden passive bonus of 10% to your max lightning resist. Max this skill.

Resist Cold: This is the main synergy for your secondary damage skill, Holy Freeze. This skill gives a nice 15% extra damage to Holy Freeze per level. Also, like Resist Lightning, you will receive a 10% passive bonus to your max cold resist. Max this skill.

Salvation: Although this skill gives very small bonuses to damage, it is a synergy for both Holy Shock and Holy Freeze, how convenient. This will give a 4% damage bonus to Holy Shock and a 7% damage bonus to Holy Freeze per level. Max this skill.

Blessed Aim: You will only be putting points into this skill if you do not plan on using a WidowMaker. Although you will never be using Blessed Aim as an aura, it does give a nice passive bonus to your AR. You will receive a passive 40% bonus to your AR at level 8. Now, since you won�t be putting too much into dexterity, you�ll need an extra source of AR. This is it! Trust me, missing is bad, hitting is good.

***When using WidowMaker***

As stated before, WidowMaker shoots guided arrows which require no AR. So I�ll suggest a few one point wonders for this build that can help you greatly. You can become very party friendly as well.

Cleansing: A nice skill to put one point into for those pesky poison inducing monsters that don�t want to go away. One point cuts the duration of poison for you and your party by more than one third. With a few +skill items you�ll never fear poison again! Great one point wonder.

Vigor: A very useful skill for many different reasons. If you ever need to run like hell, this will be your favorite skill to have. Also, if you�ve got some lazy people who don�t feel like running or teleporting to Baal, you could always run it. Like they say, if you need something done right, do it yourself.

Meditation: Really helps if you are mana burned or run out of mana potions. It�s also nice to have if you�re in a party with many casters. Huge boost in mana regeneration with only one point, extremely useful.

Redemption: Amazing one point skill here. After you are done clearing out a room of baddies, just put this on for free life and mana. This is also great for getting rid of those pesky slain monsters that can be revived by Shamans and such.|||D. Equipment

The key to this build is tons and tons of IAS. The faster you are able to put out arrows, the more damage you will be doing in shorter periods of time. There are also many different directions you can go with gear. You can stack up on crushing blow (which is exactly what I did) or you can stack up on +skills, or anything else you can think of that might be useful.


I�m going to describe the weapons in two different sections, one for Holy Shock and one for Holy Freeze. Keep in mind; you can always upgrade bows to elite versions.

Holy Shock:

WidowMaker (Unique Ward Bow): I would just like to thank Blizzard for putting this bow in the game. There is nothing better than shooting guided arrows as a Paladin. I suggest socketing this with a shael, because speed is extremely important.

Rogue�s Bow (Unique Composite Bow) : I know exactly what you are thinking, �how can you use a bow with such low damage?� Well, like I�ve said before, physical damage does not matter! This bow must be the fastest bow in the game, so it�s an awesome choice until you can acquire you�re WidowMaker.

RipHook (Unique Razor Bow) : If you can�t get a hold of the Rogue�s Bow or WidowMaker, this is the next best thing. Not only is it fast, but also gives a nice chance to slow target and for open wounds, and has 7-10% life leech.

WitchWild String (Unique Short Siege Bow) : Another nice choice for a bow. It shoots magic arrows and gives 1% to Deadly Strike per clvl. It also adds a nice +40% to all resists and has two sockets. Two shaels in this bad boy gives it some nice speed; making it another good choice for a bow.

Holy Freeze:

Wizendraw (Unique Long Battle Bow) : This is the only bow I can suggest for Holy Freeze. Try to get a perfect -35% cold resist to enemies on this bow and you�re set. It also shoots magic arrows and I suggest socketing it with a shael.

As you can tell, none of these bows are hard to come by. People will constantly say, �Whoa a Paladin with a bow? What do you use!?� When you show them they will laugh and say, �Wow your equipment sucks, get a Windforce.� DON�T LISTEN! Windforce is such a terrible choice for this build, it isn�t faster than the bows listed, and has no helpful mods on it that would even make me think of equipping it.

My Personal Choices:

WidowMaker with Wizendraw on switch, both shaeled.

Bow Speed

Here I�ll explain the speeds of bows, and what would be needed to reach a certain amount of frames per attack for your Ranger.

Inherent Speed (Base Speed)

The base speed of a bow is an inherent attribute of the bow without the addition of any IAS.

