
Help me create a Purificator (Cleansing based martyr)

This will be a PvM build, cheaply clothed, or even untwinked. Well, most probably, because if you invest a lot, and take Sacrifice as main skill, I bet everyone would go with the regular Martyr-build. Any idea for useful expensive equipment would be welcomed.

The main skills will be : Sacrifise + Cleansing.

I finally want to build a paladin which rely purely on the Sacrifise skill (the regular Martyr uses Zeal to call out Life Tap from Dracul's), and not suicidal. I don't mind if it won't be top in strenght, only wish that it can stand on its own, and be a unique supporter in a party.

The basic of it will be: only be hurt what you can heal back. So unlike the usual, fanaticism-based build, it will only slowly evolve its Sacrifise.

The other danger what can appear is, that because of the fast healing from Prayer and most probably regeneration items + lifesteal, I wouldn't notice the need of health, so it will also not imediatelly evolve its Prayer aura (used via Cleansing).

The reasons I chose Cleansing: it frees me (and others) from equipping poison lenght reducing items, and removes the annoying and dangerous Amplify Damage (from cursed ability). Anything else it removes is also nice. The idea is, to invest into Cleansing just as much what removes the curses fast enough, so I think it will end up between level 10-15, 20 will not be necessary.

Fortunatelly Cleansing no longer reduces friendly effects' duration.

For Normal difficulty I know what to do: 5 Sacrifice, 7 Cleansing, 12 Prayer, and some point into Holy Shield (what will be maxed by time). Put an Ancient's Pledge on as shield, and all will go fine.

The equipments I have in mind are:

armor: Skin of the Flayed One. It gives a hugh amount of lifesteal and life-regeneration (so much it basically doubles the effect of Prayer for the Purificator himself). It is an exceptional armor, rarely used, so most probably cheap. If someone wants selffind it, it can be found at Nightmare Mephisto.

rings/amulets: As the attack-skill will develop slowly, and it doesn't provide immense AR anyway, the angelic-combo (amu + ring) seems attractive solution for a long time. Can not be frozen would be welcomed, therefor Ravenfrost for the other slot - this also helps with the AR.

What equipments I'll avoid: anything with +X% dmg vs. undead or demon (because it makes things unpredictable). This means scepters will not be a real options strangely - not that the skillbonuses would mean too much for this build I think.

The problems I see: the lack of elemental damage. Charms can help in multiplayer mode, but I'd prefer another method besides this, as untwinked people almost never find good elemental damage charms.

I am at this point on the planning, any idea (or personal experience) would be welcomed.|||You should consider using an insight poleaxe. It gives meditation which also befits from a high level prayer. Also try using a prayer merc for even more passive healing.|||I guess I don't understand well enough the interaction between Prayer and Cleansing, since they are fairly little-used PvM skills.

To obtain the synergy to Cleansing, do you have to have hard points in Prayer, or will being under the influence of a Prayer Merc do the trick?

And if you truly wanted to make a full Sacrifice build, couldn't you max it's synergies, and then aura swap between Fanat and Redemption whenever you were in a pickle and wanted the extra healing from nearby corpses?

It just seems counter-intuitive to me to go with Cleansing as your full-time aura, since it's not a synergy to Sacrifice while Fanat IS, not to mention the higher AR from Fanat.

If you can find a way to capitalize on the Prayer bonus while only getting the aura from your merc (even if it takes a hard skill point), then you might not need to worry about loading up on all that Life Regen gear. Between Life Leech, Lifetap, and Prayer and then the option to flash your aura to Redemption, theoretically you should have more than enough to counteract the effects of Sacrifice.|||Quote:

I guess I don't understand well enough the interaction between Prayer and Cleansing, since they are fairly little-used PvM skills.

To obtain the synergy to Cleansing, do you have to have hard points in Prayer, or will being under the influence of a Prayer Merc do the trick?

And if you truly wanted to make a full Sacrifice build, couldn't you max it's synergies, and then aura swap between Fanat and Redemption whenever you were in a pickle and wanted the extra healing from nearby corpses?

