
best non-smiter/non-hammerdin equipment farming build?

paladin is my fav class, but ironically, find no enjoyment playing hammerdins or smiters. i'm guessing some manner of zealot...

in any case, i've never had high end equipment or runes, and i dont really feel like using a meteorb, and i know paladins generally dont make good magic finders, but is there some type of paladin that can farm good things that are at least tradable?

maybe i'm chasing my tail here, but figured i'd give it a try.|||smiters aren�t good for mfing.

the best low-budget option would be using an ele-zealot. they can have high dmg paired with cb. i prefer frostadins over tesladins for the slowing effect, which grants a lot of safety, but tesladins have higher dmg. but if u want to have fun, try a rifterdin:

rift elite scepter with maxed conviction and on switch lightsabre or something like that. should be able to tear through anything non CI & PI rather easy|||Any reason why you couldn't just farm Keys and Torches, to sell off for very good profit?

It's a pretty standard Zealot build, max Fanaticism Zeal Holy Shield Sacrifice... there is a guide if you want more in-depth.

Of course to be fearless anywhere you need some specific gear, but I wouldn't call any of it super hard to obtain. Matter of fact you should be able to gather bulk Pgems or Spirit rune sets or etc, sell them off for Ists per set, and easily buy a full Paladin kit.

Mine just runs HoZ, Azurewrath, Guardian Angel, Drac's, Gore's, Metalgrid, Verdungo's, Guillame's, Raven and Nature's Peace. This will give you an idea on what to aim for, but trust me you can start off with even cheaper gear and still git 'er done. There have been people on Hardcore mode that have used simple Black runewords with Smoke and rares and a Lifetap charges wand. It'll be slower, but it's doable.|||Quote:

the best low-budget option would be using an ele-zealot. they can have high dmg paired with cb. i prefer frostadins over tesladins for the slowing effect, which grants a lot of safety, but tesladins have higher dmg.

My name is Frostadin, and I not only approve this message, I give it a major |||Quote:

Any reason why you couldn't just farm Keys and Torches, to sell off for very good profit?

I seem to remember trying to do key sets, but I seem to remember getting pummeled by Nihlalathak. Sometimes even getting to him is a challenge.

Torches? If I had good enough equipment to take on ubers I wouldn't need to have made this thread to begin with

I have tried the frost zealot in a previous ladder season, but seem to remember it being an awfully slow killer. He had a shael'd heavens light, gris armor, spirit shield, 20% IAS gloves, and angelic rings and ammy for AR. obviously could have used better equipment, and he was kinda fun, but i ended up stopping playing him cuz my tals sorc did everything so much better.

i do have a 42 lvl conviction paladin that i haven't done much with lately, maybe i'll ramp him up and see what happens.|||tesladin...|||Quote:

Torches? If I had good enough equipment to take on ubers I wouldn't need to have made this thread to begin with


I know it doesn't seem possible, but as I mentioned before there have been successful attempts made on the Ubers, ON HARDCORE MODE, while wearing the barest of gear.

I can try and dig up the full info if you want, but I am seriously talking about gear like Black in a flail, cheapos like Goblin Toes, self-found Rares, etc.

The two biggest obstacles to the Ubers are: Crushing Blow, and resists against Uber Meph. There are tons of cheap ways to get CB, and Pallies have many ways to get resists including 1pt in Salvation, any 4os Pally shield with some resists on it +4 P Diamonds, and decently cheap runewords like Smoke.

Don't talk yourself out of believing it can be done... I was doing Ubers long before I obtained things like Metalgrid and HoZ, I think about the nicest thing I had was a Lightsaber that I traded some bulk Pgems and Crafting sets for. If you do what it takes and get the Crushing Blow and Resists in place, then all you really need is to shop a Lifetap wand from a vendor. I won't lie and say it's easy in junk gear, but if you get a Pally/Sorc torch to drop you literally just became rich. Not to mention the items/runes you will find if you are self-running for your own keys.

Edit, quote from guide:

"Gear Selection

Here I will suggest some setups that I have personally tried, from almost free to very expensive. The things that one has to keep in mind is that uber tristram requires a gear setup with presence of crushing blow , some source of life tap, overstacked resists (lightning/cold/fire, with that priority, ignore poison) . Contrary to what people think, maxing crushing blow won’t provide any groundbraking advantage, just use as much as you think it is necessary, I personally go with 48%-60%. Crushing Blow is not king, just an important factor.