Speed Class

[-10] (Fastest) : Hunter's, Composite, Razor, Double, Blade, Great, Matriarchal

[0] : Long, Short Battle, Stag, Short War, Cedar, Short Siege, Ashwood, Rune, Ward, Diamond, Shadow

[5] : Short, Edge, Spider

[10] (Slowest) : Long Battle, Long War, Reflex, Large Siege, Gothic, Ceremonial, Hydra, Crusader, Grand Matron

As you can see, good choices of bows would be either [-10] or [0] base speed because these are the fastest bows without any addition of IAS.

Bow Speed Table

Let�s take a look at the speed breakdown with the addition of IAS. This table will show how much IAS you need to acquire to achieve the quickest frames per attack (or least). Under the Speed Rating Column, you will find the frames per attack you can reach with the amount of IAS added depending on the base speed of your bow. For example, you will see that for a [-10] base speed bow, you will reach 14 FPA with 0 IAS.

Speed Rating (FPA): [-10] Class Bow (+IAS)

14 : 0

13 : 10

12 : 20

11 : 30

10 : 55

9 : 90

Speed Rating (FPA): [0] Class Bow (+IAS)

15 : 0

14 : 10

13 : 20

12 : 30

11 : 50

10 : 75

9 : 125

Speed Rating (FPA): [5] Class Bow (+IAS)

16 : 0

15 : 10

14 : 15

13 : 25

12 : 40

11 : 60

10 : 90

9 : 150

Speed Rating (FPA): [10] Class Bow (+IAS)

17 : 0

16 : 10

15 : 15

14 : 25

13 : 35

12 : 50

11 : 70

10 : 105

9 : 175

You will want the lowest FPA possible, so I would suggest either using a [-10] or [0] class bow. Certain mods on bows may make up for less IAS though, which I will explain now.

Let�s take a look at some of the bows I mentioned:

Rogue�s Bow (Unique Composite Bow) : This bow's base speed is [-10] and it has a +50% IAS bonus. This means that this bow will already fire at almost 10 frames per attack. If you socket it with a shael, and equip a pair of +20% IAS gloves, the bow will now shoot at 9 frames per second, which is the fastest you can get as a Paladin.

Riphook (Unique Razor Bow) : This bow also has a base speed of [-10] with a +30% IAS bonus. This bow will be firing at 11 frames per attack without any additional IAS.

Witchwild String (Unique Short Siege Bow) : This bow has a base speed of [0] with no increased IAS. This bow will fire at 15 frames per attack but contains 2 sockets. If you insert 2 shael runes that will add 40% IAS, so you will be firing at 12 Frames per attack. An extra +10% IAS will get this to the 11 FPA breakpoint. This bow also has some very nice mods on it as mentioned above.

WidowMaker (Unique Ward Bow) : According to these charts, you may wonder why I chose this bow as the optimal Ranger bow. This reason is simple, for guided arrow. This bow has a base speed of [0] and will fire at 15 frames per attack. When a shael is inserted it will fire at 13 frames per attack. With the addition of +20% IAS gloves and a few +15% IAS jewels you can probably reach the 10 frame per attack breakpoint. This bow is fast, don�t get me wrong, but it is not the fastest. Even so, I choose this bow over any other for a Ranger because of guided arrow, ignore target defense, firing magic arrows and it has a 33% chance for deadly strike.


Enigma (Rune Word) : Obviously a great choice for almost any build, but I�m poor and do not have access to this. Teleport would be amazing for duels I�m sure, and with the help of your guided arrow from WidowMaker, you would be a force to be reckoned with. Enigma also gives a really nice chunk of strength, increased life and magic find, and along with +2 skills, you can�t go wrong.

Chains of Honor (Rune Word) : This armor may be a bit more appealing than Enigma if you are low on resists, it also gives a nice+2 to skills, damage reduction, life leech and a small chunk of strength.

Duress (Rune Word) : Oh boy, this armor gives me goose bumps. 40% Faster Hit Recovery, 10-20% ED and a nice chunk of resists. My favorite part of this armor is the 15% chance of crushing blow and 33% chance of open wounds. For my Ranger I stacked up on crushing blow because it really helps to take down a monsters life quickly. This is one of my top choices.

Guardian Angel (Unique Templar Coat) : Time for the armors for the less privileged. +1 to all paladin skills gives a nice little boost to damage, and you�ll get great resists from this armor as well. Sadly you probably won�t have enough strength to upgrade this armor so it will lack defense compared to other choices.

