
The Uberdin Guide v1.0

The 1.11b Uberdin by dthseeker

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Skills

3. Stats

4. Gear

5. Inventory

6. Stash

7. PvM Tactics

8. PvP Tactics

1. Introduction:

First off, this guide isn't on how to play the game or a paladin. If you have troubles with that you will not be able to make this character, maybe even understand the terminology used in this guide. This is also a perm/legit guide so take your wiz gloves and such elsewhere.

The Uberdin is the only character that you will have no troubles with rushing hell, taking on ubers (covering pvm), and sweeping pubbies (pvp). If you had to make one character that was the most efficient at beating the game, the Uberdin would have to be it. You possess the strongest pvm attack in the game, and also have the godliest pvp skill at your disposal (desynch charge).


-Kicks arse

-Has Desynch Charge so can take on anyone in pvp, although there are hard matchups

-Has Blessed Hammer and Teleport, which pwns pvm except for ubers, which you have Crushing Blow and Lifetap

-Has no true weakness

-Can run around town fast (more useful than you think) and has redempt for almost infinite full juvs during pvm


-Basically a cookie cutter with extra gear in stash

-Hammers are not a direct spell, so if you don't enjoy the finesse of getting close but not going into the oppositions line of fire in the process, this char will not be fun for you in pvp (not an issue in pvm)

-Expensive. I will not list out poor options, as it's not even difficult to get high runes anymore. Start collecting pgems mr. vipermagi-on-my-pally.

(Note: Do not confuse the Uberdin with an Paladin that's made to fight ubers.. they are completely different characters.)

2. Skills

20 Blessed Hammer

1 Smite/Charge/Holy Bolt/Holy Shield

20 Concentration

20 Blessed Aim

1 Might

20 Vigor

10 Resist Lightning

1 Prayer/Defiance/Cleansing/Redemption

Total: 99 Points, done at level 88 including skill quests.

Afterwards dump your points into Resist Lightning or Holy Shield.

This gives you base 80 resist lightning, with the blessed hammer and synergies/aura maxed. The one point redemption is the endless free full rejuvination potions in pvm.

3. Stats:

There's too much variability here where I can't give concrete numbers (i.e. not having an anni is the difference of 20 strength), but I can say that DO NOT WORRY IF YOU WASTED A FEW STAT POINTS, 99.99% OF THE TIME IT WON'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Strength: Blah blah enough for gear blah blah blah.

Dexterity: 75% block with holy shield. Make sure you cast BC BO then holy shield when putting points in for max block.

Vitality: The rest.. you should definately have at least 300+

Energy: If you accidently put a point into here don't kill yourself. If you accidently put two points in here kill yourself.

4. Gear:

I will list what is recommended and one cheaper alternate. If you can't get either just quit.


86% fhr

75% or 125% fcr

30+% DR

Maxed and stacked resists in hell (enough to nullify conviction completely)

Max Block

9k+ hammers


Crown of Ages 'Ber Ber' - This is where you're getting most of your DR%. Has a good amount of resists and fhr too. High str requirement but well worth it.

Alternative - Harlequin Crest (socket with a 15res/7fhr jewel or Ber)


+2 Pally/10fcr Amulet - 10fcr is a must. Other mods you should look for are res/+str/+life/+mana in that order of importance

Alternative - A no-skill fcr amulet. The fcr is a must.


Enigma - If you can't afford this you are in no position to make this build. Put in mage plate for non-CoA (Crown of Ages) builds, put in Archon or Dusk Shroud for CoA build.

Alternative - Didn't you catch me making fun of vipermagi boy earlier?


Wizard Spike '15 res all/7fhr' - 50 fcr, 90 res all, this thing is godly

Alternative - HoTo, but I don't recommend it. You already do enough damage and the resists are crapola when you think doubling a perfect one doesn't even touch wiz spike.


Thundergods Vigor - With 10 into resist lightning and this on, no light char in pubbies should touch you with 90 light resist and good stack. It also adds a buttload of strength and vitality.

Alternative - Verdungoes if you're using shako and want higher DR. I still recommend T-Gods though


35 fcr Spirit in an elite Pally shield (at least 35+ base resists) - Just look at the stats and tell me they aren't good. 2skill/55fhr/35fcr and resists where you need the stack.

Alternative - 35 fcr Spirit in a regular pally shield. This is just as effective except you do a little less smite damage than an elite with grief on (unnoticeable really).


Ravenfrost - Aim for 20 dex and 200+ ar. CbF is a must for desynch charge.

FCR Ring - Other mods you're looking for are Resists/AR/str/life/mana in in that order.

Alternative - Ghetto Raven/magical FCR ring (please don't resort to this)


Waterwalks - Nice boost in stats (effectively) about +22 vita +15 dex for a perfect one, and +5% max fire resist.

Alternative - Sandstorm Treks. Use these if you need the fhr breakpoint.


