
Why am I so horrible

So I read Giga's Hammderdin guide, along with some other posts on here to see how a hammderin should be built and geared. I then went about the tasking of building this amazing cookie cutter character, trading for the best of the items (that I could afford) and getting rushed. the problem I have is that I can't kill ANYTHING, and by anything I really mean anything. Currently I am trying to get to the Arreat's Plateau to finish my quest there on Hell, and there are 2 Hell Lords killing me as soon as I step foot in the area. I got this toon rushed, so I know this is a lrn2play issue, but not sure what it is I am doing wrong. I am currently lvl 77, and these are my skill/stats including bonues's from gear and charms:

167 STR

54 Dextertiy

435 Vitality

43 Energy (Misclicked here)

Defensive Auras

15 Prayer

15 Cleansing

15 Defiance

34 Vigor (Max)

Offensive Auras

15 Might

15 Blessed Aim

34 Concentration (Max)

Combat Skills

25 Smite

25 Holy Bolt

25 Charge

44 Blessed Hammer (Max)

33 Holy Shield


135 Shako

40 Res Hoto

12% Enigma

200% Zak

30% Magefist

170/15/15/70 Trek's

120% Arachs (In stash cause I can't wear yet)

2x SoJ

30 Mara

On Swith


45% Res Spirit


17/11/5 Anni

15/15 Torch

9xPCombat (1 w/ 12 FHR)

Merc has

eht Insight Thresher

Eth CoH MP

Eth Vamp|||low fcr and low level. get up to 125fcr (or at least 75, you're sitting at 60 which isnt anything), run the pits until you're higher level. even up to just 80 will help.

oh and respec and get rid of your extra holy shield. max BA instead, it's a synergy after all.|||In addition to Crawlingdeadman's advice:


54 Dexterity

You need max block. You currently have ~30% chance to block. Those frenzytaurs are beating the stuffing out of you because you're only blocking 1/3 of their hits and your level is low enough that they almost always hit.|||i thought his big investment in HS would account for his low dex. he probably has decent block% but i'm too lazy to open the block calc. but yeah, i second Karth's advice. you're melee range, you should have max block.|||Make sure that u have blessed hammer on the left mouse button and concentration on the right mouse button. If you do that you should be tearing thru monsters with ease! I don't know what u're doing wrong.|||Quote:

i thought his big investment in HS would account for his low dex. he probably has decent block% but i'm too lazy to open the block calc. but yeah, i second Karth's advice. you're melee range, you should have max block.

After that first point a hdin with all his +skills doesn't gain too much more blocking %. 54 dex checked out to 30% ctb or so with HoZ and that level of HS.|||Your gear is very nice but definitely look for the max block with your cta shouts active and HS on. Respec to max your vigor, blessed aim, concentration, then hammers last. Like the guide says, use your extra points in HS then throw down your dex, with your +1 skills shout active. That way you're not wasting any points in dex. Granted, once you get ~90 you can respec again and drop maybe a couple of those points in dex for some vit once you can get a few more in HS. But really, with your gear, the +skills have made the huge difference. It'll take a couple of points to get just +1 block rate on HS and the points in synergies and then hammer make a much greater difference. Try finding an fcr +res ring to bump your fcr a little. Also, with what sounds like the wealth you have, look for a +2 pally 20fcr circlet. When all is said and done you should be tearing the house down.|||Actually this seems like a perfect example of lrn2play, no offense.

What Qwink says seems like the most obvious problem of why you're not doing much damage.|||Quote:

Your gear is very nice but definitely look for the max block with your cta shouts active and HS on. Respec to max your vigor, blessed aim, concentration, then hammers last. Like the guide says, use your extra points in HS then throw down your dex, with your +1 skills shout active. That way you're not wasting any points in dex. Granted, once you get ~90 you can respec again and drop maybe a couple of those points in dex for some vit once you can get a few more in HS. But really, with your gear, the +skills have made the huge difference. It'll take a couple of points to get just +1 block rate on HS and the points in synergies and then hammer make a much greater difference. Try finding an fcr +res ring to bump your fcr a little. Also, with what sounds like the wealth you have, look for a +2 pally 20fcr circlet. When all is said and done you should be tearing the house down.

Don't need to max hammers last if you have an insight merc, you're just killing your damage if you do that.|||ohh that is true as far as merc goes. Either way, your damage should be rather decent as long as you have that conc aura going. I have a similar set up except I use a spirit instead of the zak for the fhr and fcr bonuses and my hammers are running 9k+. With your many skillers you should be doing 12+ I would think. I suppose that the BA synergy not being maxed could be making a difference, but you should still be around at least 5k without it. The concentrate is what makes a huge difference with the hammers power.