Skin of the Vipermagi (Unique Serpentskin Armor) : I myself used this armor. It gives you a nice chunk of resists if you can grab a perfect one and once again the +skill mod gives a nice chunk of damage to your auras. You can upgrade this armor for extra defense.

My Personal Choices:

Duress or Enigma.


Harlequin Crest (Unique Shako) : This is an amazing helm for any build. +2 skills, MF and tons of life and mana. 10% damage reduction is a nice addition as well. If possible, socket this with a +15% IAS jewel, because remember, speed is vital to a ranger.

Griffon�s Eye (Unique Diadem) : This circlet has some really awesome mods on it. Not only does it give +1 to all skills, but it boosts your lightning skill damage by +10-15% and reduces enemy lightning resistances by 15-20%. Once again, a nice +15% IAS in this would be great, or even a Lightning Facet would work well to stack with the circlet.

Andariel�s Visage (Unique Demonhead) : This is one hell of a nice helm for Rangers. It gives +2 to all skills as well as 20% IAS, +25-30 strength, life leech and tons of poison resists. An additional 15% IAS would give your helm 35% IAS, which is amazing.

Giant Skull (Unique Bone Visage) : If you�re going the crushing blow route, this is a very nice helm to try out. It has a very high amount of defense as well as 10% crushing blow, knockback, strength and can have up to two sockets. You can socket this with two +15% IAS jewels, or whatever other combination you can come up with. Endless possibilities here.

Guillaume�s Face (Set Winged Helm) : Here�s my helm that I used throughout the game. People laughed at me, but they felt stupid when I slaughtered everything that came in my path. This helm gives a nice 30% FHR, 15% Deadly Strike, 35% Crushing Blow and +15 to strength. I�m telling you, crushing blow is extremely helpful if you can�t find tons of godly +skill items. Socket this bad boy with a +15% IAS jewel and you�re set.

Nightwing�s Veil (Unique Spired Helm) : If you are planning on sticking with Holy Freeze as your main aura, then this helm would be a perfect choice! +2 skills, +8-15% cold damage, cold absorb and a nice chunk of additional dexterity. What a great Holy Freeze helm we have here. Socket with a +IAS jewel or a Cold Facet to stack with the helm.

Kira�s Guardian(Unique Tiara) : This is a very nice helm if you need resists. Since we won�t be able to equip shields, this is also a possibility for a source of up to +70% all resistances!

My Personal Choices:

Guillaume�s Face, Griffon�s Eye or Andariel�s Visage.


I don�t really like any of the unique gloves for this build. Any gloves with +IAS work really well, so this is where we take a trip into the wonderful world of crafting.

Blood Gloves (Crafted Vampirebone Gloves) : These gloves automatically give you 5-10% crushing blow, life steal and a small life bonus. Get +20%IAS, mana leech and some resists and you�ve got yourself a very nice pair of Ranger gloves.

Dracul�s Grasp (Unique Vampirebone Gloves) : These gloves have some very helpful mods on it, but nothing for increased IAS. If you do end up using these gloves for its life steal and chance to cast life steal bonuses, be sure to find another source of +IAS.

Lava Gout (Unique Battle Gauntlets) : This is a very nice pair of gloves as well. It gives +20% IAS and has a 2% chance to cast level 10 Enchant on attack. This would give you even more elemental damage, so these would be a good choice too.

My Personal Choice:

Crafted Blood Gloves.


Sandstorm Trek (Unique Scarabshell Boots) : Nice boots with a good boost to strength and vitality. Really helpful if you need poison resists and they give +20% FHR on top of that.

Gore Rider (Unique War Boots) : I love these boots. They really help me stack up on crushing blow as well as some other nice goodies. 10% chance of Open Wounds, 15% Crushing Blow and 15% deadly Strike.

Aldur�s Advance (Set Battle Boots) : Aldur�s gives you a nice 40% Faster Walk/Run along with a nice life boost and fire resists.

Goblin Toe (Unique Light Plated Boots) : These are your low end boots that you will quickly replace once you get any of the other boots listed. The only reason you would want these is for the 25% chance of crushing blow, but I find Gore Riders much more helpful.

Immortal King�s Pillar (Set War Boots) : 40% Faster Run/Walk once again, with a nice boost to life. Alone they may not seem appealing, but when combined with a pair of Immortal King�s Forge (Set War Gauntlets) you get +25% IAS and a small MF boost.