Act 2 Holy Freeze or Defiance will do nicely. Equip him with Insight, Fortitude, and Vampire Gaze (I suggest this over Andy's for the massive DR)

5. Inventory

The highest Paladin Torch you can get, go for higher resists than stats

The highest Annihlus you can get, go for higher resists than stats

3-4 Paladin Combat GC's

20x 5 res sc's

Rest life sc's

*Note: you can really mix and match here. Just try to stack a lot of resists and get at least 3 P Combat GC's.*

6. Stash


Gore Riders

Grief Phase Blade

Kira's Guardian 'Lo'

This is bare minimum. Ethreal 35+ resist Elite Pally Shield Exile is highly recommended. You can put other things such as Wisp Projector, Dwarf Star, Hot Spur, at your leisure, but those are really crutches.. you should really be able to beat anyone in a pubby with the gear you have on (save grief/wiz spike switch occasionally).

7. PvM Tactics

General PvM

1) Take out all your lifer sc's then res sc's until you remove 10x sc's total.

2) Buy a tome of town portal. Now you have 8 slots to pick up any uber godly item that will probably not drop but just in case.

3) Make sure merc's out. Whenever you're in act 4 take insight off of merc so he doesn't get gg'ed by Iron Maiden. Yes this means you will have to drink mana pots from time to time.

4) Hotkey your skills to zxcvasdf etc. This way you can shift click for standstill hammer a lot easier. I have z-teleport x-concentration c-vigor v-redemption. Have hammer on left click and z right-click x shift-click click click click click v rinse and repeat (if you followed that congrats).


Switch out:

Trangs for Dracul's

Waterwalks for Gores

Crown of Ages for Kira's

Wiz Spike for Grief

Spirit for Exile if you have it

There are a billion uber guides out on the nuances of how to take out ubers, but a few things to keep in mind.

-Kill your merc in act 4 before going through portal. Merc walks around when you walk through portal in that little lag time and may spawn mephy, in which case you will be dealing with hell without even starting.

-ALWAYS spawn one at a time. Don't worry that meph is also summoning 1000 skeleton archers and mages while he is coming out. You would rather deal with that than 1000 skeletons + Baal + Diablo and their minions.

-I always start in the south, where griswald would usually come out and attack you (slowly inch towards the middle until you see one come at you)

-Have concentration on right and smite on left. Hold down on boss. If you only have dracul's you may have to drink some full juvs until life tap triggers. Otherwise just watch and wait.

-When you have killed the bosses clean up a little bit with hammers

8. PvP Tactics

You'll learn as you go along, but some main pointers..

-Desynch Hammer/Charge is done as follows: Put on Charge/Vigor or Charge/Concentration, Shift Click around (charge around) then switch your left click skill from charge to hammer. If you are desynched this will create a desynched or invisible hammer. With Charge/vigor you can charge towards them in diagonals so you desynch yourself and the opposition won't even see you come up to them and hammer in their face. ezpk.

-Use grief on zons/most sorcs/some sins. Smite/charge at your discretion. With the ideal setup even when you switch out Wiz Spike for Grief you still hit the 75 fcr breakpoint, so you will surprise many with melee/hammer combo

-If a hack fc zon comes out (there's usually 1 every pubby), put on you're Kira's and Grief and nk until they leave

-You have a crapload of stack so don't be afraid of the foher or cold sorc.. just desynch charge hammer or tele hammer on him right after his foh when he's vulnerable

-It's pubbies, if you get nk'ed more than 2 times than leave

That's it! That's my guide! I realize that the PvM and PvP section could be more in-depth, and probably will be in future versions.|||It looks like you've put a lot of effort into the guide, but nobody has replied. :undecided: Perhaps it's because players with that level of wealth will already have Hammerdins in their 90's, and have already found ways to shore up their few weaknesses.

I'll fire off a few questions - seeing as I'm a PvP ignoramus, consider this discussion material to add depth to your guide. :wink3:

  • Why 10 points in Lightning resist instead of the more usual Holy Shield? Do you activate it for 95% overstacked light resist when fighting javazons/light sorcs/trappers?

  • Does the lower defense from not having a high level Holy Shield become a problem against say melee charcters or bowazons?

  • Isn't desynching considered a bug exploit? How does this build fare without desynching?

  • Is AR a problem when Charging, given the lack of skill points that boost AR?

You'll notice all my questions are about PvP. With that equipment setup, PvM should be a walk in the park for just about any Paladin build. And 1 point in smite + CB + life tap is tried and tested against ubers.|||Quote:

It looks like you've put a lot of effort into the guide, but nobody has replied. :undecided: Perhaps it's because players with that level of wealth will already have Hammerdins in their 90's, and have already found ways to shore up their few weaknesses.

I'll fire off a few questions - seeing as I'm a PvP ignoramus, consider this discussion material to add depth to your guide. :wink3:

  • Why 10 points in Lightning resist instead of the more usual Holy Shield? Do you activate it for 95% overstacked light resist when fighting javazons/light sorcs/trappers?

  • Does the lower defense from not having a high level Holy Shield become a problem against say melee charcters or bowazons?

  • Isn't desynching considered a bug exploit? How does this build fare without desynching?

  • Is AR a problem when Charging, given the lack of skill points that boost AR?

You'll notice all my questions are about PvP. With that equipment setup, PvM should be a walk in the park for just about any Paladin build. And 1 point in smite + CB + life tap is tried and tested against ubers.

