
Need help with figuring out damage


I convinced my buddy on East Ladder that he should make a Holy Trinity Ranger. He can get ahold of all the runes and such needed but we were trying to figured out what kind of damage output he would have when build is complete. We are also going to attempt a guide on this build when we are done playing with it. This would be a general setup:

Weapon: Ice Crusader Bow

Healm: Dream helm

Armor: some sort of Dragon armor

Boots: Gores

Rings: Unknown yet

Ammy: Mara's we are thinking

Belt: Werdungo's?

He would have all 3 elemental resists maxed and salvation maxed to fully synergize his auras. I suggested he keep salvation on all the time for the resists and then get an act 2 defiance merc and give him an infinity weapon for the conviction to enhance his own damage.

It sounds like a very rich build to me but we were just wondering on any thoughts on how this char would do and what damage he would do (give or take).

Thanks for the help|||I'm assuming this is PvM (it doesn't sound very effective PvP, anyway). Calculations of aura damage are actually fairly easy.

Assuming a 0 res monster:

49 - 209 Physical Damage (for 175% ED on the Bow)

783 - 912 Fire Damage, 129 - 150 pulse

1803 - 1861 Cold Damage, 361 - 372 pulse

8 - 5035 Lightning Damage, 8 - 839 pulse

2643 - 8017 Total Damage, 498 - 1361 total pulse

It'll be lower if your enemies have resistances. Not a bad damage output, but you are mostly relying on the lightning damage, so expect trouble when you encounter Lightning/Lightning and Cold immunes (that have unbreakable immunities; anything above 116% is unbreakable for infinity). Not that being able to kill some of the stickier immunes slowly is a bad thing. At least you can kill them.

As your build currently is "+ to skills" isn't going to be very useful so I'd recommend an amulet like cat's eye - the IAS and FR/W would be useful for a ranged character. Get Drac's for Life Tap or Laying of Hands %IAS. Gore Riders is a good choice for boots.

If you wanted to increase your damage output, you could also max conviction and make up for the lost res in charms, etc. Of course, this puts a strain on your skill points - you wouldn't finish distributing points until level 98. This would add about 3k to your damage output, though. In this case you could also get a barb merc to tank for you with a Beast axe to improve your attack speed. You'll need all the %IAS you can get for that crusader bow. (You'll need 105% IAS for the 10 frame break point without Fanaticism, 35% with it).

This is definitely a viable build. Don't take my word for it, though. You should see how your friend does.|||I am confused, is this true?

Fanaticism on your merc will not give extra attack speed:



Effect: Increases your Attack Rate and Attack Rating. Increases damage for all party members.

Crusader bow with 50% off weapon IAS is 11 frames per attack. Very low frequency of attacking. Conviction aura's -def% will help a lot since you need to hit almost every time. A blessed aim merc is an alternative with a lvl 20 fanaticism aura on the paladin without salvation. Also check with Ice in a demon crossbow for speed.

I have a feeling you will rely on your merc to help tank and even Crushing Blow certain enemies. A treachery would help it survive and attack faster!

Good luck have fun!

Speed calculator:


I am confused, is this true?

Fanaticism on your merc will not give extra attack speed

You're right. I couldn't remember whether it shared attack speed or not.

In that case you should max fanaticism instead of conviction. Keep the Infinity on your merc.

@ MCPWTB: Thanks for catching that.|||Fananticism on your merc will increase your attack speed.

As for the rest of the build: well, it's a lot of high-end runes for, ultimately, not a lot of damage. But if you think you'll have fun with it, you should definitely do it.|||Thank you very much.

Don't forget about piercing attack. You can check up on the ranger threads and see what off weapon items can give it.|||Quote:

As for the rest of the build: well, it's a lot of high-end runes for, ultimately, not a lot of damage. But if you think you'll have fun with it, you should definitely do it.


to me, it looks like an insane amount of e-wealth to spend on an ultimatly meh kind of 'toon.

this is the kind of build that can only be considered because of the widespread duping of runes.|||Just as an update:

So far we have him at lvl 45 give or take. Damage at this point is pretty pitiful. I would even go sa far as to say CRAPPY. He has maxed out resist fire and cold. Still working on light resists but we also still have points to play with. We got the runes for Ice after clearing out a couple mules and put it into a ward bow. So waiting til lvl 60 or so for that. Dream helm was an easy trade(there are a lot out there) but need lvl 63, I think, to use it. I found a 3 sock mage plate but just need Sur rune to finish it up.

So for right now. Crappy damage until he grows up a bit more. Gonna use Razortail belt for the piercing(thanks for the advice) and have drac's gloves also(good recommendation). His ammy right now is a rare +1 pally skills but we are still working on this and other aspects. Merc has yet to even be thought of. More updates to come.|||All ranger's should be running conviction themselves. I would strongly recommend checking some guides. I run kuko shakaku (for amazing hidden damage from the explosive arrows). If my conviction doesn't break fire immunes i switch to Ice Bow.

My skill points include:

Max Cold resist (synergy for cold aura on ice bow)

Max Light resist (synergy for dream helm)

Max Conviction

Thats your base. Thats 60 points right there. Thats ALOT of room for customization + your using 3hrs (Jah for dream Jah Lo for Ice bow) That may be a lot for self find builders. But if your on ladder, this won't be too hard to obtain.

Again, read up on explosive arrow splash damage. With the right charms your hidden fire damage is amazing! You won't even need any fire aura on. Its just so much more efficient and better crowd control!

Bow:Kuko Shakaku / Ice Runeword (switch) *4os Blade Bow has -10 WSM and 21 LESS Strength requirement than crusader bow which has 10 WSM. If your making Ice bow, put it in Blade Bow*

Helm: Dream

Armor: Treachery / Spirit Forge with 2x Ias Jewels / Dragon (I think this is a waste for this build but if you want to spend the extra synergy points (and High Runes) its an option and it completes your "trinity" notion)

Gloves: Lava Gout

Boots: Cow Kings / GoblinToe / Gores (Cow kings and Lava gout alone could make your explosive arrows VERY formidable when running conviction. I would suggest testing it out.)

Other slots fill whatever you need. Leech, Ias, Cannot be Frozen whatever your missing.