My Personal Choices:

Gore Rider or Sandstrom Trek


Arachnid Mesh (Unique Spiderweb Sash) : The reason I would choose this belt is for the + to skills and slows target by 10%, this will help boost your damage and keep the baddies away from you.

Nosferatu�s Coil (Unique Vampirefang Belt) : I really love this belt for Rangers. It slows target by 10%, life leech, +strength and my personal favorite, +10% IAS.

Razortail (Unique Sharkskin Belt) : A good beginning belt for Piercing Attack and a nice +15 boost to Dexterity, I�d replace this belt once you get a WidowMaker bow though because you�ll be using guided arrow most of the time and don�t need Piercing.

Wilhelm�s Pride (Set Battle Belt) : A nice belt if you really need the dual leech, but it�s really a last resort type of belt.

Goldwrap (Unique Heavy Belt) : This belt gives you +10% IAS along with some nice magic find mods. You can upgrade it for a good boost of defense as well, which would be quite helpful.

My Personal Choices:

Nosferatu�s Coil or Arachnid Mesh.


Mara�s Kaleidoscope : Great choice of an amulet for any build. +2 all skills, 30-40% all resistances and +5 to all attributes.

Highlord�s Wrath : I think this is the best Ranger amulet out there. +1 to all skills, +20% IAS and a max of 37% Deadly Strike at level 99. Pretty isn�t it.

If all else fails find a +2 paladin amulet with nice resists on it.

My Personal Choice:

Highlord�s Wrath.


Bul-Kathos� Wedding Band : I suggest wearing one of these if you can get a hold of it. +1 to all skills is always a nice thing to have and with the life leech and bonuses you can�t go wrong.

Raven Frost : Another ring I highly suggest using. Cannot be frozen, +attack rating, +20 dexterity, +40 mana and cold absorb. Yummy.

Stone of Jordan : You would just use this for + to skills, but I find the other rings listed more useful.

My Personal Choices:

Bul-Kathos� Wedding Band and a Raven Frost.


The usual charms are used here, anything that gives resist, AR, life and + to Offensive Auras.

Overview of things to look for:

So basically the most important mods you need (In no particular order)

-Increased Attack Speed



-Crushing blow


-Attack Rating



-Negative Enemy Resists for Cold and Lightning

-+% Cold and Lightning skill damage

-Ignore Target Defense|||E. Strategy

Here I�ll explain how I got through the game with some simple tips and pointers for assistance. I�ll give you ideas for low end items to use as well, so here we go:

Beginning of the game:

Level 1-24: Find a socketed short bow and put a chipped sapphire and a chipped topaz into it. This will really help keep monsters slowed and will add some nice elemental damage for very early levels. You�ll be using a crappy bow like this until level 15, but fear not, for you have a Raven Claw ready and waiting. This bow isn�t rare at all, and it fires explosive arrows. At this point in the game you won�t have either of your auras, but Holy Fire is a prerequisite, so why not use it! Since the fire damage of Holy Fire stacks with the explosive arrows, you can tear apart anything early game. Once you hit level 18 switch to Holy Freeze. At level 20 you�ll be able to use Rogue�s Bow, which you will be using until level 65. I also suggest equipping your Ranger with an Angelic Ring and Amulet for a huge boost of AR and Life along with Cathan�s Ring for life leech. Also, an additional item from the Cathan set will add 15-20 more fire damage, which is very nice. A good helm would be Tarnhelm for the +1 to skills and MF. For armor a Twitchthroe would be great for a boost of IAS and FHR.

Level 24-65: Once you hit level 24 you�ll be able to use Holy Shock, hoorah! You�ll be pumping out some heavy damage with your Rogue�s Bow and taking names while doing it! At level 29 put on a perfect Skin of the Vipermagi, you�ll enjoy the +skills and resists. At level 34 put on your Guillaume�s Face and have fun with it�s crushing blow. At level 47 you�ll put on a pair of Gore Riders and have even more crushing blow to aid you. At this time you�ll max Holy Shock and Resist lightning and be done by about level 50. At this point you�ll be doing about 3500 lightning damage, depending on gear. That is enough to breeze through both Normal and Nightmare, so have fun dominating everything you come up against with your Rogue�s bow.