It just seems counter-intuitive to me to go with Cleansing as your full-time aura, since it's not a synergy to Sacrifice while Fanat IS, not to mention the higher AR from Fanat.

If you can find a way to capitalize on the Prayer bonus while only getting the aura from your merc (even if it takes a hard skill point), then you might not need to worry about loading up on all that Life Regen gear. Between Life Leech, Lifetap, and Prayer and then the option to flash your aura to Redemption, theoretically you should have more than enough to counteract the effects of Sacrifice.

The merc's aura - as far as I heared - works paralell your own Prayer-effect. So if you have an slvl10 Paryer, an slvl 7 Cleansing, and a merc with slvl 5 Prayer, you end up with slvl 15 Prayer and slvl 7 Cleansing, when the merc's aura is active, and your active aura is Cleansing (one of the major adventage of Cleansing is, that the Prayer-effect happens without manacost).

@Quwink: I think the Insight rw gives nothing but Meditation aura. Prayer-effect is not included (as I had many characters with Insight, I'm pretty sure in this).

So Kbarlfist yes, you have to have hard points in Prayer.

And even if it'd turn out the other way (there might be something I don't know about), I still don't want a Prayer-merc along me. Sacrifise is not a fast skill, and only hits one target, so for Normal difficulty I prefer Defiance-merc, and for the rest of the game HF-merc.

Now what you describe is the "Kamikaze" version of sacrifice-using paladin. The usual guides try to describe the Martyr in that version, but if you check they all die in the beggining of Nightmare difficulty, because they cause too high damage to themselves (this happens most probably exactly at the time when they aquire their first Exceptional quality weapon instead of normal quality, and the jump of the damage simply kills them. Or maybe when lifesteal no longer works - in A2).

And on Lifetap: I expressed previously I don't want to invest too hard into equipment, and this build will be different from the regular Martyr what uses Dracul's with Zeal to activate its Lifetap (I feel a waste to spend 20 skillpoints on Zeal, and I don't like builds what only work in Multiplayer circumstances).

My plan is on the other hand to go on the safe side, and go hardcore.

Redemption seems to be a good synergie to Sacrifice for minor damagerise and as health-insurance (not to mention corpse-destruction).|||I made a similar character. I relied on lots of PDR, Prayer from myself and my merc, and ample use of Conversion and Smite. I used Lightsabre for a weapon for speed, low damage, and because his AR was bad. Here's a write up I did: click.|||Quote:

You should consider using an insight poleaxe. It gives meditation which also befits from a high level prayer. Also try using a prayer merc for even more passive healing.

Works poorly. You die much faster even with 2x the life regen. Unless your purely support you will want a shield. What works better than blocking 75% of hits?|||I've finished Nightmare difficulty, so I write down my experience, to continue this "guide". So:

Suggested skill-improvement for Nightmare:

Prayer 17

Cleansing 13

Sacrifise 9

Also keep improve Holy Shield, and put a couple of points into Redemption.

Some details on the skills:

Rising Cleansing is advised, because the curses' duration are extended on the higher difficulties. Above 13 hard points on the other hand seems not reasonable, as the bonus becomes greatly reduced after that. If you happen to aquire some +skills it will be nice t have though, so 13 hard points should be spent.

Sacrifise seems to depend more on your lifesteal, then your regeneration. During Normal difficulty you easily regenerate every hits from monsters, but on Nightmare only against average monsters will this work. With the weapons avaiable, 9 hard points seems to be the safe level, keeping in mind the occasional +skills you might have.

Now on the other hand Prayer, and other sources of regeneration are excelent healings when you draw back. So the strategy against large ugly mobs should be hit them a couple of times, and when you start to get hurt run back a couple of steps. This is easier if you have a Holy Freeze mercenary of course, and works in harmony with Cleansing's cure-reducement. This also makes having lifesteal a must. When you start Hell difficulty, Prayer should be maxed of course.

In party:

You're melee, but not a barbarian, so play middle-ground: protect the mages in the back with your body from the monsters that manage to get separated from their mob.