Low level entry. For the very poor.

Helm: A crown socketed with ort and thul runes for light/cold resists.

Armor. Smoke (nef+lum) for the 50% all res.

Shield. Any simple socketable elite paladin shield with as high base resists as possible socketed with 4xperfect diamonds, for the resists.

Gloves. Blood crafted. The recipe is pdiamond,jewel,nef + heavy/sharskin/vampirebone gloves. The mods that we want are decent crushing blow and resists if possible. Dexterity,strength,life are all welcome of course.

Ravenfrost ring, crappy ones should be almost free and we only want it for the cannot be frozen mod and the handy cold absorb.

Resists amulet, resists second ring.

Resists belt. Make a blood crafted one that offers both resists and open wounds ,to confront the life regeneration of the Three.

Boots: Goblin toe. 25% crushing blow, this is a normal unique item, 1 perfect gem should be enough for it, if it is not for free.

Weapon: A 4xshael crystal sword/dimensional blade/phase blade. or a shaeled lightsabre. With the 4xshael option you can smite at max speed without the need of fanaticism. This will come handy vs mephi because you can have your salvation aura on against him to negate his conviction. A shaeled lightsabre will allow you to smite at one breakpoint slower, but it grants a very handy lightning absorb and it ignores target’s defense when you zeal with it, so you can hit the minions with that and deliver loads of crushing blows quickly if needed.

Weapon switch: Life tap wand. This one is tricky, I don’t suggest going into tristram without a renewable source of life tap while smiting"|||This is all good and whatnot. However TS is getting raped at nith. Mabye you should address that instead of ranting off with a post on how easy ubers is?

TS, read this: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=595668

Its all you need. Trade the D-key into terror or hate and either:

a) Sell the keysets (3x3) for a ist


b) Do what knarlfist is suggesting and collect either the organset (sells for 2 ist) or the torch.|||Quote:

This is all good and whatnot. However TS is getting raped at nith. Mabye you should address that instead of ranting off with a post on how easy ubers is?

TS, read this: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=595668

Its all you need. Trade the D-key into terror or hate and either:

a) Sell the keysets (3x3) for a ist


b) Do what knarlfist is suggesting and collect either the organset (sells for 2 ist) or the torch.

I guess I'll have to do more research more on organsets, but if I remember right, the winged baddies hanging around Lilith are murder. It almost seems like you have to have a different build for each part of this, i.e. smiter for uber trist, some other build for key running, and another for organs.

I guess I'll just worry about the key part first, and maybe I'll just stick with that aspect of it. Seems like it would take awhile to get 3 whole key sets tho just for 1 Ist. If I remember right though the Summoner drops keys fairly often (I used to run Countess and Summoner), so at least that part should be easy.|||Well, to be fair to myself, he didn't say he was having problems at Nith... he said he "seemed to remember" having troubles there before. In my mind that could mean he was mis-remembering, or that he wasn't trying because of lack of motivation, or any one of a million different things. It's kinda hard to give too much weight to a possible problem from the past - it's much easier for us to address specifically a problem that he has tried recently and can exactly describe.

All I was trying to say is "don't give it up as impossible before even trying, many others have done it with less gear". I will admit to overlooking some advice to pass on about Nith... I guess I don't view him as real threat cuz I've never had any problems with him. Sadly I end up with WAY many more Dest keys than others, which ends up helping me since they are the easiest to trade off for other keys.

For me, I think it was the Organs that can really piss you off, especially at Lilith. Those damn witches spamming balls of death are stressful to say the least

So my best overall advice is: If all you can do are Keys, or even just 2 or even 1 Key area (hopefully at least Countess), you still have access to drops like runes, pgems, Keys, white socketables, that you can accumulate and sell off to buy better gear with. I listed a lot gear, but I self-found none of it... even just doing Countess runs the first decent rune you find will pretty much buy 1-2 of the most important gear pieces for your build. I'd say getting Drac's is one of the most important gear slots, and in 2nd place I would list Nature's Peace as most helpful down in Nith's area.

The other pieces help tons, but they all have other options as temp replacements (especially nice rares) and can wait until you have more survivability. Do whatever it takes, Hell Hellforge, Hell Countess, follow Baal runs on a day off and find a couple Eth elite polearms or Archon Plates to trade off, whatever you can to quickly get the first few pieces. Then your MF/Key/etc runs will go way smoother and you will find much more tradeable wealth/