Level 65+: Finally, you get to use your WidowMaker bow. Once you begin using it make sure you have some sort of Mana Leech, at least 3% will do. Guided arrow does take away from your mana, I�m not sure if you are all aware of this, but it does. This isn�t much of a problem though because it simply doesn�t take much mana to cast anyway, and even the smallest amount of mana leech will allow you to keep a constant flow of arrows spraying in all directions. At this point you�ll need to start putting together your elite equipment and stacking up on +Skill charms. I really had fun at this point, and I hope you will too! Just use your imagination and I�m sure you can put together a really great ranger. With a large amount of +skill gear and charms, you can do well over 8000 lightning damage and 3000 cold damage.

Suggestion for skill points at each level:

This is the route I followed for skill points at each level, you don�t need to follow this exactly, but I found this to be very effective nonetheless.

Level 1: +1 Might (Prerequisite)

Level 2: Save Point (1)

Level 3: Save Point (2)

Level 4: Save Point (3)

Level 5: Save point (4)

Level 6: +1 Resist Cold +1 Holy Fire (3 Saved)

Level 7: +1 Resist Cold (3 Saved)

Level 8: +1 Resist Cold (3 Saved)

Level 9: +1 Resist Cold (3 Saved)

Level 10: +1 Resist Cold (3 Saved)

Level 11: +1 Resist Cold (3 Saved)

Level 12: +1 Resist Cold +1 Resist Lightning +1 Blessed Aim (1 Saved)

Level 13: +1 Resist Cold +1 Resist Lightning

Level 14-17: +1 Resist Lightning

Level 18: +1 Holy Freeze

Level 19-23: +1 Resist Lightning

Level 24: +1 Resist Lightning +1 Holy Shock (Den of Evil Quest/Izual/Radament)

Level 25-43: +1 Holy Shock *Maxed

Level 44-50: +1 Resist Lightning (With Den of Evil/Izual/Radament)*Maxed

Level 51-69: +1 Holy Freeze *Maxed

Level 70-81: +1 Resist Cold *Maxed

Level 82+: Max Salvation then put the 8 points you have left over into Blessed aim or any of the suggested auras if you are using a WidowMaker. (Keep in mind you get +12 skills from quests)

This is the basic build I used. I maxed Salvation last because it gives the smallest bonus to both Holy Shock and Holy Freeze.

F. Mercenary

Last but not least, the mercenary section. I have always loved the Act 2 mercenaries, and I will only suggest using them. Now we can go in a few different directions on this depending on the bow you choose and the amount of dexterity you have. If you are using a WidowMaker then I suggest a Holy Freeze mercenary to slow down monsters while you fire away. In case you are using Holy Freeze more often than Holy Shock, a Defiance mercenary might be the right choice for you. If you do not have a WidowMaker and are in dire need for some extra AR, a Blessed Aim mercenary will be your best friend.


Well, that�s everything. I hope you enjoyed this guide and have fun with your new Storm Ranger!

MSA|||This is hopefully the finalized version of my guide. I had to cut it into 3 pieces because it didn't want to post all together for some reason. Thanks for all your help!


MSA|||a nice up date and after a first glance i cant see anything wrong with it well done soon as i get my widowmaker i'll be making one.

l8rz :howdy:

raph|||Good job putting in all the suggestions and the guide itself is great for those who want something out of the ordinary.|||would kuko not also be a good bow to use if you cant get your hands on a rogues bow etc for lvling in the 30's its not as fast but is got exploding arrows and 50% pierce couple that with a razortail and surely you should have some nice crowd control as well as good dmg?.

l8rz :howdy:


would kuko not also be a good bow to use if you cant get your hands on a rogues bow etc for lvling in the 30's its not as fast but is got exploding arrows and 50% pierce couple that with a razortail and surely you should have some nice crowd control as well as good dmg?.

l8rz :howdy:


Not for this build, no. Only Holy Fire stacks with the fire damage of exploding arrows. Lightning and Cold will not.

So the fire damage you will be doing will be very low and you won't even notice it's there. If you can't find a rogue's bow then just find a [-10] or [0] base speed bow and socket it with some shaels.|||ok well i'll give that ago thnx just found myself a widowmaker so his in te making at this very moment

l8rz :howdy:

raph|||One of the BEST things I find out with any Shocker/Freezer is that their weapon does not matter! Ever considered using a weapon like Moonfall or so? Also pummeling monsters to death with fists while others laughing is fun