Your most useful role will be to keep summoned creatures alive, but your healing effect will help other players too, especially weaker patymembers (like rushed characters who manage to get themselves hit occasionally). Prayer is really like making people constantly drinking health-potions.

Equipments for Nightmare:

Strangely I didn't feel the lack of CBF an unhandlable disadvantage (but of course for Hell it is a very-very good idea).

You can finish Nightmare with ridiculously weak weapons, like Skewer of Kritniz (if you upp this scimitar to exceptional level - I've used that, Coldkill, and Ginther's Rift during Nightmare). The lack of AR starts arise, so if you have ITD, or can afford an Eth rune into your weapon, that can help (strangely no unique weapons offer streight AR-bonus, did you notice this?).

Physical immuns: they can be killed (even if slowly) if you have some element-damage charms at least (even crappy ones will do). If the mercenary has some elemental attack on him, that's also sufficient. A note: swarm-clouds can be killed with pure physical attack, even if they are PI (this is also true in case of the regular ones on Hell difficulty).


armor: Skin of the Flayed One (etheral if possible)

weapon: I still have no idea for the end. It seems Sacrifise deals damage to yourself if you actually hit (the animation still happens if you miss), and deals damage based on the physical part you manage to do, so Double Strike seems to be a bad idea. Appart from that, and maybe its speed, Fleshripper seems to be a nice idea. From the uniques other possibilities I consider (advise from readers would be welcome here): The Atlantean (nice bonuses, but high statrequirement), Ginther's Rift (nice speed and some magic damage), Azurwrath (for elemental damage, speed and aura). I did not check the runewords yet.

shield: I prefer lots of resists here, so allres paladin shields with 3 sockets (Ancient's Pledge for now, Sanctuary later)

ring1: Ravenfrost for CBF and AR

ring2 and amulet is undecided (I try to find something else to repleace the angelic-combo, but it'll require testing Hell difficulty)

belt: String of Ears for lifesteal and physical resistance

gloves: Bloodfist for the nice FHR, IAS and life

boots: Goblintoe. CB can fasten your killing rate beside the low AR. But this is personal preference, and if you'd have other source of CB, the boot can be changed (I'll maybe try to examine Fleshripper later). I thought through for CB-purpose using Guillome's instead, but that offers worse choices for other slots (mostly corellates with boots) as far as I see.

helm: I still not decided. Rockstopper seems to offer nice resists (in case I'll need. I hate dolls and snakes on top of it. Earlier I had a similar character what reached lvl77, and got killed by a doll-blowing up, but I have the notes on that and compare with the current experience), but Stealskull have very attractive mods in case I can manage the resists.

I will updated when I finish Hell difficulty (or when I die. I'm on closed b.net, Europe realm, with character "metalinsect").|||Forgot to suggest this last time, do a google search for "SSoG's Abbott". It is a guide on the Amazon Basin so I can't link it. The guide is a PDR/Prayer non-martyr build, but it has lots of interesting information.|||I made an Hdin with a maxed prayer before. Using insight and having cleasing active, while merc uses pride. Kinda sucked.|||Quote:

I made an Hdin with a maxed prayer before. Using insight and having cleasing active, while merc uses pride. Kinda sucked.

You already said shield is required.

In the meantime I've reached lvl60, and only not have from the planned equipment the boots and the weapon (I don't use angelic combo either). I think the best would be to have Azurewrath and Fleshripper the same time (one of them being in switch).

Until this point I had no problem at all (tomorrow will I walk on feet alone nightmare Act5), just have to pay attention positioning my character to the edge of mobs what sorrounds my merc (the paladin has low maximum hp compared to the other melee classes, so it is not a good idea letting yourself sorrounded).

The merc dies rarely, and I rarely drink any potions. My killing-speed is absolutely acceptable. Of course I'll never be able to use something like Grief, but who cares.

It seems Cleansing also reduces the already not too long stun durations on the party, what is a big help against urdars and such (almost negates the effect entirely).

