

Last time I played much D2 I made a Zealot/Smiter, it was fun and was great for Uber Trist. I was thinking I would just remake but I don't really like making the exact same char again.

I thought I could make a semi-Auradin (just the dual dreams) mixed with a normal Zealot.


20 Conviction (main Aura)

20 Resist Lightning

20 Holy Shield

20 Sacrifice (Zeal synergy)

10+ (rest) in Zeal


"Dream" Helm

"Dream" Pala Shield

"Beast" Caddy (or tell me why a Zerker Axe is alot better)

"Fortitude" Armor (maybe Guardian Angel)



Rising Sun

2 x Raven

Thundergods Vigor

I don't really know if I have enough IAS to hit the Zeal breakpoints, the whole build is just an idea atm. It should be tough enough with life tap and all that sorb I've built in.

I have a couple of questions-

Do I need more IAS?

What kind of dmg do I loose for not having a Grief PB?

Will not having Dragon/HoJ make the auradin part of the build too weak?

How will it do in Uber Trist? I think OK, I will be able to block Mephis conviction, any other problems though?

Thanks for any advice.|||You need 12 more IAS to hit the last Zeal BP as far as I can tell, which mean trading the Rising Sun for Highlords might be a good idea (plus, that should give you a nice double-damage chance).

I don't Uber Trist as I play SP, so hopefully someone can chime in on that regard. Maybe the lowish CB% will hurt, but you should have decent enough physical damage and the dual-Dreams should provide plenty of Light damage, while your Conviciction aura should make it so you hit the Ubers, but that's all theory crafting on my part.

I'd say if you have the wealth, give it a go. You can always put the items to use somewhere else.|||This is one of my favorite builds! He is my go to guy for UT as well.

If you haven't read Doll Call's guide in the stickies, I'd suggest you give his dream zealot variant a look.

The stats look good, but you could consider putting 20 into zeal and 10 into sacrifice to get a lot more AR while giving up a little damage. Also, you only need 25 in conviction after all plus skills. Put the rest of the skill point in your zeal synergies.

I would suggest a different weapon. Think about using a Grief PB (with at least 35 ias on it), and then making up the IAS with Hilords ammy and Laying of Hands gloves. You need 72 ias to reach the fastest zeal bp and 65 to reach the fastest smite bp. Trade out one of the raven frosts for a rare dual leach ring. You can also consider a different armor, like duress for more CB/res or enigma for 2+skills/speed/DR, or COH for 2+skills/res/DR.

When you go to UT, just switch out the LOH for a pair of Dracs and you are set. The 15% CB from Gores is good enough in UT, but it is faster if you get more. You could consider putting on a Duress armor/Nos Coil/Goblin Toe boots to keep your smite BP and get 40% CB (this is what I do currently) and things go much faster that way.

To answer your other questions - you will give up a lot of damage by not using Grief, but I can't give you the exact number. Maybe someone else here can help out. You don't need the fire part of the auradin build. Remember, you deal dual physical and lite damage as a dreamer. That's why you really want to pump up your physical damage and use the hardest hitting weapon available. With a Grief and the gear changes suggested above, you will have no problems in UT. Just remember to smite the ubers and zeal everything else and keep the conviction aura on.

Good luck and have fun with him!|||I thought 200ias was needed to hit the 4frame zeal? Wouldn't it be worth it to use beast to be able to get there? Just need 75ias more with beastz. Easily done with treachery(45), highlords(20), and Laying of Hands(20) or Nosferatu's(10)... or else you need a faith merc or give up conviction and get an infinity merc? What is most effective?|||one downside is the ctc Confuse on dual dream which overwrites lifetap...although it is not that big an issue since bosses cannot be tagged by confuse|||for ut i�d switch to guilli & zaka