Thanks for the first reply

I'm not quite sure why this is getting no response.. I mean the alternate setup isn't ghastly or anything (most expensive item is... paladin spirit? i guess it is a bunch of high-end items, but I could get any of the alternate setup items for 5 high runes or less)

1. You get a passive 1% max light resist for every 2 points into LR. This means 10 points into it will give you a 5% max light resist bonus without even having it on. Combined with the Thundergod's Belt your lightnign resists will be at 90% at all times, rending most light chars useless. Now, there are still some farcast zons with very good gear that can kill you without putting on a Lo'ed Kira's Guardian.

2. You have 75% Block and 39% DR and high life. Melee is not really an issue because of this. Bowazons have Guided Arrow so they "hit" all the time. Your defense will be 10k on the good side, so any well-equipped barb will hit you, but again block and DR are the important things unless you're a zealot or something.

3. Yes it is a bug exploit.. I'd say just don't abuse it too much, but the fact is even my 200fcr fireball sorc desynchs sometimes when I don't mean to. If you use Charge/Concentration, you aren't moving as fast as Charge/Vigor, and you desynch a lot less, so it is a legit way to move if you use concentration. Otherwise you do have 125fcr teleport, which can also be used to place hammers where you think they will run.

4. You're usually charging Zons, Sorcs, and Sins. None of those have amazing defense so AR is usually not an issue. What some of the more rich paladins do is have Demon Limb in stash so they can use Level 23 Enchant charges which skyrockets their AR and that way they can hit other characters as well.|||Hello, I have a hammerdin right now and he's only level 25. I am doing chaos runs and pretty much killing everything, b/c I have level 8 concentration and level 8 bh, with level 7 vigor and some levels into blessed aim.

Must I get Holy shield? I know that a high leveled holy shield can give about 3x times the armor, but is it worth all that points?

Also, is "Resist Lightning" really worth the 10 points?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Any suggestions on the best ways to level and gain xp? When I do chaos run, I get a moderate exp. I do Act 5 and I get no exp, even though I can kill Baal and his minions so easily.|||*LINK REMOVED*

Note that this is written in the barbarians section of the external site, however the "old fashioned way" works for any char.


Of course leveling isn�t fun, but it can be, and you should get a glitched rush if you can.

Here�s how to glitch rush:

Have a friend get you to Act 5 Normal and then find a killing baal game, in the game you�ll get the quest if you�re partied to someone who needs the quest when baal is killed.

Repeat these steps in nightmare and then do Hell Chaos Sanctuary runs to get to level 60 (a high level friend should help you with this)

After that, you�re ready for hell baaling, and you should leech experience from the higher level players until you�re high enough to wear your gear. When you can wear your gear you can start killing monsters and in that way get to level 90 or maybe even higher if you do enough runs!

WW kills all non physical immune monsters and whenever you see a physical immune, you can simply switch to BERSERK and kill him easily.

If you want to level the old fashioned way it will work like this

From Levels:

1-15 Tristram Runs (normal)

15-20 Tomb Runs (normal)

20-25 Cow Level (normal)

25-26 Ancients (normal)

26-40 Baal Runs (normal)

40-41 Ancients (nightmare)

41-65 Baal Runs (nightmare)

65-66 Ancients (hell)

66-99 Baal Runs (hell)|||Guide Reopened.

Members, Please don't link any other forums or sites to this or any other Guides.
|||Just as an added thought, against those tricked out lightning Zons or lightning Sorcs, you could activate your 10 point resist lightning. This would bring your max lightning resist to 95%, and also stack on a further 113% lightning resistance.

Of course, damage is going to be a lot lower without Concentration, but then again, you'd be able to completely nullify the opponent's attack. |||So can I get an answer to my questions? |||Quote:

So can I get an answer to my questions?

Most Hammerdins max Holy Shield, because like you mentioned, it gives an immense defense bonus. Even at one point with +skills, it provides a very useful defense bonus and chance to block. I would recommend at least a point in it.

What differentiates this build from the classic Hammerdin is the 10 points in resist lightning which helps a lot against lightning sorcs and javazons. The author argues that while defense is lower without maxing Holy Shield, it will not make much of a difference in PvP as you will not be engaging in extended melees against other melee characters.

At the end of the day, where you put your points will depend on whether you want a classic Hammerdin, or this build which shores up a weakness against lightning.|||Sorry for the late reply... I didn't know this was put back up until now.

Lanceor- Agreed to your response except for the part where you turn on light resist for light enemies. It is much easier just to put on Kira's Guardian with a 'Lo' which really screws them over if it's pubbies. Although that works for travelling around, in pvp you would only do 3k hammer damage as opposed to 10k.

xelnanga- If you have crappy +skills (less than ideal gear), then put the rest of your points after level 88 into holy shield cause it won't last long enough to make a difference. Yes 10 into Holy Shock makes a huge difference.

You want to put a point into holyshield because it's only 1 extra point, not a bunch of points... in pvp you need charge and smite and blessed hammer is the skill right before Holy Shield, so it's only 1 point.

