
Hammerdins....are you serious?

[:1]Been playing diablo 2 since it came out...stopped for several years but played every main char type except a hammerdin. With the new ladder I wanted to play something new (skelemancers are too slow for my blood) and I made a hammerdin. Just got to level and 60 and...

are you kidding? Never had a non-twinked char this ridiculously powerful before.

Its kinda awesome....but rather insane.

My gear is Lore, spirit sword, rhyme bone shield, +1 pally ammy, skins of vipermagi, rare MF 30% frw boots, 25% mf gloves, manald heal, rare ring and belt.

And i was cleaning up...then I put an insight bec-de-corbin on my merc...and tis just dumb...now I never run out of mana.

No real point to this other than now i realize the power of the hammerdin...its stupid powerful.|||Yes, you can safely say it is the most powerful untwinked character the game. Even fully twinked few characters can get close, maybe a lightning sorc..|||it's powerful but personally i hate playing it because all u have to do is tele on monster and cast hammer. bring me a bit of challenge pls!|||At least lightning sorcs and javas have a weakness - respectively their low health&recovery frames and slow teleportation - in exchange for massive damage output. Hammerdins just seem to have no shortcoming.|||Quote:

bring me a bit of challenge pls!

play one w/o teleport.|||Quote:

play one w/o teleport.

I still don't think that qualifies.|||he said a bit of a challenge and i for one find it a bit more challenging to aim a hammer than when i just teleport on top of something and spam... a bit more, just a bit.|||on p8 games hammerdins have a bit hard time telestomping large groups, especially if you are using a spirit palashield. The slow block speed will get you locked and gibbed quite quickly. This is fixed by Herald of Zakarum tho.|||Actually, with HS active both Spirit and HoZ block at 2 frames. Yep. :/

I had one for a while and (even though he was my best char while I was poor) I found the play incredibly boring so quickly abandoned him.|||I did not know that. I was certain that HS only added block CHANCE and gave def.

