
redemption or not?

well, i am making a zealer and i was thinking about spending a few points to get redemption

i get +4 from my eq(playing SP, so no anni/torch)

and then i would be spending my spare points (after maxing zeal, sacrefice, fana and holy shield) on redemption, what would mean that every point after lvl 80 could be placed in redemption

would this be usefull and why (not)?|||I have used Redemption and it's pretty cool, free potions. The problem I have is that by the time you're elite enough to be dropping points into it you don't really need. By then full healing, manas, and rejuvenations are dropping like flies.

I know alot of Hammerdins swear by it, but to me it's faster to hit the #4 key and pound a full rejuv than to switch auras and wait a second for it to pulse. Also I highly favor Dracul's on my melee characters and Lifetap keeps my health bulb filled so no use there either.

I typically put the extra points in synergies and ignore Redemption. Just an opinion.|||with +4 skills, all u need is one point in redemption imo. it should give u back enough life and mana like that|||I usually put one point in it and keep it active on switch, right-click, so all I have to do is hit W to activate it, then switch back after the choir. I don't like to pot more than I have to.|||For a PvM HDin it is totally worth it. With some +skills, its very easy to basically instantly get all your mana/health. I don't like eating my full rejuvs for some reason (never need to anyway), so I just like using redemption if I got mana burned or somehow took a bunch of hits.|||That's the point I'm getting at, most high level players never have to use a potion. Why waste a skill point for Redemption and have to aura switch when you're leaving full rejuv's laying all over the ground?|||It's a useful tool against mana-burners in particular. Not preventing the burn, but recovering quickly from it without having to pot.|||Quote:

It's a useful tool against mana-burners in particular. Not preventing the burn, but recovering quickly from it without having to pot.

Zeal costs a paltry 2 mana per use. Just having mana leech is almost always sufficient to keep Zeal going, even with mana burners around. When it does become an issue, chugging a blue/purple is going to get you swinging again quicker than Redemption.

If you are going to use Redemption on a zealot, just remember that it's a one-point wonder and it's uses a far less numerous than on a Hammerdin, who doesn't have any method of leech. I'd use it after battles to top me up before the next fight, but I wouldn't rely on it while trying to take down a mob.

You would be better off focusing your efforts toward a PI solution (if desired) or increasing Defiance to enhance defense from Holy Shield. More than one-point in Redemption just isn't going to be of any more benefit.|||I'd say for a zealer it isn't really needed unless you've got nowhere else to put those extra points. Life leech/life tap keeps a zealers life at 100% for the most part, and the zeal skill doesn't use enough mana to really require redemption. If you have any sort of mana leech or +mana per kill your mana shouldn't suffer at all.|||I would agree with the other posters thats its not needed. Better off using the points to synergize your holy shield so you get hit even less...

